GOP Recruitment of Castle Failing?

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009

From the News Journal:

“I’ve been calling him and e-mailing him and I’ve been encouraging my other colleagues to call him and e-mail him and go by and visit him,” said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee. “I got sort of an indication the other day we ought to kind of back off a little bit.”

The GOP is SO DESPARATE for Castle to run, and in their desparation, it looks like they have annoyed the object of their affection. Hahahaha. It would be priceless if Castle declines to run due to the pressure he had received from the national GOP.

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  1. My reaction: Hahahahahahahahahahaha

    The RSC is Castle’s stalker. I don’t blame Castle for not wanting to talk to Cornyn! LOL!

    My gut is telling me that Castle won’t run. He just doesn’t sound enthusiastic about it, at all. He didn’t even bother to make an appearance at the state convention.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Further, if you read that article, the Senators who are browbeating Castle repeat Castle’s responses:

    “Let me have some time to decide.”

    “”I guess if you could jump out of airplanes when you’re 80 and 85, I guess I could consider running.”

    These are the words of a man who really does not want to run.

  3. Yep, same feeling here DD. I think he doesn’t want to run but probably knows that the GOP needs him.

  4. LaNuit says:

    I’m very torn about this race. I don’t know who I want least, Mike Castle for 6 years or Beau Biden for the rest of our lives…

  5. anonone says:

    It will be interesting to see if the pressures not to run are greater than his determination to run solely to spite Jason and watch him walk naked down Main Street in Middletown.

  6. Another uninformed post.

    Mr Castle attended the state committee dinner and told the crowd he was attending the wedding of a retired state Trooper who was on his detail while Governor. The convention had no contested races and was organizational in nature.

    As for 2010 and the Senate, the GOP will regain that seat no matter who runs.

    Mike Protack

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Sounds like Mike just announced.

  8. anon says:

    The earlier Castle announces, the longer Dems have to line up a strong opponent. Which would be a deal-breaker for Castle.

    I’m betting he is not getting in unless a deal gets cut to make it a sure thing.

  9. MJ says:

    Actually the Borg Queen (O’Donnell) is going to assimilate the Pornstache to create a super wingnut candidate.

  10. Geezer says:

    LaNuit: I know which way I vote in that one. One term of Castle is a much better deal than a lifetime of Beau.

  11. jason330 says:

    As for 2010 and the Senate, the GOP will regain that seat no matter who runs.

    Mike Protack

    That is a good example of the higher level thinking that Mike P. is known for.

    Back on Earth…The Biden’s need Castle to run to confer legitimacy on Beau. Right now they are worried that Castle might step aside without putting up a fight.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    Actually, it will only be 4 years of Castle. The winner of the special election serves until 2014, i.e. the last 4 years of Joe Biden’s term, of which Kaufman will serve 2.

  13. Delaware Dem says:

    Mike P.:

    An inanimate carbon rod could defeat you or O’Donnell.

  14. Geezer says:

    DD: Thanks for the reminder. Even more reason to vote for Castle, in my nepotism-despising opinion. I’m willing to hold my nose that long in order to put the kibosh on a political career that has no reason for being other than to please Beau’s old man.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    To each his own, Geezer. 4 years in my opinion is too long to give Castle to pretend he is a moderate. Indeed, in the Senate, his false facade has graver consequences.

    Democrats will reach out to him on the Supreme Court and Stem Cell, and Castle will cave to the right. It is his M.O. Further, the man is old. But I suppose Geezers vote for Geezers.

    I am unwilling to indulge Castle any further.

  16. smyrnadudette says:

    I was at the Dem convention on Saturday and was TOTALLY impressed by Kaufman. I wish he would run for the seat.

  17. ‘Bulo thinks that someone with a pornstache and a monster butt would make an ideal candidate.

  18. I liked Kaufman too. He gave a much better speech than Carper!

  19. Geezer says:

    DD: Not that stem-cell research needs his vote, but you misread Castle if you think he’ll stand with the GOP on that one.

    There’s no guarantee Beau will loiter in office as long as his father did, but it’s not a chance I’m willing to take. IMHO, a law-and-order Democrat is like no Democrat at all.

  20. anon says:

    National politics aside – Delaware depends on a national recovery for its own fortunes; thus we cannot afford even one more Republican in the Senate if we can avoid it.

  21. John Manifold says:

    “IMHO, a law-and-order Democrat is like no Democrat at all.”

    This kind of Naderite logic gave us Nixon and W.

  22. Time to move on says:

    The sad reality is the GOP should not be wasting time on Castle. Castle should retire.The party will never move on with old ways and the same old people as the make believe leaders.

    Proof was this past weekend as we suffered through a convention where Ross was reelected. A guy who was a failure as County Chair, a failure as Wilmington region Chair and now as state chair.

    Cathy Murray was elected to vice chair. A person who has the number of coffee parties she has hosted on her resume. No clue and nothing to add.

    Kate Fortsen was elected Secretary and she could not deliver a 3 minute speech without help. Totally uninspiring and nothing for the GOP plus her husband is Richard Forsten, a midget who calls himself Shark to act tough.

    The saddest part is the love affair the GOP has with the old DuPont days evidenced in the constant thrusting of Charlie Copeland down our throats. How bad did Denn beat him? Face it now, any one else who got a beating like that would be driven out of town. Celia Cohen is back to prop Copeland up.

    In the end only two Republicans have the statewide recognition to run in 2010, Copeland and Protack. One can’t win and the other the GOP elites don’t want to win.

    No, I did not forget O’Donnell, her waist line is now bigger than her ego.

  23. RSmitty says:

    Awesome!!! Is this a prelude to the return of postcards?!

    Hey, puppet, what have you done?

  24. Geezer says:

    Sorry, John M, I don’t see where Humphrey or Gore qualify as “law ‘n’ order” Democrats. Joey Boy, on the other hand, has sucked cop dick since Day 1.

  25. Geezer says:

    Jason O’Neill strikes again.

    Mike Protack is a Proven Liar, and has already destroyed one political party in the state by doing so (RIP, Independent Party of Delaware). Do you really want his fundamental selfishness and dishonesty to destroy another?

  26. Delaware Dem says:

    Nice, Geezer.

    I fail to understand the antipathy in general you have towards police officers.

  27. Pooty Tang says:

    The GOP elites don’t want Copeland to win?

  28. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahahahaha!!!! (both at the comment and at the name of the commenter).

  29. Pooty Tang says:

    El Pooty Tango hears it on the wind that Pathetic Protack harbors ambitions of being the communications director for the party. Even more bueno is the Head Imbeciles In Charge at the Cannery have invited him in to discuss it. Que Precioso!

  30. jason330 says:


    LOL. It took me a second as I had to read down the comments.

  31. Time,

    Are there people waiting in the wings to take over the DE GOP. The impression we get on this side of the aisle is of a shallow bench.

  32. Geezer says:

    “I fail to understand the antipathy in general you have towards police officers.”

    My antipathy isn’t towards police OFFICERS, it’s towards police leadership and its outsized power in Legislative Hall. Surely you couldn’t have missed that.

    My antipathy is fueled by, just for instance, the repeal of the 4th Amendment so that our highway patrols could be turned into medieval highwaymen. All proceeds gathered go not to the general fund, which would be bad enough, but towards buying new toys for cops.

    My antipathy is fueled by public policies that allow off-duty police officers to work as security guards, leaving citizens with no police protection in the face of repressive private-party policies.

    I could go on, but don’t feel I owe that much of an explanation.

    You, on the other hand, might explain why you have a problem with someone who doesn’t like Democrats — you know, the party that used to represent the rights of the powerless — cottoning up to cops — you know, the party that generally represents the powerful.

  33. anon says:

    Pathetic Protack harbors ambitions of being the communications director for the party.

    With his magic router he could fill several positions simultaneously (Republicans are all about efficiency).

  34. jason330 says:

    “Time to move on” has gone rogue. Protack is all lovey-dovey w/ the DEGOP now. (What choice do they have, but to accept him at this point?)

    When he gets the shaft, he’ll be back in crazytown yelling out people in the Super-G checkout line, but for now he is on the inside.

  35. RSmitty says:

    …but for now he is on the inside (of the router), in a Tron sort-of way.

  36. John Manifold says:

    “My antipathy is fueled by public policies that allow off-duty police officers to work as security guards, leaving citizens with no police protection in the face of repressive private-party policies.”

    There’s a winning electoral strategy! No extra-duty jobs for cops!

    A bit like ’68, when substantial numbers were justifying their anti-HHH bent by the felicitous phrase, “Off the pigs.”

  37. Cheese says:

    No, I did not forget O’Donnell, her waist line is now bigger than her ego.

    What has she ever done to honor herself with a big ego? Remain a virgin?

    As for 2010 and the Senate, the GOP will regain that seat no matter who runs.

    It’s hard to understand the idiocy that is this guy. No matter who runs? If Castle doesn’t run, it goes dem easy. If Castel does run and wins, it likely would be one of the few bright spots for the DE GOP in over a decade. For that matter, it might be one of the few bright spots for the national party. The dems are poised to pick up a minimum of five Senate seats in 2010, maybe more.

  38. I am always amazed at the pure stupidity and childishness of folks who come here.

    I spent most of the day with my Mother who has advanced dementia and a host of other problems but I can assure you she has an edge on most of the people who post here.

    Lovey dovey? I am lovey dovey with getting the GOP moving again and after 2006 and 2008 that task is getting tougher and tougher but can be done.

    For the record, I have supported Mike Castle on this blog many times.

    Still, Thanks for the laugh.

    Mike Protack

  39. Pooty Tang says:

    El Pooty Tango notices that Pathetic Protack uses the ‘mi madre’ excuse every time the sock puppets emerge. Viva la router boy!

  40. I am always amazed at the pure stupidity and childishness of folks who come here.

    I could pull several of your comments out at the drop of the hat that fall under that category Mike.

    You aren’t above it. Especially for a person that wants to be governor.

  41. RSmitty says:

    Yup, DV. Old-gum-under-shoe speaking here.

    FTR, and sorry to ruin the fun, but even I would seriously doubt Mr P would even entertain primarying Castle. Primary against O’Donnell? That’s a completely different story.

  42. anonone says:

    Primary against O’Donnell?

    Please, please, please, make it happen, Old Gum.

  43. a. price says:

    Don, you know what’s funny? Mike Protack, a man who thinks he could be governor.. someone who claims to be the rally man for his party…. MIKE PROTACK is kept awake at night, thinking of witty responses to bloggers and of YOU personally and how to “get ya” with just the right insult. I would LOVE it if i could do that to someone as crazy as MP.

  44. Geezer says:

    “There’s a winning electoral strategy! No extra-duty jobs for cops!”

    The fact that you consider such an issue on no merits beyond its utility as an electoral strategy says all I need to know about you. I’m not a Democrat, asshole — I just register that way so I can vote against the lousy ones, like the Bidens. And the rest of the cop-lovers.

  45. A.,

    I think it’s all a part of the rebuilding the DE GOP. It starts with spamming liberal blogs, then ???, then electoral success! (apologies to the underpants gnomes)

    P.S. to Protack if you’re reading – saying someone is stupid is not particularly witty

  46. orestes says:

    Ever notice whenever Protack is challenged anywhere he brings up that his mother has dementia and he has to take care of her?

    (How about not running for office Mike and really spending quality time with her.)

    Sort of like John Edwards in 2008 who had his cancer stricken wife doing the attack dog routine instead of spending full time fighting her illness.