Ramone/Peterson Bill to Cut NCCo Council to 9 from 13

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009

Community News reports…

The bill also would eliminate the elected office of County Council President. Instead, the president would be selected from among the three at-large members by all nine council members.

If Karen Peterson thinks it is a good idea, it deserves consideration.

If they are cutting Bill Bell off from the gravy trail, let me be the first to say, “Hell yes.”

h/t Delaware’s best political cartoonist, Rob Tornoe

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. RSmitty says:

    Awesome. Then get someone credible and willing to do the work he/she was elected to do, and we can defeat Powers in 2010, whether it’s via the Primary or General. We can finally get real representation for we sub-canalers!!! Oh, and Geek, too, that Canal-Yankee.

  2. anon says:


    –maybe. Needs to be thought through.

  3. Frieda Beryhill says:


  4. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Can it be extended to include the city of Wilmington too? Elect the president from the body and delete the three at large seats….they do not reflect the city anyway or there would be two black at large and one white instead of the reverse.

    Go, Karen, go…………………..

  5. PI says:

    The only possible trap I see is the one we’re in by having 12 council members in the first place.

    Remember, the vote to hold council to 6 passed both chambers and it was RuthAnn the Meaner who vetoed the bill. She backed the expansion because electing 6 new council people that year would bring out more voters and she needed all she could get.

    To my thinking, the only thing better than nine council members is no council members. There are too many layers of leaders in this little state.

  6. anon says:

    I’m not getting the electoral math about “double the representation.” (Ramone quoted in the article). But then I don’t trust Ramone.

    This needs some precinct-by-precinct analysis to determine if it would give Republicans undue influence (or Dems for that matter) via the at-large seats, for example in a year when the Dem wave is weaker but still a majority in its districts. Where’s xstryker…

    That said, I’m not sure what’s to fear from a Republican council; they couldn’t bend over for developers any farther than they already are.