First & Final Call: “Not Just More Democrats, Better Democrats”

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009

El Somnambulo is doing the preliminary work on his series, to be entitled “Not Just More Democrats, Better Democrats”.

The Beast Who Slumbers hereby sends out an RFP for suggestions and, if appropriate, supporting argument/information as to why your particular nominee(s) should be included. He will pay you nothing for your hard work. Like the State, ‘bulo’s broke.

Here are the parameters: ‘Bulo will only consider those Democrats up for reelection in 2010, as he is focusing on that election cycle. So, otherwise-automatic contenders like Paul Clark, Bob Venables, Tony DeLuca, KWS, and half of the slugs on New Castle County Council, are not eligible. If you’re not sure whether your nominee is up in 2010, submit them anyway, and El Somnambulo will check it out.

Even in his preliminary work, the Beast Who Slumbers has identified 13 prospective candidates. However, he is omnivorous, not omniscient.  He is depending on readers to provide ideas, because, while he is well-versed on the General Assembly and statewide offices, he really doesn’t know what’s happening at the county/subdivision level and, as he’s proven, he’s not 100% correct on his statewide observations either.

He intends to do a Top 10 Countdown, just like he did with the Top 10 Rethuglican Targets series, and he hopes to begin the series in early June. Decisions are El Somnambulo’s alone, and subject to his whims, caprices and hallucinogens. However, the order of the countdown will be predicated on three weighted factors: (1) The sheer putrefaction/uselessness of the incumbent, in the opinion of  ‘bulo; (2) ‘Bulo’s evaluation as to which incumbents are most vulnerable to a primary challenge and (3) the likelihood of an R takeover should there be a bitter primary. While, in general, ‘bulo would prefer to minimize risk of a party switch, he can tell you that there are at least 3 likely finalists where ‘bulo would be happy to see that result, and there could be more once the list is finalized.

One word of caution: Do not ask whether your choice is on ‘bulo’s list. He will not tell you until you read the list here. Besides, that isn’t the criteria for submitting names. The Beast Who Slumbers really wants to have as many ‘deserving’ nominees as possible before he starts.

The floor is yours.

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  1. When is Uncle Thurm up?

  2. nemski says:

    I guess Nancy Cook doesn’t make the cut. 😉

  3. Susan Regis Collins says:

    I nominate present city councilmember Charles Potter, Jr. to challenge (state senate) Harris McDowell. All other Dems in the district please remain seated. Thank you.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Can you include a special preview to 2012, just so you can get BHL’s name into your list? You know, sort of like that end-of-show tagline, “Next week on ‘Bulo’s….”. You can provide a teaser to 2012.

    UI…Thurm is up in 2010, so list away.

    As far as NCCo, that will be Hollins (did you see his DE Voice column today?) and districts 1-6. Which brings up BILL POWERS in dist 6! OUTTA THERE!

  5. Smitty is to beef what Nancy Cook is to pork.

    To quote Emeril: “Pork fat rules!” Which means it’s just possible that Nancy Cook is ‘prime cut’.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Smitty is to beef what Nancy Cook is to pork.

    Wow. I must be some fine, marbled beef! Slow-cooked, no doubt. Did you get your fava beans, yet?

  7. PBaumbach says:

    Look at which Democratic party senators voted No on the vote to suspend the senate rules to bring HB1 to the senate floor for a vote. Adams, Blevins, Cook, DeLuca, Ennis, McBride, McDowell, and Venables, Move those who are up in 2010 to the head of the class.
    Look at which Democratic party senators fail to sign the petition or vote to suspend the rules to bring HB5 to the senate floor for a vote. Likely you’ll have some repeat offenders.

  8. John Manifold says:

    Let’s motivate the General Assembly to eliminate mandatory minimum sentences for drug crimes. House Bill 168. Make calls now, congratulate co-sponsors, talk with others, make plans to attend June 3 hearing.

    It’s a gut check. It’s also common sense.

  9. PBaumbach says:

    Big surprise–guess which Dem senators are not listed as sponsors/cosponsors of HB168? Adams, Blevins, Bushweller, Cook, DeLuca, Marshall, McBride, and Venables.

    See a pattern?

  10. I second McDowell.

  11. John Manifold says:

    McD is beyond his sell-by date, but Potter is the wrong candidate. Perhaps his wife Velda, the state treasurer?

  12. PBaumbach: Sponsoring or co-sponsoring a bill, or failing to do so, is not really a criteria that ‘bulo will prioritize.

    Some legislators ‘sign on’ to lots of pieces of legislation, some are more selective, and some aren’t obsessed with co-sponsorships.

    Neither is El Somnambulo. Not signing onto legislation is not really a predictor as to how someone will necessarily vote.

    You can’t measure effectiveness or even legislative priorities through co-sponsorship. Since it’s Memorial Day weekend, and ‘bulo is already celebrating, you’ll just have to trust ‘bulo on this for now…

  13. Reis says:

    Shout out to Paradee (the good one). Hope he makes El Jefe’s list.