
Filed in National by on May 24, 2009


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hiding in the open

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.

  2. I would suggest those like you who hate this country take a long look at a picture of Arlington National Cemetery, that is where freedom came from.

    Also, a question. Which is worse, interning over 100,000 Americans or the picture you chose?

    I guess FDR was a war criminal? The people he imprisoned were U S citizens.

    Mike Protack

  3. You don’t have to suggest shit to me Protack. Your a joke to your party and a joke of a human.

    don’t tell me that I hate this country. I just have standards. Standards that our country set and used to adhere to.

    So, go run for governor again and lose.

  4. anon says:


    you see, even tough you disagree with Mike, you do not have to call him a “joke of a human”

    until you see this truth, you will wonder why liberals and democrats often fail: they demonize the other side, just as they do you…the only difference: dems and liberals claim to be the ones who dont……

  5. Stein says:

    OH MY GOD!!! How horrible!

    This is so much worse than the mass murder of Americans or the beheading of innocent journalists. It’s also worse than the internment camps of WWII and slavery.

    Putting a hood on this guy’s head and making him stand on that tiny box is by far the worst thing in American history!