Organizational Change

Filed in National by on May 24, 2009

Is the top down, hero CEO, hierarchy based organization doomed? Probably not because Republicans will always be with us and they simply can;t get enough of the hero CEO model.

For the more evolved amongst us, there is little doubt that organizational change Is coming.

Here is the part that relates to blogging.

Rise of Amplified Individuals. Two years ago, Time magazine’s Person of the Year was … “You.” You, the individual, Time proclaimed, were in the driver’s seat as a creator and consumer of products, services and ideas. The story was right but only partially so. We are not talking about the powerful individual operating on his/her own. Amplified individual power derives from his connections to the collective resources and collective intelligence of multitudes of others. It is this ability to connect to their knowledge, tap into their resources and rally them when needed that amplifies individuals’ power and gives them unprecedented ability to bypass traditional organizational structures and boundaries.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. As long as Bob Rubin is the shining example of a Dem Exec I will take the Republican model.

    Rubin was paid more than $100 million with no formal responsibilities except to help drive Citi in to a ditch.

    Also, the former CEO at Delta was a big time Dem and he left the company in bankruptcy, tokk $16 million tax free when he was fired and cut pensions and pay for everyone else.

    I will pass on the Dem model for an executive.

    Mike Protack