And they just don’t stop. The victimization du jour consists of the usual suspects claiming that the Obama Administration decided to preference the closing of dealers who are Republican. Any guesses on how this turns out?
Nate Silver takes a look at the universe of political contributions from folks claiming to be car dealers and finds that 88% (of the data reported) contribute to Republicans. So that would mean that the odds are good that when Chrysler sends out its notices, they will be taking out more Republicans than not. And be sure to read the whole thing. Nate does the work that our innumerate repub friends can’t.
An even cooler look at the universe of car dealers was done by the Off the Map people — who tried to correlate the Chrysler dealership closings with Unemployment Rate, Foreclosure Rates, Number of Registered Automobiles in the State, Registered Automobiles per Person in the State, and Population Density. And while they can’t find any solid correlations for any of these economic categories, I do note that it looks like more dealerships are closing in Blue States.
Just remember that this argument is being made by people who — just a few months back — were arguing for letting every bit of Chrysler and GM fail. Including these Republican dealerships. And now that the car companies are cutting back more than union workers they’ve got their victim hats back on again. Because if repubs get hurt in the deal it must be because Dems are getting their paybacks. Heaven forbid that they should happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time like the workers who have been laid off. Another Fail for the so-called party of business.