Archive for May, 2009

Repost: BSD Board Election Candidate: Dr. Aletha Ramsuer’s Reply to my questions

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 12 Comments

In an effort to give the BSD candidates more exposure for the answers I am reposting both Here is Dr. Ramsuer reply in full: Also, Here is her website: Name: Dr. Aletha Ramseur District: Brandywine Date of birth: 03/18/1944 Residency (development and town): Talley Hill, Wilmington, DE Education: PhD Education – Curriculum and Development […]

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Repost: BSD Board Election Candidate: Cheryl Siskin’s Reply to my questions repost

Filed in Delaware by on May 11, 2009 9 Comments

In an effort to give the BSD candidates more exposure for the answers I am reposting both Cheryl Responded to me yesterday around 6pm and I waited to post the answers until this am.  Both candidates answers will be reposted Monday.  So if you aren’t reading this now you will read it later, which will […]

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The Incredible Shrinking Republican Woman

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 15 Comments

Seems like a no-brainer to me, especially given what you see on display at nearly every Republican event/press conference/news show.  Lot’s of old white guys.  Where are the Republican women? Of course, there are fewer Republicans than Democrats of either gender in the two houses. But even on a percentage basis, Republicans suffer a gender […]

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Christina School Board Candidate Elizabeth Scheinberg

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 8 Comments

Tomorrow is the big day, and if the education of your children is important to you, then you should be voting tomorrow in your school district. But in voting, it helps to be informed. Thus, Delaware Liberal has submitted questions to a number of school board candidates, hoping that their answers will better inform you […]

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Daniello vs Some Union Guy

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 56 Comments

I’m a labor guy, but what we don’t need is more union control of the Democratic party. (Especially union guys that support pro-labor Republicans)    Labor is an important Dem constituency, but it is not the only Dem constituency.     Daniello is a mean, low down, bastard.   However,  his contempt for Republicans is […]

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Am I missing something?

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 10 Comments

Longhurst’s point seems to be that it is easier to get things done without certain people around.  Longhurst said she accomplished more without Heisler at the table than when he had attended… Okay. But couldn’t that rule be applied to anyone at anytime? Isn’t being on the bad guys side of this part of what it […]

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Rogue Financier U. S. Drug Informant?

Filed in National by on May 11, 2009 0 Comments

 The (UK) Independent reports that Texas billionaire ‘Sir’ Allen Stanford may have been an anti-drug informant for the American Drug Enforcement Agency for a decade and, in return, Stanford was given official government protection to run his scam banking empire free of government oversight. A BBC Panorama programme, to be screened tonight, alleges that the […]

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Late Night Laughs

Filed in National by on May 10, 2009 2 Comments

Before viewing this video, put down all beverages if you value your computer. Jimmy Kimmel presents Unecessary Censorship: Sesame Street [youtube][/youtube]

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Filed in National by on May 10, 2009 4 Comments

Shouldn’t the Teabagging Rick Jenson following sheeple direct some of their anger at the BS going on with Harrington?

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Filed in National by on May 10, 2009 18 Comments

We all remember David Feherty’s heinous remarks. “From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this though,” Feherty wrote toward the end of his column. “Despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in […]

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Kowalko on Minor Fee Increases for Multi-Nationals vs. Major Pay Cuts for 6% of DE Workforce

Filed in National by on May 10, 2009 29 Comments

John Kowlako and Philip Kaplan wrote this editorial which makes a strong case for minor fee increases for multi-national corporations that call DE home because we have corporate tax laws that they drive truckloads of money through. Delaware citizens are facing an uncertain future that threatens to tear at our state’s long term health. Republican […]

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Jeff Montgomery’s ‘Must-Read’ on Harrington and the Delaware State Fair

Filed in National by on May 10, 2009 11 Comments

El Somnambulo believes that nothing demonstrates the moral and ethical decay at the core of the ‘Delaware Way’ more than the cozy relationships between the Delaware State Fair/Harrington Raceway and the state’s political powerbrokers. In today’s News-Journal, Jeff Montgomery writes an essential investigative piece outlining what’s there once the rocks are lifted. It is must-reading […]

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Red Clay School Board Candidate Kim Williams Responds To My Questions

Filed in Delaware by on May 10, 2009 3 Comments

So far Eric Randolph and Kim Williams have responded.  I am still waiting to hear from Peggy Vavalla and Bill Hall. Kim Williams’ answers: 1.  Why are you running for school board, and what are the top three things you’d like to accomplish during your term?  For the last eight years I have been active […]

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