Archive for May, 2009

Republican Legislator Dabbles in Science

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 6 Comments

Yep. A bad combo. Rep. Bernard Ayotte, a Republican, said he couldn’t support the legislation because it would provide legal protections to people whom he said suffered from hormonal imbalances causing same-sex attractions. “By all indications, homosexuality in human beings seems to be generated by imbalances in the human body,” he said. “As legislators, it […]

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(insert harry kalas) “OUT”ta here….Charlie Crist…

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 24 Comments

The Republican governor of Florida, Charlie Crist, who is strongly considering a run for Senate, will be outed in a independent film being released tomorrow. The film, “Outrage,” tracks the outings of prominent gay political figures, such as Crist and former Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. It’s being produced by Magnolia Pictures and will […]

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Kowalko Proposal Follow Up

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 7 Comments

This letter has just been sent to Governor Markell’s Communications Director, Joe Rogalsky. ——————————————————————————————– Joe – As you know, Governor Markell asked for input on his suggestions to balance the states budget and we think that John Kowalko made some pretty good revenue creating suggestions which included: raise the Franchise Tax Cap for Corporations — […]

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Merck creates fake Journal for it’s drugs

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 7 Comments

Teh AWESOME! In its efforts to sell fatally flawed drugs, Merck produced and published a fake journal, the Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine. Elsevier was quite happy taking their money for printing it—and keeping quiet about it, too. Perhaps the marketing department at Merck should be given an award for its creativity…right before […]

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Breaking: Ridge is Out.

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 12 Comments

Tom Ridge will not be running for Senate in Pennsylvania. From Politico, his statement: “After careful consideration and many conversations with friends and family and the leadership of my party, I have decided not to seek the Republican nomination for Senate,” Ridge said in a statement. Now the race is the Democratic Primary…between Specter and […]

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Manny Ramirez suspended…

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 6 Comments

NEW YORK (AP)—Manny Ramirez(notes) was suspended for 50 games by Major League Baseball on Thursday, becoming the latest high-profile player ensnared in the sport’s drug scandals. The commissioner’s office didn’t announce the specific violation by the Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder, who will lose about one-third of his $25 million salary. “Recently I saw a physician […]

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The Death Spiral

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 11 Comments

Time magazine, which is generally considered the more conservative of the pair of weekly news magazines, hits the nail on the head in next week’s cover story: “As the party has shrunk to its base, it has catered even more to its base’s biases, insisting that the New Deal made the Depression worse, carbon emissions […]

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The Gasp you just heard was from the offices of Blue Hen Promotions

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 4 Comments

Governor Markell: Delaware State Government Will Open Checkbook to Public DOVER – Following through on his promise to make Delaware state government more transparent, Gov. Jack Markell announced today that Delawareans will soon be able to go online to see how their tax dollars are spent. “During these historically challenging financial times, it is critical […]

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More Catholic than the Pope.

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 13 Comments

I’ve got my differences with his Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, but at least I feel he is a consistent man as to placing the utmost value on human life. He opposed the Iraq War as unjust and spoke out about it frequently. He is against the death penalty. He is against stem cell research. And […]

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Mike Castle’s Unique Gun Control Genius

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 1 Comment
Mike Castle’s Unique Gun Control Genius

Check out these google search results: Pretty amazing. The top result “Dems say” fits into a media narrative that Castle is able to ride like Kelly Slater at Snapper Rocks. He knows that most voters just need an occasional crumb to remind them how “moderate” he is, just how he knows how politically impotent Delaware’s […]

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At least it wasn’t a little boy…

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 12 Comments

[youtube][/youtube] The best part is when they bring in the Loud Mouth aka Bill Donohue of the Catholic League.  Read up on this guy, he’s a peach.

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Question of the Day

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 17 Comments

Is the FBI investigating the Insurance Commissioner or her office?

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No Viagra Before 10?

Filed in National by on May 7, 2009 25 Comments

“If Viagra Commercial Withdrawal Syndrome persists for more than 4 hours, contact your local TV station immediately.” 2 US congressmen are trying to ban the airing of Viagra and other ‘erectile disfunction  TV commercials before the hour of 10 p.m.: Austin Durrer, an aide to (Rep. Jim) Mr. Moran in his Washington office, told Ad […]

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