Archive for May, 2009

Breaking News: Castle to Retire or Run for Senate seat

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 25 Comments

Heard on WDEL at around 4:35 today Mike Castle stated that being a congressman is really hard work and a lot of people don’t realize how hard it is. He went on to question the health and age of recent flipper Senator Specter. Commenting on his being 80 soon, Castle wondered if Specter is serving […]

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Around the Horn Friday Evening

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 4 Comments

Today is my birthday, so that is my excuse for this being late. But real life work keeps intruding. Resolute Determination points us to a profile on Tom Kovach (a Republican we will be targeting) in the Delaware Today. Kavips recaps the showdown between McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt and Obama campaign manager David Plouffe […]

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Homeless Man Reports 800% Boost in Donations From Better Signage

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 3 Comments
Homeless Man Reports 800% Boost in Donations From Better Signage

It all comes down to marketing. via boing boing

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Great Drive Time Line up at WDEL

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 0 Comments

Loudell has outdone himself. . At 4:35 today you’ll be able to hear Mike Castle explain that while the Republican Party has some wacko motherfuckers running the show (paraphrase), it is nevertheless still a national party. Castle will also no doubt express some confusion about why in the world Arlen Specter would want to leave […]

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Happy Mission Accomplished Day !

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 6 Comments
Happy Mission Accomplished Day !

Six long years since victory in Iraq.   I’d like to join David in praising George Bush for his iron will and unflinching devotion to peevish, dry-drunk lunacy.  Also, Tom Carper, Mike Castle and Joe Biden.   Really great courage everyone demonstrated.   First rate job guys!

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Casting Call: “Leviticus Deux; The Second Coming”

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 11 Comments

You might have missed this in the NJ but this Saturday at Love Park in Philly they are doing casting calls for a new movie funded by Lions Gate.  “Leviticus Deux; The Second Coming” is going to be a modern day bible story.  Set in the year 2002 Jesus was apparently killed by Islamic Terrorists.  […]

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Earning a “Perception”

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 16 Comments

If I were a Republican I’d write off the minority vote – and I’d stop pretending I don’t know why. Conservative talker Jay Severin via Think Progress: So now in addition to venereal disease and the other leading exports of Mexico — women with mustaches and VD — now we have swine flu. … We […]

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Friday Bacon Blogging: Farmageddon!

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 12 Comments

Big week for porcine fans of all stripes, this week.  Epidemiologists usually don’t get primetime spots to talk about their interest in pork, but they just may save our bacon this time. Political afficionados will love the jokes.  For example, it was pointed out to me that people said that an African American would be […]

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When History is written for W and for America

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 31 Comments

There will be comma after comma after comma, but one sentence will eventually stand alone and out as the single worst thing this country has ever done.  America under Bush 43 Tortured. That alone will catapult W to the top of the worst presidents list.  He will stand among disgusting men that tortured people.  The […]

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‘Bulo Seeks Help from Internet Sophisticates

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 13 Comments

The Beast who Slumbers has been cruising  surfing the nets for some time now. He likes to think that he is able to learn new things. He has long since figured out what ROTFLMAO and YMMV mean. He has even coined one himself, ‘IESHO’, meaning ‘in El Somnambulo’s Humble Opinion’. He has learned all sorts of […]

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Conservatives Are The Reason Support For Gay Marriage Is Rising

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 1 Comment

Conservatives are becoming hysterical, and their rhetoric proves it. “The NOM has argued that it is not a homophobic organization, but Card’s remarks suggest otherwise. Card, who represents the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on the board and received an effusive welcome last week from NOM president Maggie Gallagher, supports criminalizing sex between […]

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Comment Rescue: Ted Kaufman Totally Pwns Tom Carper

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 13 Comments

Nancy Willing points us to this Ryan Grim story at HuffPo which reports that Carper pulled in 1.5 million from the bank lobby.  And what did the banker’s get for their investment? Not simply Carper’s vote on the Durbin amendment, but a PR flack embedded in the Senate. “Carper, however, the no vote from Delaware, […]

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Breaking news!!! In Delaware

Filed in National by on May 1, 2009 3 Comments

The swine flu is apparently…. are you ready wait for it wait wait the flu (insert panic scene in airplane) [youtube][/youtube]

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