Word of Advice

Filed in National by on June 1, 2009

When you’re making a statement about a victim of a crime, don’t do the following:

  • attack the victim in the statement
  • express concern about how the crime will affect your movement.
  • express concern about the state of the victim’s soul
  • If you feel the urge to do these things, you’re better off making no statement at all.

    About the Author ()

    Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

    Comments (11)

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    1. Do the first and third points apply only to abortionists, or does it also apply to child molesters?

      Will you follow such advice if the crime victim is named Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, or Donald Rumsfeld?

    2. Rebecca says:

      Ya nailed that one U.I. Your hypocrisy meter is working very well, and it is so early on a Monday morning.

      Also, best wishes to DV as he starts his work week. We’re all pulling for you.

    3. Do the first and third points apply only to abortionists, or does it also apply to child molesters?

      To Catholic Priests…yes

    4. jason330 says:

      The sad thing about Tom S and RWR is that they are straight up dupes and suckers.

      The so-called “pro-life” movement is not concerned with reducing the number of abortions being performed. If they were they would be working to get sex ed in schools and making birth control and family planning programs more available.

      They would not be pushing bogus “abstinence programs” which increase the numbers of unwanted pregnancies and thereby increase the numbers of abortions.

      No. The so-called “pro-life” movement is about keeping Randall Terry’s compensation package robust.

    5. Yes, it applies to everyone. When Charles Manson dies, I will not put out a statement. I may be thinking “good riddance” in my head.

      Jason, you are definitely right about it doing little to stop abortions. I think the harassment has worked to some degree, since there are only 3 clinics in the entire country where a late term abortion can be obtained. However, this so-called late term abortion ban does not do anything but put women who need this procedure at more risk. All it did was ban “head first” procedures. What type of procedure is performed used to be determined by what is safest. Now women who need the procedure (assuming they can get it) may face a higher risk of uterine puncture and other complications.

    6. Tom S. says:

      “The so-called “pro-life” movement is not concerned with reducing the number of abortions being performed. If they were they would be working to get sex ed in schools and making birth control and family planning programs more available.”

      Go fly a kite.

    7. jason330 says:


    8. MJ says:

      RWR – WTF does child molesting have to do with premeditated murder by a gun-toting facist?

    9. If someone shoots and kills a child molester, is it appropriate to note that the victim is scum.

      You know, like many of us view Tiller the Killer — and had the integrity to say so.

      Or let me give you a different example — Jeff Dahmer was evil, but I still viewed his murder as wrong. And since someone mentioned Manson, I’d consider it wrong if he were murdered — while I would still forthrightly condemn his misdeeds.

      Tell me — if someone killed Dick Cheney, would you not criticize him (something you folks often do here) as you condemned his murderer’s actions?

    10. jason330 says:

      Please. I think we all know what your reaction would be if this domestic terror cell was made up of leftists instead of a bunch of Republicans craze-bags.