Cheney: Saddam/Al Qaeda Link? Uh, Never Mind

Filed in National by on June 2, 2009

All the carnage. All the lives destroyed. All the billions shoveled down the rat-hole. All of this based on a lie.

A lie that Dick Cheney now admits:

June 1 (Bloomberg) — Former Vice President Dick Cheney disavowed intelligence he once cited to suggest that then-Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein collaborated with al-Qaeda to stage the Sept. 11 attacks.

Cheney said today that information by the Central Intelligence Agency of collaboration between Iraq and al-Qaeda on Sept. 11 “turned out not to be true.” Still, Cheney said a longstanding relationship existed between Hussein and terrorist groups, including al-Qaeda, that justified the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. 

On whether Hussein helped al-Qaeda carry out the 2001 terrorist attacks, Cheney said, “I do not believe, and I have never seen any evidence, that he was involved in 9/11.”

His fall guy? CIA Director George Tenet. Because torturing false information out of prisoners and lying about ‘yellow cake’ from Niger wasn’t enough, he demanded that the CIA provide proof, and he embellished that thin gruel to make his case. 

This man, who now galivants about the country defending the Bush Administration policies and criticizing Obama for ‘making us less safe’, has now admitted that the war he engineered was built on lies, as was the torture carried out to buttress his claims,  and enabled by hand-picked lawyers who had no compunction about shredding the Constitution.

If that does not constitute war crimes, and if Dick Cheney is not a war criminal, then there is no such thing as a war criminal.

(An El Somnambulo Tip of the Sombrero to the indispensable Daily Kos.)

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  1. As of this weekend he was still pushing the Iraq-al Qaeda link in his speeches. I find it amazing that he’s admitting he’s wrong. Is he now admitting to lying in his speeches?

  2. Rebecca says:

    Hey El Som,

    Tomorrow night, that would be Wednesday, June 3rd, at 7:00PM the Progressive Democrats for Delaware will gather at Delaware Democratic Headquarters for a panel discussion led by DelawareDem and Drew Fennell from the Delaware ACLU. We’re going to be talking about torture, war crimes, and the BushCo-12 attorneys who enabled them.

    You and all your DL buddies would bring a lot to the discussion. Hope you can join us.