If Sarah Palin gets it, so can you.

Filed in National by on June 2, 2009

Sarah Palin (R) on Monday condemned the murder of Kansas physician George Tiller.

“Regardless of my strong objection to Dr. Tiller’s abortion practices, violence is never an answer in advancing the pro-life message.”

“I feel sorrow for the Tiller family. I respect the sanctity of life and the tragedy that took place today in Kansas clearly violates respect for life. This murder also damages the positive message of life, for the unborn, and for those living. Ask yourself, ‘What will those who have not yet decided personally where they stand on this issue take away from today’s event in Kansas?’

We all must be in bizzarro world. Sarah Palin sounds reasonable, even insightful with her last question there, and Dick Cheney supports gay marriage.

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  1. jason330 says:

    The first comment in the link blog post reads:

    Yesterday’s killing of Tiller is tragic and completely contrary to our rule of law. Further, I pray for comfort to his family.

    Balancing this, however, is the sense of joy I have for the infants who will NOT face death at the hands of this American version of Dr. Mengele.

    This wingnut puts the Mengele reference after the claim that he is praying for the family.

  2. Remember in 2008, Sarah Palin refused to call people who engaged in anti-abortion violence “domestic terrorists” in an interview. I wonder if anyone will ask her if she thinks Roeder is a domestic terrorist?

  3. David says:

    Sarah Palin is always thoughtful and reasonable. Maybe you should listen to her more intently. Your headline is puzzling, who reading the blog supports killing Tiller?

    As for the comment, this guy killed 60 thousand babies including more late term abortions than anyone. He deserves no praise, but he deserved his right to a day in court under the rule of law. The problem is the unjust law which allowed such unspeakable practice. It is the law which must be changed.

  4. David says:

    The answer is that he isn’t a terrorist, he is an alleged murder. He is not in some organized effort to bring fear to create political, economic, or social change. He is a disturbed lone gunman who has a history of violence. That is not hard to understand.

  5. Wrong, he’s a terrorist and a murderer. Yes, there is an organized effort to create fear about abortion. Operation Rescue harasses women who go to clinics and harasses people who work at clinics by picketing their neighborhoods, picketing the workplaces of their spouses and publishing their names and addresses in their literature and on the internet. Dr. Tiller had to ride around in an armored vehicle and wear a bulletproof vest. He had been shot in both arms and his clinic broken into many times.

    David, if you don’t admit that this is terrorism then you are just enabling this behavior.

  6. Yes, Palin is thoughtful and reasonable. She reads all the newspapers and magazines. I liked it when she prayed with the witch hunter. That’s very reasonable behavior. It was extremely reasonable when she made fun of community organizers. It was great when she talked about the “pro-America” parts of America and implied that Obama was a terrorist.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    David, the pro-life killer is a domestic terrorist. Just as there are Islamic terrorists, there are Christian terrorists. Being Christian does not change what he is.

  8. Dave M. says:

    As to Comment 1., wherein she “prays for the soul” of Dr. Mengele:

    Didn’t the Inquisition pray over their victims while pulling body parts from them while alive?

    Inquisition: “God bless, God bless, God bless…”
    Victim: “Scream, scream, scream…”
    Inquisition: “Holy, holy, holy…”
    Victim: “Scream, scream, scream….”

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    To further expound on my comment in #7, if you kill for political purposes, or to achieve a political goal, you are a terrorist. If you kill to strike fear in the hearts of others, you are a terrorist.

  10. nemski says:

    This is not surprising since Sarah Palin is pro-chocie.

  11. John Manifold says:

    John Judis:

    “There are, of course, many reasonable people who oppose abortion and would like to see it banned or severely restricted. These include church organizations and politicians from John McCain to Robert Casey. But there is also a fanatic fringe–as evidenced by an organization like Operation Rescue, or a politician like Kline–whose practitioners believe they are defending the purity of family and nation against the evils of modernity. The Taliban does not have a monopoly on this kind of political primitivism. It can also be found in Wichita, Kansas, and it provides the justification for horrible acts like the assassination of George Tiller.”


  12. Geezer says:

    “As for the comment, this guy killed 60 thousand babies including more late term abortions than anyone. He deserves no praise…”

    Your ignorance has seldom been on greater display. If you’d bother to do some research, you’d find that the walls of his clinic are covered with letters from distraught women who had nowhere else to turn.

    Women do not abort late-term pregnancies as a matter of “choice.” Read the testimonials from the anti-abortion woman who had to abort so she could get treatment for cancer. Or the couple who aborted conjoined twins who shared organs that would have condemned them to a brief life of operations and suffering. There are thousands of such stories, but you self-righteous jerks like to pretend that it’s all about killing babies.

    You don’t understand the first thing about suffering, you sanctimonious ass.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    The Geez is correct!

    These nutjobs use half-truths (but mostly straight-up lies) to support their agenda.

    Disingenuous at best and the sad part is that they know it but continue the same line of argument anyway – such as performing late-term abortions for the sole purpose of birth control.

    Unfortunately, I believe the only way to get them to stop is to have a personal experience with a loved one.

  14. Geezer says:

    “I believe the only way to get them to stop is to have a personal experience with a loved one.”

    Sadly, even that doesn’t always work. I know at least one anti-abortion conservative who changed her tune when her 13-year-old daughter got pregnant. That was quietly resolved in exactly the way you’d expect, at which point said conservative went right back to her former views.

    I’m not saying all people in her position are such hypocrites, but I doubt she’s an outlier.

  15. Geezer, it’s very common for anti-abortion protestors to get abortions and go back to the picket line. I’ve seen many stories about this kind of behavior. Those other women are “sluts” but she just “made a mistake.”

    I think demonization is a huge problem. People like Bill O’Reilly who called Dr. Tiller a “baby killer” on the air many times. The anti-abortion foes want you to think that late term abortion is some woman who just decided after 7 months she didn’t want a baby, when that is not the truth at all. These occur in heartbreaking, tragic circumstances and are from wanted pregnancies.

    I think if there’s any positive that comes out of this tragedy, it’s that more women are sharing their stories instead of being ruled by fear and shame.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    I was referring to late-term, but your point is correct – “Abortion is wrong….except for my own.”

  17. Strangely enough, my taking a similar position got me labeled as “supporting the assassination of Tiller” by several folks around here.

  18. nemski says:

    Go pound sand.