Delaware Liberal

Donovan McNabb Diagnosed w/ Mental Disorder?

I have recently read heard that Eagles QB Donovan McNabb has been diagnosed with something called, “Adverse Outcome Affection Disorder” (AOAD).

Appearently people with this condition are so desperate for affection that they don’t regard affection that flows to them when they do what they are supposed to do as legitimate. The only affection they regard as genuine is affection that flows to them when the do what they are not supposed to do.

This was an arms legnth diagnosis, so McNabb was not a patient or anything, but it adds up to me. McNabb seems to regard Reid as a kind of father figure, so he is constantly testing Reid to see if he really loves him by screwing up and not playing up to his potential.

I don’t recall where I read heard it so I don’t know if this is a serious condition, but like I said, it makes sense if you know anything about the McNabb/Reid tenure in Philly.

Prediction: Eagles lose in the first round of the playoffs.

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