Dr. Tiller’s Patients Speak Out

Filed in National by on June 4, 2009

I think it’s too soon to know what the long-term consequences of Dr. Tiller’s assassination are. One thing I’ve noticed is that the murder has inspired a lot of people who were helped by Dr. Tiller to speak out. Several places have been collecting stories, Salon’s link is here. All of the stories are of tragic circumstances, mostly of wanted pregnancies gone horribly wrong.

The decades-long campaign of intimidation has been successful in the past. Have we finally turned the corner where the techniques will start to backfire? It’s a lot more difficult to demonize the procedure when women are no longer ashamed to share their experience.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. On these pages and on the radio pro life people have been taken to task for this murder. I go along with the words in the Catholic newspaper the Dialogue that denounce this murder.

    I don’t see the intimidation factor you guys do. Since 1973 there have been 41,000,000 abortions and in some places like NewYork City the abortion rate is 50%.

    Mike Protack

  2. Aren’t you silly? So 50% of all people in New York have abortions? So leaving out the men that means every woman?

    The point is that every story has a person behind it. Unless you are that person, you know nothing of them or their circumstances. You have no right to make their medical decisions.

  3. a. price says:

    does everyone here know about this guy? http://turnerradionetwork.blogspot.com/

  4. Yes, I read about him this morning. Here’s a first-hand story from one person he threatened. I think Hal Turner is the guy that Tim McVeigh idolized?

  5. jason330 says:

    Learn? They are a successful domestic terror cell.

    Check out this letter about Scott Roeder that Rude Pundit posted from a reader:

    Wichita, Kansas:
    “For some few years I volunteered as an escort at Dr. Tiller’s and several other clinics. I didn’t know the good doctor well, but met with him on several occasions and was impressed with his kindness and the care he obviously felt for the women who needed his services.

    “Of course I have been heartbroken by his assassination, but I’m not so full of hate towards his killer. I’ve seen too many of his kind on the lines; in fact I remember seeing him. We knew Mr. Roeder as ‘Prom Queen’ from the flowers he usually carried there, and the screaming fits he would throw when approached by escorts. He was one of many not-too-bright mentally ill recruited by various self-appointed fundie leaders who groomed them to scream the threats they themselves were so careful not to utter aloud.

    “I’m pretty sure that he has been exploited again to shoot Dr. Tiller. I don’t know who is using him this time- when I saw him, he was in Troy Newman’s stable of nuts, but the fundie leaders are an incestuous bunch who tend to swap followers as needed.

    “According to papers Roeder filed today, his possessions amount to a 16yr.-old Taurus and $10, and he only works occasionally at minimum-wage jobs. Yet he managed to finance several 400-mile round trips to Wichita from the KC area in the last month to case the church and know Dr. Tiller by sight, bought a handgun, gas and meals etc. Also, he asked- begged- for bail to be set today, despite his total lack of assets. Obviously, the poor bastard expects someone to post it, all of which leads me to believe that he is not the solitary nutcase the fundies claim he is.

    “Somebody had to put him up to it, help him plan it and pay his expenses, and will now feed him to the sharks. Hopefully, and maybe with a bit of psych help, he will realize how he was used and name names.”

  6. And the Martians are engaged in mind control.

  7. Let’s stop the slobber over Tiller and get to the issue of public policy. I for one will say anyone should be ashamed to kill their baby especially a viable one who could have been delivered early if necessary at less risk than a two or three day abortion procedure.

    Some of the testimony by professionals who reviewed his records show that he would even use reasons such as missing beach going and other trips as mental depression justification. It was a disgusting abuse which would have been prosecuted if there was not a change of guard in the AG’s office.

    Late term abortions designed to terminate a fetus are wretched. Any attempt to justify them is appalling and reprehensible.

  8. anonone says:

    Any attempt to justify them is appalling and reprehensible.

    Particularly trying to save the life or preserve the health of the mother.

  9. Perry says:

    David, obviously you did not read the Salon link provided by Unstable Isotope. So you just continue to make things up to justify your rage. That’s not the characteristic of an inquiring mind, only of an ill-informed ideologue!

    Here it is again: http://www.salon.com/mwt/broadsheet/feature/2009/06/01/late_term_abortion/index.html

  10. liberalgeek says:

    Let’s stop the slobber over Tiller and get to the issue of public policy. I for one will say anyone should be ashamed to kill their baby

    Off the meds again, eh David?

    And by professionals that reviewed his records, you mean unnamed professionals that secretly are abortion protestors?

    Yes, let’s talk about real public policy. Your statements clearly are not in that vein, so before you come over here with your pseudo-policies, try to think up some real ones to keep close by.

  11. No I mean professionals hired by the state of Kansas including a leading physician from John Hopkins.

  12. I did read the disgusting pr for murder piece.

    First, this tells only part of the story. Second it is incorrect. You know that abortion is not necessary after viability to get cancer treatment. Children are delivered practically every day early. Killing the child is absolutely not necessary that is why only 3 people would do it in a country of 300 million.

    Wanting to kill the child because it was diagnosed with an handicap is unacceptable and loathsome. Please stop trying to make cold blooded premeditated serial killing a virtue. It won’t fly with me, and thank God, it won’t fly with most of America. We are still a decent nation.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    You know that abortion is not necessary after viability to get cancer treatment.

    No, I don’t know that, and neither do you. My wife got cancer while she was pregnant. Luckily it was at the end of the pregnancy and it was melanoma (no radiation or chemo required). During the pregnancy, the hormones stimulated the cancer and created something similar to metastasis.

    Here’s how it could have gone:


    I am thankful that my wife and I didn’t have to make a decision like many do. But I am also thankful that we would have a decision.

  14. Geezer says:

    “Wanting to kill the child because it was diagnosed with an handicap is unacceptable and loathsome. Please stop trying to make cold blooded premeditated serial killing a virtue. It won’t fly with me, and thank God, it won’t fly with most of America. We are still a decent nation.”

    You ignorant bastard. The shit you’re peddling has also been revealed for what it is — lies that your nut crew tells its followers. The “Justice for All” handbook for anti-abortion activists has been outed — you can find it through this Salon column:


    Among the misinformation therein is precisely the same nonsense about health exceptions that David quotes above.

    As for whether or not you think people should be allowed to abort handicapped fetuses, you don’t get to decide for others. I realize how much this galls you, but you’re just going to have to learn to live with it. I like to think I wouldn’t make that choice, but, unlike so many of you “Christians,” I’m humble enough to realize I don’t know what I’d do until I was in that situation. And neither do you, you piece of shit.

    Oops. That should say “ignorant piece of shit.”

  15. David is also pretending to be a doctor. He thinks that delivering these fetuses is less risky than an abortion. You don’t know enough about medicine to make that decision. You’re basically saying that women should have c-sections. That kind of surgery has serious complications.

    As far as some of the severe handicaps described, only the parents would have to deal with them. That’s why you don’t get to make the decision for them.

    This is a medical decision. That means it’s none of your business.

  16. Thank you for sharing your story, LG. I’m glad everything turned out well for you and your family.

  17. jason330 says:

    Again, this is all a game for David. It is all about scoring points and posturing as the most moral person here.

    If it really was about reducing the number of abortions performed in this country his phony radical right political cant would shrink and shrivel in the sunlight like a worm caught on blacktop.

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    See this is why David is an intellectual clown. I personally had little knowledge about what a so-called late term abortion is. I do now, for obvious reason.

    These mothers are carrying fetuses with bone chilling complications: large fluid sacs on spinal cords and brain stems, organs including brains developing on the outside of the body, severe spina bifida, among other afflictions that are incredibly serious indeed.

    The mothers’ lives are at grave risk. The babies will likely die in the womb and if they don’t they generally survive a few hours. Perhaps they make it a week with multiple surgeries. That’s it. To paint the picture that Tiller disposed of “viable” 3rd trimester healthy babies because he is a murder proves you are an intellectual light-weight unable to reflect on serious philosophical moral issues.

  19. Well said, DG.

    The people that deny that these are complicated decisions are the real monsters here. The people who called Dr. Tiller a “baby killer” and implied he kills children for money are monsters. People who confidently talk about things they know nothing about are dangerous.

  20. Geezer says:

    Oh, some of them were viable. Unfortunately, their mothers — the ones anti-aborts like to call “teens” — are 13 or 14 years old.

    The game Jason refers to extends well beyond this web site. This literal holier-than-thou bullshit is the underpinning of their entire twisted religion. Hello? Mote, beam, etc.?

  21. cassandra m says:

    DG’s observation also exposes the scam that is the opposition to late-term abortion.

    These are not on-demand abortions for alot of reasons — the limited number of doctors with the skills to perform them and the limited number of medical facilities that will allow them to be done. You don’t just decide in the last trimester to get an abortion on demand.

  22. callerRick says:

    I wonder what those thousands of viable babies (6-months) have to say about it; oh, that’s right- they’re dead, too. Maybe it’s time to re-define ‘mother’ and ‘doctor.’ And before nitpickers say that ‘women who ‘choose’ to abort aren’t mothers,’ that isn’t the case with late-term, partial-birth abortions; the living child is delivered and perfectly viable until its brains are sucked out and then disposed of, along with the rest of the child (or, ‘organism,’ as the left prefers). However briefly, the woman was indeed a mother. In some circles, this treatment would be considered child abuse.