McAuliffe Falls in VA Dem Primary Despite Money/Name Rec Lead

Filed in National by on June 4, 2009

Terry McAuliffe is exactly the kind of Tom Carper/DLC/pseudo-Republican/Democrat that we don’t need in elective office.

Good to see that he is in third place with the election next Tuesday. it is also good to see Nate Silver predict a distant 2nd for McAuliffe.

VA Dem voters must remember McAuliffe’s absolute train wreck of a tenure as DNC Chair

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    One of the stupidest, most self-serving comments ever made by a politician was Ralph Nader’s slogan that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats. Unfortunately, the root for this belief was, and is, Terry McAuliffe and his DLC cronies. If you look at that tiny segment of our party you can almost make an argument that Nader was right — I said almost. As we’ve seen in the past few months, Nader was totally, dead wrong and will always hold a special place in my heart for what he did to our country, and the world, in 2000.

    I’m so glad to see the good Democrats of Virginia recognizing McAuliffe for the pirate that he is. Not a true Democrat. Now, if the good Dems in PA will just follow the Virginia example.

  2. I remember McAuliffe from all his silly statements during the presidential primary.

  3. callerRick says:

    McAuliffe, a man with little or no backround in Virginia politics, figured he could buy a governorship…he forgot that Virginia isn’t West Virginia.

    As a kid, I grew-up in Virginia with Governors like Miles Godwin and Linwood Holton; they felt that if you didn’t have ancestors on the Susan Constant, Godspeed or Discovery, you were a carpetbagger.