Comment Rescue: Who the heck is Mike Protack anyway?

Filed in Delaware by on June 7, 2009

After another Protackian comment in the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell thread, Rod asked Who the heck is Mike Protack anyway?

Please use the comments below to fill Rod in.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (26)

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  1. jason330 says:

    Wikipedia knows all.

  2. Not Brian says:

    He is a man with a porn mustache rivaled only by Ron Jeremy… nothing else to be said.

  3. a. price says:

    no one of any significance to any one ever. 🙂

  4. Mike is a compassionate, thoughtful, family man who served this country under arms and now seeks to serve it by solving the crisis of leadership that we face. Mike is a reformer who is not part of the system and not afraid to shake it up.

  5. A man who will never be governor.

    A man who doesn’t get many visitors to his own blog, so spams comments here.

  6. MJ says:

    RD – should you be hitting the sauce this early? Guess you couldn’t sleep.

  7. FSP says:

    An insignificant annoyance turned pain in the ass who eventually became, and remains, nothing more than a punchline.

  8. RSmitty says:

    Wikipedia knows all.
    Conveniently omitted: his five-way primary trouncing at the hands of Valihura and the subsequent “advice” he offered to BV in future races, such as don’t run again.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    He’s Robin Master’s personal lackey.

  10. RSmitty says:

    VC (or should I say TC): I actually have more respect for Magnum than to say something like that!

  11. Von Cracker says:

    You’re right! Magnum is way cooler….

    my bad 🙂

  12. cassandra_m says:

    FSP, FTW indeed. Wonder if we could get that into Protack’s Wikipedia page?

    I would edit it to “nothing more than a bigoted punchline”.

  13. meatball says:

    Mr. Protack is merely a figment of Mr. Protack’s imagination.

  14. mike hunt says:

    FSP // Jun 8, 2009 at 7:57 am

    An insignificant annoyance turned pain in the ass who eventually became, and remains, nothing more than a punchline.

    and what have you done to “fix” the party…support the same old leaders who have put the party in the hole it’s in today or tried to change the way it operates…huh Dave. From where I sit, as someone new to Delaware, history indicates that Bill Lee is the problem and everyone else is the future.

  15. RSmitty says:

    The apologists are so damned cute with their spin. It’s about the ‘stache, not the gut!

    From where I sit, as someone new to Delaware, history indicates that Bill Lee is the problem and everyone else is the future.
    Bill Lee is the problem? Que? How effing pathetic if that is all you have. Go back to your router, please.

  16. FSP says:

    “and what have you done to “fix” the party…support the same old leaders who have put the party in the hole it’s in today or tried to change the way it operates…huh Dave.”

    You’re joking, right Mike? There are few in this state who have done as much as I have to fix the party.

    “as someone new to Delaware”

    The only person who would write this is someone who is not new to Delaware.

    I’ll tell you what I haven’t done. I haven’t firebombed the party and every candidate that beat me. I haven’t sent out any pink postcards with religious slurs on them. I haven’t fought in court for the nomination of another party.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Isn’t mike hunt one of the many sockpuppets? We haven’t seen him around for awhile….

  18. Von Cracker says:

    Mike Hunt’s been hanging with Ben Dover, Phillip McKrevis, and Hugh G. Rection.

    Sorry…couldn’t resist…

  19. mike hunt says:


    Let’s see…the House is controlled by the Dems…
    The Governor is a Dem. who was elected by the GOP…Castle and Wagner are the only Statewide left…and there is no plan to grow the party at any level that is currently being taken seriously by anyone. From what I can see is the only organization is splinter groups like Lead PAC, Caesar Rodney, and Sen. Colin Bonini…

    so what have you done to WIN and election…support Bill Lee, Jan Ting, Christine O’Donnell, and John Brady. Two Dems and 1 1/2 Rep.

    Protack is not the answer, and neither are you…at least he put his name on a ballot and walked the walk…you…?

    And Von Cracker…keep up the good work, I loved them, got any more.

  20. FSP says:

    “From what I can see is the only organization is splinter groups like Lead PAC, Caesar Rodney, and Sen. Colin Bonini…”

    Name the first board member of the Caesar Rodney Institute. (Hint, he also worked for Lead PAC.)

    Wait for it……

    Wait for it……

    Wait for it……


    Now piss off.

    “so what have you done to WIN and election”

    Hmmm, let’s see. Managed Joe Booth’s campaign. He beat an incumbent. Directed Greg Hastings special election campaign. He won. Ran an underdog special election campaign for Joanne Christian in some very unfriendly territory. Served for a year as Sussex County Chairman at the age of 32. So I’m feeling pretty good about my contribution.

    You can criticize the candidates we’ve had all you want, but they were the best people that offered themselves up. And Ting and Lee were the choice of the Republican primary voters.

    “at least he put his name on a ballot and walked the walk…you…?”

    How’d that work out? Is the party supposed to be better for his having run?

    Me, I’m 34 and I’m not so presumptuous as to think I can run the state at this point in my life. I thought about it, but realized that it was a bad decision. Unfortunately for Capt. Punchline, not all of us have the common sense to recognize a lost cause. And I have a lot of time left to pursue elected office if that’s the course I take.

  21. pandora says:

    Mike Hunt, are you the answer? How long have you been in DE, and what have you done for the Rs?

  22. Joanne Christian says:

    FSP–you have only gleaned from the first page of what you have done to help anyone serious in the interest of the party. Rest up, tides always change.

  23. FSP says:

    Thanks, Joanne.

  24. Five says:

    Criticizes everyone who gets elected to Republican leadership, but has never run for a Republican leadership position.