Newt vs. Sarah

Filed in National by on June 8, 2009

Pass the popcorn… this is gonna be good.

After being invited — for a second time — to speak to the annual joint fundraiser for the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, Palin was told abruptly Saturday night that she would not be allowed to address the thousands of Republicans there after all.

The Alaska governor may now skip the dinner altogether, and her allies are miffed at what they see as a slight from the congressional wing of the Republican Party.

The reason given for the snub, said a Palin aide, was that NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions was concerned about not wanting to upstage former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, the fundraising gala’s keynote speaker.

“A great deal of effort has been put into this fundraising event, and Speaker Gingrich has gone above and beyond the call of duty,” said NRCC spokesman Ken Spain. “It is our hope that Gov. Palin will attend the dinner and be recognized, but we understand if her busy schedule doesn’t permit her to do so.”

The disinvitation from speaking, said a campaign committee official, was done “out of respect” for Gingrich.

So much for a big tent, and how big of a Diva is Gingrich?  Here’s a hint:  Real leaders can’t be upstaged; that’s why they’re called leaders.  But there’s more to this skirmish than ego.  Apparently, battle lines are being drawn, and from where I’m standing I’m not seeing a decisive victory.  Republicans have become the party of personality.  Unless you think that Newt’s camp and Sarah’s camp are divided over policy – which, of course, they’re not since Republicans have no policy regarding the economy, the war or health care.

It’s all coming down to social issues with god, abortion and gays leading the way.

My advice… brace yourself for a religious war as each one tries to “out Jesus” the other in an attempt to win the hearts and souls of the 21%ers.  Warning: Scary stuff ahead.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. It isn’t about policy. It is about the fact she is the best speaker in party and the third most popular Republican in America, nationally. Gingrich must be planning an exploratory committee and did not want to expose key donors to her.

  2. This will be really interesting. Palin was accused of plagiarizing Gingrich in a speech she gave about Ronald Reagan.

    LOL! Palin is a great speaker. Also.

  3. I love seeing that in print…”she is the best speaker in party and the third most popular Republican in America”

    The religous war is going to be an awesome and I hope we can get Palin to admit to thinking humans lived with dinosaurs.

  4. RSmitty says:

    Crazy thing is, the more they do crap like this to Palin, the more and more they accidentally make her appear more progressive than the lot of ’em. Taken alone, I wouldn’t dare call her progressive, but compared to the aforementioned lot, she certainly appears that way.

    Up next, Steele agrees with the move, citing no need to upstage Newt in his keynote position. The minions praise his leadership.
    The emperor has no clothes.

    BTW, if this fracas of disinviting, etc is happening now, how effed up does that tell you things are? It’s 2009, damn it. I didn’t know primary season already started.

  5. callerRick says:

    “I didn’t know primary season already started.”

    It didn’t ‘start’….it just never ends.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Ungh, probably so, but wide-open division like this (any division really, but allowing to play out like this one has) is absolutely self-serving and stupid. Personally, I have finally gotten to the point that I really despise Newt, all apologies to amphibians with the same name.

  7. callerRick says:

    I’ve never been a fan of the political class in general, but Gingrich does have innovative ideas is the realm of public education, which deserve more scrutiny than they recieve.

    re; education

    I cannot provide a link, so I am transcribing from an old New Yorker magazine (12/15/08), hardly a bastion of conservatism;

    “A group of researchers- Thomas J. Kane, an economist at Harvard’s school of education; Douglas Staiger, an economist at Dartmouth; and Robert Gordon, a policy analyst at the Center for America Progress- have investigated whether it helps to have a teacher who has earned a teaching certificate or a master’s degree….[t]est scores, graduate degrees, and certifications- as much as they appear relating to teaching prowess- turn out to be as useful in predicting success as having a quarterback throw footballs into a bunch of garbage cans.”

    Gingrich knows we need real teachers….and that education degrees are not a viable predictor of performance.

  8. A big to do about nothing. Gov Palin is fine and so former Speaker Gingrich. Key facts-if Dems are making a big deal of something there is usually no facts behind it or it is mere character asssination.

    “Republicans have become the party of personality.” I guess all the hero worship on Obama doesn’t count? I am waiting for your explanation on how he has destroyed the economy and how his plans will triple the debt.

    Mike Protack

  9. Geezer says:

    “Gov Palin is fine and so former Speaker Gingrich.”


    “Dear me! Which ass do I kiss first?”

  10. Von Cracker says:

    Who destroyed the economy again?

    Your lack of memory is astounding, or you’re being dishonest.

  11. RSmitty says:

    Yet, when Mike was disinvited or flat-out not invited, he’d either impose himself upon the gathering or bitch about it to the media that paid attention. It IS an issue and complacency over it only further allows the gulf between the self-serving and the bigger-picture to widen.

  12. Frieda Berryhill says:

    Mike Protack, you are marching to the drum beat “Obama has destroyed the economy”
    Holy cow, how quickly they fortget that we had a balanced budget when the Republicans took over.

  13. callerRick says:

    “…we had a balanced budget…”

    So to ‘balance the budget’ we increase the deficit tenfold?

  14. Geezer says:

    “So to ‘balance the budget’ we increase the deficit tenfold?”

    Do you own homework, and get back to us when you get that economics degree.