Delaware Liberal

SCCOR and the News Journal

Steve Newton and the denizens of DL have had their disagreements, but when the man is right, as he is with this morning’s post on the News Journal puff piece on the Sussex County Community Organized Regiment, he’s right. He pans the story for all that it leaves out:

1) The reporter didn’t bother to interview anybody even vaguely critical of SCCOR; we know the WNJ staff reads the blogosphere, so how could they have missed the large numbers of folks worried about the use of language [even if I disagreed with them completely, their concerns are part of the story].

2) The reporter is apparently blissfully ignorant of the Bill Colley Catholic Lord’s Prayer controversy, and SCCOR’s insistence on a particular Protestant version of that prayer at all their meetings. Instead, the article just mentions WGMD as fueling SCCOR without mentioning the controversy.

3) If the report was going to mention the group targeting certain politicians for defeat, or that certain politicians spoke at SCCOR meetings, then it would have seemed important to get a response from some of them. For instance, why didn’t the reporter ask Pete Schwarzkopf for a response?

4) I didn’t see any mention of the Victory Garden, either.

Steve may vehemently disagree with us on the SCCOR, but at least he is honest enough to say it should be addressed, discussed and debated.

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