SCCOR and the News Journal

Filed in National by on June 11, 2009

Steve Newton and the denizens of DL have had their disagreements, but when the man is right, as he is with this morning’s post on the News Journal puff piece on the Sussex County Community Organized Regiment, he’s right. He pans the story for all that it leaves out:

1) The reporter didn’t bother to interview anybody even vaguely critical of SCCOR; we know the WNJ staff reads the blogosphere, so how could they have missed the large numbers of folks worried about the use of language [even if I disagreed with them completely, their concerns are part of the story].

2) The reporter is apparently blissfully ignorant of the Bill Colley Catholic Lord’s Prayer controversy, and SCCOR’s insistence on a particular Protestant version of that prayer at all their meetings. Instead, the article just mentions WGMD as fueling SCCOR without mentioning the controversy.

3) If the report was going to mention the group targeting certain politicians for defeat, or that certain politicians spoke at SCCOR meetings, then it would have seemed important to get a response from some of them. For instance, why didn’t the reporter ask Pete Schwarzkopf for a response?

4) I didn’t see any mention of the Victory Garden, either.

Steve may vehemently disagree with us on the SCCOR, but at least he is honest enough to say it should be addressed, discussed and debated.

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  1. John Manifold says:

    I would be interested in SCCOR’s stance on the Confederate monument in Georgetown. To sight this blight:

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    That disgusts me. To me, flying a confederate flag or building a monument to the confederacy should be akin to flying a Nazi flag or an Empire of Japan flag, or building a monument to both.

    The Confederacy was an enemy of the United States that hundreds of thousands of Americans died to defeat in a horrible war. Why memorialize that scum?

  3. That was a horrible piece. You had to go to the jump page, and halfway through that as well, to get any mention of the militia jargon. You’d think that, with what’s gone on the last two weeks, that would have been one of the story’s pegs.

    The Beast Who Slumbers also wonders how Pete Schwartzkopf feels about John Atkins just now. After he went way out on a limb to help save Atkins’ political career, he now sees Atkins aligned with an organization dedicated to his defeat.

  4. I am going to their next meeting reluctantly next Wednesday. Although some of their outrages they have in common with Libertarians, the others are so polar opposite I have been trying to avoid going for fear of being aligned with the group.

    Then someone personally invited me… and then I was reminded that some of the SCCOR peeps came to one of our meetings… so now I feel like I have to go.


  5. Delaware Dem says:

    I think you should go, and write about it. If it is just a group of citizens who disapprove of their government and are expressing it, good for them. If something more malignant is taking place, better you and we know about it.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    A side note, not related to this post and not deserving of its own:

    As James von Brunn remains in a hospital in Washington with a bullet wound to the head ….

    His head? Excellent. I am undecided if I want him to die now or if I want the elderly Nazi to die in prison after a trial. A shot to the head will probably result in diminished capacity if he survives, and being that the piece of shit is 88 years old, it is unlikely he will get a trial and be sent to prison (lawyers will argue for mental ward). Thus, right now, I am hoping that he dies now.

    Further, it is rare that security guards and police would shoot at a suspect’s head. First, they aim to disable, i.e., shooting out the knee caps). If it is determined that deadly force is needed to stop the perp, they aim for the heart or head.

    So this old Nazi was a deadly threat, not just an old man with a gun, in case any one was going to make that defense.

  7. Miscreant says:

    “Further, it is rare that security guards and police would shoot at a suspect’s head. First, they aim to disable, i.e., shooting out the knee caps). If it is determined that deadly force is needed to stop the perp, they aim for the heart or head.”

    Total bullshit. Law enforcement officers are taught to shoot only at center of mass, (chest, heart, and head), to stop a threat. It’s not like on TV, if that’s where you get your use of force expertise.

    That being said, Von Brunn was deservedly stopped as soon as was possible.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    What’s up with the photo of the African American soldier holding the Confederate flag at the bottom of the page?

  9. Mark H says:

    “Law enforcement officers are taught to shoot only at center of mass, (chest, heart, and head), to stop a threat. It’s not like on TV, if that’s where you get your use of force expertise.”

    Agreed, when I got trained in weapons, that was the training: Aim for Center Mass. The point being, if you draw your weapon, you’ve already decided on using deadly force. The other neat thing they did was to make us sprint about 200-250 yards then shoot and see how bad our aim was. And it was pretty bad 🙂

  10. jason330 says:

    All I can say is WTF?

    The Progressive Democrats for Delaware (PDD) have been getting shit done, (getting Democrats elected, raising money, raising volunteers) for six fucking years and we’ve never had a story about us in the News Journal

    Thank you liberal media!

    Perhaps if we called ourselves the Armed People’s Front for the Liberal of Delaware?

  11. Miscreant says:

    “Perhaps if we called ourselves the Armed People’s Front for the Liberal of Delaware?”

    Sign me up.

  12. Miscreant says:

    “…make us sprint about 200-250 yards then shoot and see how bad our aim was. And it was pretty bad 🙂 ”

    That was part of one of my favorite exercises. At the end of the run, we would enter into a barricade shoot/no shoot scenario. It was a real eye opener.

  13. Armed with what? Florescent water pistols?

  14. callerRick says:

    “I am going to their next meeting reluctantly next Wednesday.”

    Pay close attention during the ‘canning vegetables’ segment.

  15. PI says:

    A better name than SCCOR is “SCHIT” – Sussex County Hate Initiative Tribunal (formerly known as KuKlaxKlan) or just drop out county and call it the way it is. SHIT!

  16. Good points, Jason. Why hasn’t the NJ covered PDD?

  17. Steve Newton says:

    I think PDD needs to hire Angel Clark

  18. MJ says:

    Comrades, now we need to be sure to keep a low profile or our plot to take over the world will be discovered.

  19. There is a simple reason the News Journal won’t take your concerns as part of the article. The concerns expressed here are not worthy of coverage. They have no basis in reality. Even they have standards.

    The B. C. controversy would be worthy to include except that they seemed to have come to peace. That is boring. It may have gotten dropped on the cutting room cyber floor.

  20. cassandra m says:

    Actually the reason that the NJ doesn’t cover the PDD can be found in comment #15.