This About Says It

Filed in National by on June 13, 2009



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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. flutecake says:

    This is a really good commercial.

    The biggest problem we are facing with attaining health care reform (or PEACE or JUSTICE) is the need for to replace the plutocracy with democracy or otherwise known as Campaign Finance Reform.

    As long as the Corporations own the government (see open secrets .com) on the leadership of both parties (making them the GREED Party, regardless of political stripe, like our own dear Sen. Carper), we will continue to have more of the same only worse.

    Since these same GREED Party people own the corporations that own the news, they’ll just keep giving the masses bread & circuses to spout the anti-socialist-bogey line.

    More of the same, only different.


  2. Phil says:

    Ugh, anyone who loses a house to medical bills is dumb. always pay your mortgage first!!!! They can’t take your house for owing med bills. Just pay what you can even if is $20 a month.

  3. People pay their medical bills because they need continued treatment I’d imagine.

  4. Phil says:

    A) Doctors can’t refuse life-saving treatment.

    B) All hospitals offer payment plans, as well as debt reduction. They would rather get some than none, just like credit card companies.

  5. June says:


    When Howard Dean was in town recently, a woman told the story of being diagnosed with breast cancer. When the doctor told her about it, he sent her on her way because she didn’t have insurance to pay for treatment. I guess he hadn’t gotten the news that doctors can’t refuse life-saving treatment.

  6. Art Downs says:

    Should we trust anecdotes from Howard Dean? They may be a meaningful as that primal scream.

  7. Art Downs says:

    Perhaps a tax of 99% on the shysters share of malpractice insurance might be a good step towards the reduction of health care costs.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Or how about a 99% tax in doctor’s income derived from medical mistakes?

  9. JanSimpson says:

    wow – this is nothing but liberal crap – Corporations don’t own the government – has anyone seen what Obama is doing in the corporate world? What did Obama do for heathcare when he was in Congress? Or before he ran for a Congressional Seat? Seriously. Do you think Obama’s bankrupting the country to give free healthcare to illegals, people who can afford it and those who want to drive a beemer instead of paying for insurance is smart – get a life – and do some research – and stop watching shows owned by General Electric like NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, etc.

  10. Phil says:

    Ok, she got refused from a hospital? Oh wait probably from her private doctor who can turn you away if you’re dressed wrong.

  11. Art Downs says:

    “Greed” is often an accusation hurled by the practitioners of the politics of envy. It is typically used by those who would like to plunder the fruits of the efforts of others who work harder and smarter and take risks.

    There is greed. Bernie Madoff was a thief and we still know little about his real game. What did the currency manipulations of George Soros do for the people other than let him finance a radical agenda? Look at the niggardly charitable contributions of Joe Biden, His family has done very well in the money game. Compare the charitable contributions of Al Gore with those of Dick Cheney,

    How many politicians have gotten rich in politics without spending time in the public sector? LBJ really hit the jackpot. And what is the source of the Gore family fortune? Why did KGB money launderer Armand Hammer give a half million dollars a year to the father? What services were rendered by the faux populist?

    So a person who dislikes giving a greater percentage of his earnings to Big Government (that takes Liberty as well as money) is deemed greedy.

    What about the political hack that makes about $400,000 per year running a school. What expertise does he bring that makes him worth this? Political connections do not count.

  12. June says:

    Art, sorry you can’t read. Did I say Howard Dean made the comment? No, I said a woman made it (in the audience, of course). And Phil, did I say she got refused at a hospital? NO. What is it with you people. I won’t even tell you what she had to do to get coverage because God knows how you’ll switch that around.

  13. cassandra_m says:

    “Greed” is often an accusation hurled by the practitioners of the politics of envy. It is typically used by those who would like to plunder the fruits of the efforts of others who work harder and smarter and take risks.

    Which accounts for why repubs work so hard to get into government.

    Tom Delay
    Randy Cunninghanm
    Jack Abramoff
    Ted Stevens
    Sarah Palin’s Troopergate and others.