Bwah Ha Ha Ha Ha, Dumb Ass

Filed in Delaware by on June 15, 2009

The other day I am perusing Facebook as I am wont to do and I see that Mike Matthews has posted a note about blogging etiquette — which in itself is hysterical since Matthews skated around the edge of trying to out a fellow blogger. But I pay him no mind anymore.

Then there are some e-mails floating around amongst Delaware Liberal contributors trying to figure out what the hell Matthews was talking about. So I decide to go over to his blog — and this bit is important — I go over to his blog for the first time in weeks and read this rather cryptic post about how he’s going to stay above the fray, but that the accused blogger who didn’t link back should step forward. What? This is funny from a guy who, a few weeks ago, said that blogging wasn’t that important.

At this point, I’m thinking it has to “trackbacks”, as I know that some bloggers like other bloggers to use them. If you don’t know what trackbacks are, don’t worry about it, ’cause that wasn’t what this was about.

This morning an email from a fellow contributor enlightened me. Late last week, I wrote a snarky post about a Delaware Politic’s post about the lack of Republicans at the Open Gov’t signing. Apparently Matthews wrote something similar, but since I don’t read his blog, I had no idea.

LOL, Matthews gets bent all out of shape about the supposed lack of a linkback to his post — a post that was not read by me. So, let me finish this post how I started — bwah ha ha ha ha, dumb ass.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. More bullshit from the ultimate bullshitter « Down with Absolutes! | June 16, 2009
  1. I think it is the weight loss.

    I find it amusing that I wrote a post several weeks ago and Mike wrote a counter post and didn’t link to us.

    Yet, here we go again. Woman scorned with a short memory. What a shocker.

    Grow some balls Mike, this stuff is getting old.

  2. Woman – are you giving him a compliment?

    We’ll probably run into this a lot with local issues. Sometimes there are multiple sources for the same information which makes attribution a bit difficult. I guess as much as possible try to link to a source but I know that’s not always possible.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    If he was truly offended and thinks we stole from him, he should have emailed us directly. I still don’t know what post he is talking about. But whatever.

    You know, it becomes really difficult to do Around the Horn every week. I wonder to myself, why in the world should I give them traffic and highlight their work. They don’t respect us, and trash DL at every opportunity.

    One of these days, Around the Horn will cease to exist because of that fact.

  4. Geezer says:

    If it comes to that, you can keep doing Around the Horn, just don’t mention that site.

  5. cassandra m says:

    More drama queenery (is that a word?).

    I still don’t get how DWA is supposed to get a link for a reference to something FSP wrote on his blog. But then, I’m probably missing some detail here that I’m not going to work at figuring out.