Discrimination is Not a Religious Liberty.

Filed in National by on June 15, 2009

First, a hat tip to Mike Matthews for posting this first. But I want to do more than discuss it as if there were two legitimate points of view at work here.

Chris Theis, a leader of the Delaware Family Policy Council, says through his Twitter feed that SB121 (formerly HB5), a bill that would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation here in Delaware, “will end religious liberties in DE.” He then implores us to “Do the research.”

I have. I have read my Bible. I have read SB121. I have read the Constitution of the United States. I am a Catholic. So I know a few things about religion, politics, and laws. But to be extra sure, I went to college and law school, graduated from both, passed the bar exam, and practiced law for nearly a decade, just so I could be ready to answer Theis’ challenge. Little did I know that I could have saved $180,000 and 15 years of time and energy, for all I needed to answer Theis is what I learned in Kindergarten: we treat everyone like we would want to be treated. Indeed, I was also taught when I was young that I must “Love thy Neighbor as thyself.” That is what Jesus taught us. But Mr. Theis must have missed that day of class.

For he believes, that to be Christian, one must hate thy neighbor because of who that neighbor is. That one is better than thy neighbor, because of who thy neighbor is.

Mr. Theis, and anyone who similarly and ridiculously believes ending discrimination against homosexuals threatens their religious liberty, Jesus did not teach discrimination. It is not a virtue. It is not a value. It is not a liberty. It is evil. Division is Satan’s handiwork, not God’s. The day you reject your neighbor is the day you reject Jesus. The day you pretend that Christianity stands for discrimination and hate is the day you lose all credibility and legitimacy. Discrimination is not a God-given right, it is a creation of man to divide and control those less desirable. Ending discrimination does not offend God. Ending discrimination offends those that discriminate.

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  1. Rich Boucher says:

    Not to be mean or anything, but, Chris Theis?
    If you’re reading this, you sir, are a RETARD.

  2. a. price says:

    Bravo DD.

  3. MJ says:

    SCCOR also had a link from Theis. If Theis and his minions weren’t so scary, I’d be laughing. Hate is not a Family Value!

  4. Hat tip for Mike? screw that baby you kiss ass

  5. It seems like some modern religious figures are offended even at the existence of people they don’t like. I know Theis doesn’t represent the majority of Christians but things like this make me very glad for the freedom of religion. That means that Theis doesn’t get to write the laws based on his religion. The beauty of our Constitution is that his right to discriminate in his religion is protected.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    I wonder if the story of The Good Samaritan were written today the Samaritan would be a “smartly-dressed, yet slightly effeminant man” who stops to help a crotchety old Christian that all the rest of the Christians were driving right past.

  7. Rebecca says:

    Great piece DD. Let’s keep our fingers crossed on Thursday and hope that we’ve got another bill signing ceremony to attend next week! That’s how to deal with the bigots of this world.

  8. I thought liberals believed in Separation of Chruch and State.

    We were given a religious explanantion for passing SB 121 including what Jesus would do.

    Can’t have it both ways.

    Mike Protack

  9. liberalgeek says:

    OK, then I’ll just convert your marriage to a civil union in the eyes of the government. It can be a “marriage” in your church. cool?

  10. We do believe in the separation of church and state. Why should someone’s religious beliefs conflict with rights guaranteed by the Constitution? Your church is still free to not marry same sex couples, that’s protected by the First Amendment.

  11. MJ says:

    Pornstache, DD was actually using the DFPC (I prefer to call them Fuckus On the Family) argument to show how wrong they were. Get it? Or was that a little too cerebral for you?

  12. Delaware Dem says:


    You conservatives are misrepresenting religion to maintain a conservative agenda of discrimination. You conservatives love to hate, and are using God as an excuse. That offends me as a human being and as a religious person.

    You do not own religion. No political party or ideology does, and any one that pretends otherwise is usually doing something that would offend God. For example, killing in the name of God. Killing offends God, yet, as George Carlin once said, more people on Earth have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason.

    But I digress. I am not saying Jesus wants you to pass SB121. I am saying you are wrong to say that Jesus wants us to discriminate, and that hate is a religious liberty.

  13. We already know that reading comprehension is not one of Protack’s skills.

  14. DelawareDem,

    Your credentials (Catholic, religious person) are hypocritical to support of SB121.

    If you are true to your faith as you say you are, then you agree with the Catholic teachings, and adhere to this voting guide:


    If you disagree with the five non-negotiables, then you are in conflict with Catholic teaching.

  15. Delaware Dem says:

    Hey Jason, you idiot, the bill we are talking about is about ending DISCRIMINATION against gays. It is not about Gay Marriage. Thus, your comment about the 5 items is irrelevant.

    And if I have to hate to be a good Catholic, then consider me a bad one. Did it ever occur to you that the Catholic Church was in conflict with Jesus, rather than me being in conflict with the Church? Given all the hate that supposedly emanates from it (if you believe the conservatives who claim to speak for all of Christianity), while Jesus taught love and charity, I think so.

  16. Geezer says:

    “Can’t have it both ways.”

    And you have repeatedly taken your positions to the people, been repeatedly rejected, and still claim that you are the savior of the GOP, rather than its wrecking ball.

    Can’t have it both ways, skyboy.

  17. Progressive Mom says:

    Jason– Sorry, but not true: “If you disagree with the five non-negotiables, then you are in conflict with Catholic teaching.”

    These 5 non-negotiables are being published by CatholicAnswers, not the Bishops or Rome. The tract accepted by the U.S. Bishops (note: U.S., not “one, universal, Catholic Church) prior to the 2008 election agreed only that abortion is an intrinsic evil; it also agreed that an individual’s personal circumstances and life story, with proper prayer and reflection, could make abortion only one of a series of issues to be considered when voting for a candidate. Other issues included unjust war, worker’s rights and the death penalty.

    The “5 principals” are part of a radio campaign, not church doctrine.

    …And the language in this tract is so danged artful around the whole issue of “says who” that the authors should be doing Republican spin.

    Oh…wait a minute…. never mind….

  18. PBaumbach says:

    http://www.towardequality.org/SpiritualLeadersStatement2009b.htm has 50 current DE clergy who support legislation such as SB121, and 82 ‘signatories emeriti’ who also support it, including 3 Catholic priests.

    Theis, Protack, J O’N, and CAA do not speak for Catholics or Christians, nor do any DL bloggers. We each speak for ourselves.

    I support SB121, and I oppose all attempts to weaken it, via amendments. My senator co-sponsored it, and I have told her on multiple occasions that I appreciate her support on this issue (despite her listing an R after her name).

  19. Shannyn says:

    We have the same issues in Anchorage, Alaska. It is revolting the hate mongering in the name of the church. They wear red shirts and are bused in from Wasilla…go figure. Revolting. How in the hell can housing, employment and education be considered “special rights”…they are civil rights…Well, the church folks are making me “pro-life” in the sense I wish they would get one.