I make LOVE to you though baby!

Filed in National by on June 16, 2009

WASHINGTON — Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, a leading Republican mentioned as a potential presidential candidate, admitted Tuesday he had an extramarital affair with a former member of his campaign staff.

H/T Von Cracker

NSFN  (not safe for Nemski)


“These are the best damn crackers I eva had in my life”

“Wasn’t Me”


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hiding in the open

Comments (9)

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  1. Mine’s better.

  2. jason330 says:

    Don’t judge a whole Republican Party by the actions of one lying no good scum bag.

    Also – you guys should read the blog sometime. There is good stuff up in here.

  3. Did someone replace Jason with another Jason?

  4. jason330 says:

    No. I meant that you should judge the whole Republican party based on the actions of the multiple lying scum bags that we write about.

    Sarcasm is tough to pull off in comments.

  5. I figured we should redouble our efforts over here.

    I want to make sure we link to the stories and give everyone credit!

  6. Sarcasm is tough to pull off in comments.

    at least you didn’t say “woman scorned”

    badddddd vooodoooo

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    One of the best Eddie Murphy standups.

  8. thank you! Cass was thinking Barry White 🙂

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Here is the video of the scene that DV and I are talking about. And it is definitely not safe for work or home with children nearby. If profanity and crude jokes offend, do not push play.