David Vitter Facing Strong D Challenger

Filed in National by on June 20, 2009

For those of you who’ve forgotten, allow the sage words of Dick Vitale to remind you of just who U. S. Senator David Vitter (R-Louisiana) is:

He’s a diaper dandy! He’s a P-T-Pee-er!

With this news that Dem. Rep. Charles Melancon is likely to challenge the DC Madam’s Man/Child of the Year, Vitter won’t merely be peeing in prime time anymore.

Roll Call reports that Rep. Charlie Melancon has confirmed that he is considering a Campaign for Senate in 2010 against incumbent Republican Sen. David Vitter — the Christian Right champion whose career became mired in the D.C. Madam prostitution scandal two years ago.

El Somnambulo just hopes that porn star Stormy Daniels stays in the possible Republican primary against Vitter. That has the most comic potential of perhaps any primary ever. If ‘bulo ruled the world, every rally for Vitter’s opponent would feature Daniels supporters wearing Depends on the outside of their clothing. Just think of the visual! 

And maybe Vitale could do the commentary:

Time to take a T-O, bay-bee!

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  1. MJ says:

    LA has an open primary where the top two vote- getters head to a runoff if no one gets 50%. We could see two D’s or 2 R’s in the runoff.

  2. jason330 says:

    Don’t judge the entire Republican party based on the actions of a few elected pervs.

  3. Vitter is also in Republican leadership.

    This will be one race to watch. All I have to say is “thank you Stormy Daniels.”

  4. Art Downs says:

    And what of Progressive icon Barney Frank?

    His housemate (who used the phrase ‘hot bottom’ as a slogan to attract clients) was running an ‘escort service’ from their shared love-nest. He seemed to be replaced by Herb Moses. Anyone remembered where he worked?

    Vitter fooled around. BFD. How did this cost the taxpayers? Did it subject him to blackmail? Just why did General Dynamics get the TFX contract that included an F-111B that was totally useless for Naval service?

    Selective indignation is a terrible thing to behold!

  5. Just wondering, do the wingnuts have someone on Emergency Barney Frank Watch whenever yet another Rethug is caught up in some twisted debauchery?

    Congressional Page Sex Scandal? Larry Craig? David Vitter? John Ensign? Yeah, well what about Barney Frank?

    And even ‘bulo is bored with pointing out how the more outraged any Rethug’s defense of ‘family values’ or ‘straightness’, the more likely said Rethug is to engage in the behavior they profess to abhor.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Indeed, if you make your bones as an outraged moral culture warrior it is fair game to hold you up to ridicule when you can’t manage your own moral culture.

  7. ‘Bulo, I’ve been saying stuff like that for years. The more you say how smart, how holy, or how family-oriented you are, the more it means you’re not smart, you’re not holy and you’re not family-oriented.

  8. MJ says:

    The problem with the wingnuts is that they have to go back 20+ years to find something to defend themselves when one of their moralists gets caught with his pants down. Barney isn’t a hypocrite like Vitter, Craig, Ensign, and my favorite repub on the down low – Republican David.

  9. You are too cute MJ. LOL Don’t go too far over that defamation line. Someone without a sense of humor might not be as tolerant.

    Vitter will win reelection. He does a fine job in public service. I am proud of his work. It is a shame that he opened his family to such public disgrace. He has definitely paid a price for his indiscretion.

    As for hypocrisy, Craig isn’t one nor is Vitter. Ensign is but hypocrisy is the motivation for change. All human betterment comes because we strive to be better than we are. The question is a matter of standards. Are they worth wile or not? When people miss them, I say don’t abandon the journey. Get up and get back on the path. The people who hate redemption are those who deny needing it.

  10. MJ says:

    David, you know I love you. Oh, and lots of folks (men and women) think I’m cute.

    My only question is how many times can someone say “I’m sorry” before we’ve had enough?

  11. johnny longtorso says:

    MJ – Louisiana eliminated the runoff system in favor of a traditional primary/general system for Congressional races. They only use runoffs for state elections now.