Delaware Liberal

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Gays: The liberals have won the day here. Or, if you like, Father Time and common sense have worked their magic. There will be the Fred Phelps of the world pitching their little hissy fits now and then, but equal rights for gay people is now on done deal. The more Republicans push against this, the stupider and more out of touch with reality they look.

Abortion: Nobody likes abortion, but the people who think that abortion should be made rare by reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies now outnumber people who think yelling at teens to not have sex is a great policy by over three to one. There will continue to be violent lunatics fired up by the wall to wall fundraising efforts of the Anti-Abortion Industrial Complex – but a woman’s right to end a pregnancy will continue to be part of American life.

Guns: Nobody is fighting over guns anymore, so it is quaint to hear wingnuts pretend that it is still an issue. The NRA has won the right for anyone to buy 50 guns a month in order to turn around and sell them illegally and sane people have walked away from this as an issue.

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