The Power of a Positive Example

Filed in National by on June 21, 2009

According to NBC News, thanks to Michelle Obama, 20% more American families are growing vegetable gardens this year.
Michelle Obama

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (42)

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  1. No, she isn’t gardening — she’s burying Barack’s manhood on Iran.

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    Are those Inaugural gardening gloves? They sure don’t look like the ratty things you find amongst most gardeners.

  3. farsider says:

    Future Headline:

    Americans are caught up in the soup kitchen craze standing for hours nightly. It is believed that Michelle Obama once visited a similar kitchen.

  4. FSP says:

    The locavore movement has been growing for quite a while on its own, and while it’s great and undoubtedly provided a small boost, the WH garden is only a bit player.

  5. jason330 says:

    If the 20% per year growth rate continues we’ll all be locavores in a few years.

  6. RwR and farsider…bitter much?

  7. jason330 says:

    Oh yeah UI. They are in a snit over something this morning.

  8. FSP says:

    “If the 20% per year growth rate continues we’ll all be locavores in a few years.”

    There’s definitely an economic angle to it, but I’m cool with that. The abundance of options we have on the Delmarva Peninsula is staggering. Seafood, poultry, produce, you name it. We even have homegrown marijuana east of Smyrna, apparently.

  9. jason330 says:

    Eli E. Yoder?

    The Amish grow the best stuff.

  10. RSmitty says:

    Dude, I’m not that far away from Smyrna. Can you keep this the little secret it was intended to be? Damn, what happened to honor among friends?

    Why do you think Woody Harrelson is seen here so often (in disguise)?

  11. RSmitty says:

    Speaking of this operation near Smyrna, what ever happened to Discourse (or whatever)? He seems to have *poofed,* unless he’s under a different handle. Maybe he hasn’t poofed, but *puffed*. He has admitted to living near Smyrna enough times. Hmm…

  12. Yeah, I’m bitter — that after decades of the US encouraging the Iranian people to reject the Islamist mullahcracy, Barack Obama decided not to meddle and now can only do a press release on the murder of pro-democracy protesters by the regime.

  13. But when SCCOR plants a victory garden, they are overthrowing the government.


  14. anonone says:

    White Rhymes With Right wrote:

    “that after decades of the US encouraging the Iranian people to reject the Islamist mullahcracy”

    What a liar. Even after the Iranians held Americans hostage, Saint Reagan and Poppy Bush sold arms to them in a criminal conspiracy and cover-up that ended when Poppy Bush pardoned his indicted conspirators. Then Bush II hired several of those criminals to work in his admin.

    You and your fellow repubs have zero credibility when it comes to foreign policy. Just take your racist spam-linking and go away.

  15. nemski says:

    Brian, it’s a Protestant Victory Garden, no Catholics, Hindus or Muslims need apply. 😉

  16. Joanne Christian says:

    Shouldn’t you DL’ers be worrying about farmers’ subsidies about now? I mean 20%–c’mon!

  17. Barry Hussein has just zeroed-out the funds for promoting democracy in Iran.

  18. a. price says:

    RWR, not gonna comment on your drubbing by a1? typical. What a great idea! let’s antagonize Iran! because we really badly need ANOTHER war in the middle east. we TOTALLY have the troops to commit to more “nation building” and you can be sure muslims REALLY REALLY want us to “help” them. you are a moron. you have made decent points in the past, i will give you that your position on gun control is stronger tha ours on the left. However the Right wings hard-on for bombing muslim kids is sickening.
    What exactly would a revolution look like? Thousands of Iranians would die. People would get blown up in their homes. We wouldn’t. We’d be safe thousands of miles away. It is easy to tell someone they should start a war…. offer to HELP even if it means you wont be as effected. Wake up! If they decide to die for something it has to be their decision. We made the decision for the Iraqis and look at how great that turned out for them

    YOU and your ilk are the reason there is anti american sentiment. you push the middle wast into rebellion revolution and war. their kids are blown up and fathers killed because of American Right Wing crusades. Shut up and go back to humping your guns, which i might point out Obama has no yet taken away.

  19. anonone says:

    a. price:

    White Rhymes With Right doesn’t care that Bush’s Iraq war turned Iran’s mortal enemy into their BFF. You can easily imagine why the deaths thousands of people “over there” don’t matter to him and his ilk.

    And where were all these repubs when peaceful demonstrators and organizations were being swept off the streets by police outside of their own conventions? Or being removed from public taxpayer-funded events because of their bumper stickers and Tee shirts?

    Most repubs are just liars and hypocrites. The ones that aren’t, and stay in the party, are incredibly naive. It is always party over country with them.

  20. a. price says:

    know what? i want you to say right now that you are OK with Iranian children getting killed in a war YOU think they should have. prove you are morally void, cold hearted extremist. do it. It really makes me sick how quick you people are to throw away life that is not white and christian.

  21. Well, since the Iranian government isn’t killing them for protesting the election fraud, maybe we should leave them alone.

    After all, it isn’t like those non-white, non-Christian folks have any right to be free like we Americans and the folks in Europe — right a.holeprice?

    And remember our nation’s new foreign policy — when the going gets tough, Obama gets soft-serv.

  22. jason330 says:

    Rwr wants more nation building… because, you know… we are so good at it.

  23. Oh, yeah — except when Barry Hussein decides to make an example of the Jews. No wonder Pat Buchanan agrees with him.

  24. Jason wants a return to the Carter era — you know, nation-destroying and appeasement to dictators.

  25. jason330 says:

    If the choice is Obama or Bush – I, and the nation, pick Obama by a wide margin.

    But feel free to play with your Risk board until the cows come home though. It is jolly fun thinking about blowing shit up.

  26. Got it, Jason — peace with slavery over war for freedom. You would have been a Copperhead and damned Lincoln for his warlike tendencies in 1861, and been a Tory who professed loyalty to old King George in 1776.

    Good thing there are better men and women who fought and died for your freedom, jason, else you would have none.

    When the phone rings at 3 a.m., Obama will hustle his ass out the door to find a 24-hour Dairy Queen.

  27. jason330 says:

    Here is a tip Ryymy.

    Build up Australia and (if you can) South America. Don’t waste any armies in Europe or Asia except maybe Kamchatka.

    That’s all the free Risk (c) advice I give out. If you want the really good stuff you are going to have to pay for it.

  28. cassandra_m says:

    RWR is part of the completely failed neocon faction, for whom empty gestures mean the world. Just because the US says something doesn’t always make it either important or useful. Remember Georgia? Obama stupidly followed McCain’s lead in saber rattling, but guess who won that one? Plenty of bluster just asks the other party to turn around and say Yeah Make Me. Certainly you will not be signing up to go to Iran to kick the mullahs out.

  29. Yeah. better to appease thand stand on principle.

    Maybe Obama can win the Neville Chamberlain Peace Prize. He’s garnered the votes of Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Kim Jong-Il, Hamas, and now Mahmoud the Mad.

    When the going gets tough, Obama gets soft-serv.

  30. jason330 says:

    Wait. Is Obama Chamberlain or Hitler? Adolph Chamberlain?

    Neville Chavez Hitler maybe?

  31. Chamberlain. Definitely. A noted appeaser of dictators AND anti-Semite.

  32. jason330 says:

    Bravo. No mention of chapquidick. Little Capt, Nutbag is growing up right in front of our eyes.

  33. Nothing about bridges or Kennedys to make it relevant.

    And too bad Obama’s nutbag got buried in the garden by Michelle — it would be nice if he proved he had some by having the balls to actually comment in person on the situation in Iran instead of through a type-written statement.

  34. jason330 says:

    Joe Kennedy.

  35. I wonder — would the secret service let Obama ride in a car driven by Teddy Kennedy? And if they did, would they require that he take a personal flotation device?

    Or would Obama be safe because he isn’t sleeping with Teddy?

    happy now, Jason?

  36. Oh, and by the way, good of you to mention Joe Kennedy. he’d approve of Obama’s backing the anti-Semitic Aryan regime in Iran.

  37. jason330 says:

    Don’t mention it and BTW than you for the insights into the mind of a nutbag.

  38. a. price says:

    you are so cute RwR. i thought the lunatic right wing supremacist mantra was that Jews controlled Obama. now he is anti semitic?
    RWR, Jews are smarter than you give us credit for and A LOT smarter than your jerk-off fantasy Rush. You holding your breath and stamping your feet and pretending an appropriate response to something happening outside our country means Obama is Hitler doesn’t work. so just stop. you are making yourself look more foolish than usual.

  39. Actually, “the Jews control Obama” comes from Jeremiah Wright. Besides — it is you lefties who are praising Pat Buchanan, and your network (MSNBC) that employs him, a.holeprice, so don’t be trying to associate me with that not-so-crypto-Nazi.

    I don’t listen to Rush, either — and haven’t done so with any regularity in well-over a decade. After all, I have a job that doesn’t allow me the luxury of a radio while I carry out my duties.

    And I’ve not said he is a Nazi — just an anti-Semite. There is a difference — especially since anti-Semitism is c0mmon among Communists, Muslims, and America’s black leadership (see Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Louis Farrakhan for prime examples).

  40. Von Cracker says:

    Come on now…let RWR throw his fit. It’s the least we can do to help him get over his feelings of inadequacy!

    Daddy had 4 tours in Nam and all he’s ever done is get cheetoe dust on his keyboard.

    It’s. Not. Your. Fault.

  41. Joanne Christian says:

    Well back to the original post….I hope she eats those vegetables for all of us too.