Biden v. Castle Would Be a Rerun of Biden v. Boggs

Filed in National by on June 23, 2009

Tarheeman1993 at swing state project likened a race between Beau Biden and Mike Castle to the 1972 Joe Biden race against Caleb Boggs.

Castle’s statement to the Philly Inquirer definitely stuck a half-hearted tone. Tarheeman1993 points out:

Back in 1972, Joe Biden defeated Caleb Boggs because Boggs was reluctant to run again. Castle seems to have the same feelings as Boggs did in 1972. A reluctant candidate won’t do much good for the Republicans.

Not only is he reluctant, Castle (like Boggs back in ’72) is covered with the slime of a crooked President.  

Prediction:  Castle retires rather than lose.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. ‘Bulo gets the point, but disagrees. There was a tremendous element of surprise in Biden beating Boggs, especially in a year when Nixon was clobbering McGovern. Biden was essentially a ‘stealth’ candidate. There was no sophisticated polling to suggest that he would win.

    Plus, there was never an ‘entitlement’ issue with Joe. There clearly is with Beau. It is probably his biggest challenge, demonstrating that he has the ‘gravitas’ in his own right.

    Not saying that Beau couldn’t win, but the dynamics of the race would be far different.

    Ironically, the lowered expectations for him could work in his favor if he turns out to be ‘better’ than pundits like ‘bulo expect.

    It will be a fascinating race. Please forgive El Somnambulo for failing to work up much enthusiasm for it. He just hates political dynasties and ‘heirs-apparent’.

  2. I’m with ‘Bulo. I think Biden can win, but only if he fights hard for it.

  3. jason330 says:

    Please forgive El Somnambulo for failing to work up much enthusiasm for it. He just hates political dynasties and ‘heirs-apparent’.

    That is going to be a common sentiment. WDEL talk radio hosts HATE dynasties, but their wall to wall Biden hating didn’t seem to move many voters last time.

  4. Well, ‘bulo thinks that Jason is likely correct that Castle is looking hard at the Boggs experience.

    Castle’s not playing coy, IESHO. He’s trying to determine if his heart’s really in it.

    Jason’s been consistent in saying that Castle wouldn’t run. ‘Bulo has felt that he would. By pushing back his decision date, Castle makes it more likely that Jason’s been right all along.

    So, if anyone’s been paying attention to ‘bulo’s opinion on this race (if so, they should be in therapy), they can only arrive at one conclusion: The Beast Who Slumbers doesn’t have a clue. Not. A. Clue.

  5. cassandra_m says:

    This is definitely he fish or cut bait moment for Beau — he’s going to have to decide not only if he really wants to be in the family business but if he can mount up the right fight.

    Count me as not crazy about heirs-apparent too — especially those who don’t seem to have their own political personas yet.

  6. anonone says:

    It is in Castle’s strategic interests if he is planning to run for the Senate to delay announcing for as long as possible. The longer he delays, the more likely it is that he is going to run.

    When you own the pot, you can sit on it as long as you want.

    As far as Boggs v Biden goes – the times and technology are different these days.

  7. I agree Castle can delay a bit because his likely opponent is out of the country. I’ll bet Castle is already sitting on a pile of money.

    Mark me down as thinking that Castle won’t run. I change my mind on this question daily, BTW.

  8. While ‘bulo agrees with A1’s point, he doesn’t think this was a strategic move. Otherwise, why set a self-imposed deadline and then fail to meet it? Among other things, that makes a lot of R’s nervous. Not to mention that it’s tough to raise funds for a race if you’re not in. No, ‘bulo thinks Castle honestly is conflicted on this.

  9. anonone says:

    I believe that he is conflicted. I also believe he trying to milk it for everything he can get. The remark “They’ve asked me to run for the Senate as a Republican” wasn’t an off-handed comment but was carefully aimed at his repub colleagues to get them to up their ante.

    I think he’s in.

  10. jason330 says:

    I agree that that phrase was studied. I’m no sure what kind of game he is playing though.

  11. Al Mascitti says:

    “WDEL talk radio hosts HATE dynasties, but their wall to wall Biden hating didn’t seem to move many voters last time.”

    You’re kidding, right? Biden won by 6 points against a career prosecutor with few political instincts and no experience. Check what the other Democrats, none of whom enjoyed the built-in benefit of his name, won by. Didn’t move many voters? How many people at the Biden-worshipping News Journal would have pointed out his utter lack of both experience and passion for the job?

    Shouldn’t a “newspaper” that printed a book about Joe recuse itself from covering anyone with the surname Biden?

  12. I think the President with baggage will be Obama.

    10% unemployment, record deficits and record spending are not the kind of coat tails you want from the President.

    Castle or a Republican will win.

    Mike Protack

  13. At the rate he is going, the President will have tails and a pitchfork as he takes the Democrat party to political hell.

  14. Joanne Christian says:

    I was there in 1972, and this is no Boggs/Biden match-up. Castle is heartily endeared around here to many from all sides–except here. Boggs no way enjoyed that sentiment. In fact I can remember my sister protesting at his house over Title 9. Wrong analogy here.

  15. Geezer says:

    “I think the President with baggage will be Obama.”

    In that case, he won’t have any. You’ve never been right about anything in your life, except for the most obvious points, such as that anyone who runs on the GOP ticket in Delaware is fated to lose. Even that one you botch by claiming you would do better, when there’s not even a sliver of evidence to back it up.

  16. RSmitty says:

    Shouldn’t a “newspaper” that printed a book about Joe recuse itself from covering anyone with the surname Biden?

    Very good point that I had totally overlooked until now. This also being the same paper that was well over one hour behind the blogs and WDEL in reporting Sen Adams’ death yesterday. Pathetic tree killer.

  17. Slime of a crooked president? You are mistaken — Obama is a Democrat, so it is Biden covered with that slime. You know, especially since his idiot daddy (and his regular stream of bigoted comments) occupy the number two place in the Obama Regime.