I’m a smarter person than…

Filed in Delaware by on June 25, 2009

A few days ago I expressed.  Professed. And Confessed when I said I am/was a better Christian than several retards that visit this website.  NO offense to Hube of course, he can’t help being a retard.  Crap and no offense to those readers that have DS, I mean no slight to anyone with an actual handicap. Trust me, if you met them, you’d laugh and call them retarded too. I think I forgot to put in that list the honorable, DL Spammer, Leader of Republicans Mike Protack.

BUT, I have no fear, I am here to pontificate, set a mandate and verbally masturbate some real truth.  I won’t forget to put him the mustached, unabashed, and now on this post the trashed and smashed Leader of the Delaware Republican Party on the list of people I know that I’m smarter than.  See, I know I’m smarter than Mike Protack when I read stuff like this:

Keep ranting, it hurts your cause and makes Sanford look better.

Mike Protack

I’m not that smart. But I do know that if I had the balls to type that statement, I would most likely be smart enough to take my own advice. But, then again, Mike is a Republican and he can’t take his own advice. He can only tell others how to live.

Now that Mike has a few less bogs to spam and visit when he isn’t asking boys if they have ever been in a Turkish prison, this feature may be one that you see here daily or at the least weekly. I am sure I can dig up a few more quotes to prove my point. Remember, those of you that are new or maybe even voted for this guy. He ran to be THE FUCKING GOVERNOR.

Pozsibly Ted Kennedy who killed a woman or Bill Clinton can comment on the Sanford episode?

If they are busy I think Barney Frank could comment on how a gay prositution ring could happen in his house?

Still, if Sanford had staff lie or used government resources in any way he should resign.

Mike Protack

I will give him the benefit of the doubt this is a blackberry. As well as the fact he posts from about a dozen different IP Addresses so he probably doesn’t get to comfortable typing on any one keyboard. But I mean really? A guy running for office? This is what he brings to the table? I think I take back my Snoopy Dance the other day when I learned that another blogger living in his parents basement as well as a guy that has started and stopped more business than a manual car that stops and starts with a 16 year old behind the wheel. Those are two less places he has to spew his nonsense.

Based on the absurdity of the posts and the increasing number of them I wonder if we wont find out that Mr. Protack has a problem with commenting and can’t stop to the point he harrases the writers and follows people home and what not.

Oh, that reminds me, someone else I know I’m smarter than. John Atkins!

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hiding in the open

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  1. What about Protack’s recent comment about Iran killing a bunch of Americans?

  2. jason330 says:

    Being smarter than Protack is an accomplishment similar to being more handsome than Steve Bushcemi.

  3. Art Downs says:

    Again I ask: what postion does Mike Protack hold in the Delaare GOP? Has he been seen working in behalf of other candidates in regular and special elections?

    What is this Protack fetish with some people?

  4. Sorry guys but you attack the ones who point out how silly and uniformed you are about just about everything. Most of your posts are emotional rants devoid of any subtance.

    You call spam anything which doesn’t prop up Obama and enlarge government. By the way, how is that FUBAR Obama economy?

    By the way, maybe Mark Sanford consulted with John Edwards before he has his press conference? Or Frank, Kennedy and Bill Clinton?

    In your stumbling and bumbling rants you forgot I call for Sanford to resign if he used any part of his office to facilitate his visits.

    Ah, to be a liberal. You can talk so much and say so little.

    Mike Protack

  5. RSmitty says:

    …more handsome than Steve Bushcemi.

    What, you don’t think he’s hot? What’s wrong with you? 😉

  6. this will be going up for tomorrow’s edition

    Ah, to be a liberal. You can talk so much and say so little

  7. Tom S says:

    glad I’m not Republican nor Democrat…you guys are all whacked.