Can You Spot The Error?

Filed in National by on June 26, 2009

Someone will put the answer in comments. See if you can answer the question before clicking the comments.

Here’s a new fundraising pitch by South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, conservative defender of the Constitution:

I believe the only way to take back our freedom is to return to the constitutional principles our founding fathers promised in 1776. It’s upon those principles I announced my conservative alternative to President Obama’s liberal healthcare plan just yesterday.

I can’t do all this alone…. I trust that conservative activists are willing to stand behind the ideas I’ve been pushing in Washington, so I’ve set a loft [sic] goal of raising $17,760 in $17.76 increments over the next five days…. All you have to do is click here and donate $17.76.

Is there something in the water there?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. Phil says:

    The Declaration of Independence was written in 1776 not the Constitution……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  2. Bonus question: what year was the Constitution written?

  3. I’ll give out two “Attaboys.” One to Phil and one to RwR.

  4. anon says:

    What Constitutional principle says we can’t vote ourselves some health care?

  5. Phil says:

    There isn’t one, but it depends where the money is coming from. Making a taxpayer bankrolled healthcare system is basically saying you have a right to money. Other peoples money. Most of the people who are uninsured who would benefit the most from this are poorer people. The money to pay for this would come from the rich. So you pretty much will have a system for rich people paying poor peoples healthcare. Now I don’t have a problem with this notion if it was charity. What I have a problem with is that it is forced. If someone came into my house and took money and spent it at the doctors, that’s called theft. Besides, the Constitution says “promote the general welfare…” not provide it.

  6. PBaumbach says:

    Getting back to our founding fathers’ principles, I presume that Senator DeMint will refuse contributions from women and from African Americans.

    Maybe he’ll make an exception for Argentinian women.

  7. anon says:

    Making a taxpayer bankrolled healthcare system is basically saying you have a right to money. Other peoples money.

    But we do have a right to other people’s money. It is right there in the Constitution.

  8. Phil says:

    women and african americans were amended in, so its ok.

    cool, where?

  9. anon says:

    The income tax was amended in, so it’s OK.

    Taxation and appropriations are part of the Constitution (those darn tax-and-spend liberal Founding Fathers!).

    You can find the sections yourself since you are such a scholar.

  10. PBaumbach says:

    Senator DeMint was not referring to the Constitution (as amended), but the ‘constitutional principles our founding fathers promised in 1776’, which excluded freedoms for women and African Americans.

    If DeMint had referred to our Constitution, then I would agree with Phil that this includes the amendments, and it is OK and cool.

    DeMint didn’t, and I don’t.

  11. Phil says:

    Just because something was amended doesn’t mean that it is right. The most blatant was prohibition.

    Oh, Nice try but the 16th amendment wasn’t ratified until 1913. I don’t think any of the founding fathers were still alive then. Maybe you could wiki it and find out.

  12. Phil says:

    Well, DeMint got the date wrong so everything else is suspect anyway. His voucher plan sucks too.

  13. Demint is correct about one thing Obama is taking this country away from the Constitution and into a ditch.

    10% unemployment
    massive deficits
    massibe national debt
    bankrupt auto carriers
    loss of respect around the world
    Cap and Tax

    As for the stupid and immature comment about contributions from African Americans guess which demographic group has been hit the hardest by the Obama FUBAR economy?

    Mike Protack

  14. liberalgeek says:

    Protack – If I tried, I don’t think I could parody you any more effectively than you parody yourself.

    Seriously, when is your next medical check to be declared fit for flight?

  15. anon says:

    loss of respect around the world

    So far nobody has thrown a shoe at Obama. I think that is progress.

  16. The founding fathers wanted a limited government and to assume they approved of taxation for such a premise as for paying for everyone’s healthcare is downright silly.

    They would have laughed you out of Philly.

  17. anon says:

    and to assume they approved of taxation for such a premise as for paying for everyone’s healthcare is downright silly.

    I don’t know if they would approve of it or not – but that doesn’t matter. They knew they wouldn’t be around to figure it out, so they left us a process for deciding what WE want. And we are following the process.