The Summer Of Like Like

Filed in Delaware by on June 27, 2009

We’re only a few weeks into summer and there’s one question I’m hearing repeatedly…

Yes, but do you like-like him/her?

Ah, the teenage years, and I’ll admit I’m suddenly all ears to the new tone of chatter.  It’s interesting since the kids on the block only get together every summer.  Nine months away from each other emphasizes the differences.  Voices deepen, height changes, the nerdy kid is suddenly cool, and the once bothersome “little” kid is now not such a bother… nor so little.

As a parent I find myself walking an interesting line.  Puberty is in full bloom, and I have to keep reminding myself I’m not the only one performing a balancing act.  In the blink of an eye the girl in skinny jeans and eyeliner drops the pose in favor of game of Capture the Flag, and the boy that has taken to speaking in grunts suddenly wants to be buried in sand.  And I am fascinated… and nostalgic.  Which is why I’ve decided, before inserting myself into any teenage conversation, to stop and make myself remember.

Funny, how often I’m biting my tongue.  Funnier still… I’m really like-liking this age.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (9)

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  1. nemski says:

    True. One of my wife’s favorite hobbies is to eavesdrop on my son and his friends — they make it very easy as you would have to go out of your way not to listen in.

    Quick question though. What does this post have to do with crazy Republicans?

  2. pandora says:

    LOL! We’re in trouble once they figure out sound travels! And I’m bored with crazy Republicans. I was in the mood for something reality based. 🙂

  3. We’re all about diversity here at DL.

  4. John Manifold says:

    Yearning for love is universal from puberty to dementia. Listening right now to an observance of Richard Rodgers’ 107th birthday [6/28] reminds me of the beautiful ways it can be expressed.

    Lovely post, Pandora. The kids are entitled to share the universal range of emotions. And we try to guide them, hoping the inevitable pratfalls are short-term.

  5. Miscreant says:

    Nice observations, Pandora. I really enjoyed that.

  6. Perry says:

    I give my wife lots of credit for her devotion to our two girls throughout their growing up years. And it all turned out well as I watch them now raising their two each with a similar approach and attitude.

    Of course we have since heard some tales, had we known then we would have been surprised and more concerned.

    We feel very fortunate that all turned out well, so far, knowing that there is much more than good parenting that goes into the mix of raising children, having a sizeable portion of good luck there too (teachers, neighbors, friends, relatives, employers, community, economy, ….)

    So yes, Pandora, those were great years, in the good old days of the ’80’s!

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Teens were, and have continued to be the cakewalk in this house. Toddlers were my undoing.

    I’m telling you Pandora, I’m okay with the teens as I’m moving along. It’s their parents that alarm me. I cannot believe the overhandling of their kid’s life, problems, choices, free time, and every relationship their child/teen engages. Nothing seems to be without manipulation. Look out–and please don’t be one of those:)!

  8. cassandra_m says:

    Nice, Pandora!

    I’m with Joanne though — I see coworkers of mine with teens/college age kids and the micromangement of these kids is astonishing. You wonder how they’ll ever manage if the apron strings are ever cut….

  9. pandora says:

    No apron strings here! Which accounts for a lot of tongue biting. We’re keeping it real – and have the gray hairs to prove it! We’re so going with the flow! And I’m still like-liking it!

    Teenagers rock! (Not that I admit that to them. They have enough friends – that’s not my role! There’s a lot of “Aw Mom” here.)