Name Calling

Filed in National by on June 29, 2009

Remember when the Republican National Committe was debating on whether or not to change the name of the Democratic Party?

In that vein, we should decide what to call conservatives because we all know they are anything by conservative.

My two favorites are:

  • The Radical Right
  • Christian Theocracists

Do you have ideas?


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (49)

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Well, we already call them the radical right. And I prefer not to use the adjective”Christian” in connection to them since they are far from Jesus’ teachings in nearly every way.

  2. anon says:

    Well, they did pretty well for 30 years by calling us “liberals” and “extreme left.”

    So I expect we can do pretty well simply calling them “conservatives” and “extreme right.” No need to make anything up, just call them what they are and they will add their own tarnish to the name.

  3. Perry says:

    Modern republicans are not classical conservatives, rather they are neoconservatives. So that is what we should be call them, and what they should in truth call themselves.

  4. nemski says:

    Perry, how would you suggest that we lump in the social conservatives? This confuses me.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    The Hypocrite Party


    The Willfully Ignorant Party


    The Unicorn Party

  6. Perry says:

    Christian Neoconservative Party, otherwise known as the CNP. Sounds to me like something out of the old Soviet Union.

    The problem with that is obviously not all of the neocons are Christian.

    I still like the Neoconservative Party, since if is descriptive of their ideology, distinct from the Republican Party, which has lost all affinity to the party of Lincoln.

  7. anon says:

    For the social conservatives, actually we figured this out 300 years ago; they are Puritans.

    The Puritans never did figure out how to get along with the wealthy merchants.

  8. John Young says:

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  9. MJ says:

    Why don’t we just call them adulterers and fools.

  10. delacrat says:

    perry @ 6

    Christian Neoconservative Party, otherwise known as the CNP. Sounds to me like something out of the old Soviet Union.

    You’re getting close. How’s this for something out of the old Soviet Union:

    The Christian Peoples Republican Party

  11. No, the Republican Christian People’s Party (that likes to blow things up).

  12. RSmitty says:

    (the) “GORP” – (the) Grand Ol’ Rush Party

  13. nemski says:

    RSmitty, you need to change ur alias to iSmitty.

  14. RSmitty says:

    Except the ‘R’ is an actual initial, not a party, plus, if I were to say ‘ISmitty,’ I’d feel all TRONish and would have to dress up in a metallic suit with neon blue lines throughout.

  15. nemski says:

    I’ve got it . . . Christian Republicans of America Party.

  16. nemski says:

    And members would be called Crappers.

  17. Guardians of the American Way.

  18. anon says:

    Guardians of the American Way

    Would there be a special uniform with lots of tassels?

  19. Joanne Christian says:

    Just call me a Taxpayer, and call it a day.

  20. Dorian Gray says:

    Guardians of the American Way, huh. Like traditionalists… slavery, misogyny, segregation, like that? Ya know “strict constitutional constructionists”. The stuff that was there originally…

    How about the Alchemy Party… bright ideas for the 17th century!

  21. nemski says:

    I don’t know Dorian, alchemy . . . that shows a modicum of interest in science.

  22. Dorian Gray says:

    Maybe when Newton was doing it it did. Today it is indicative of a moron who continues to use and outdated, debunked way of thinking.

  23. xstryker says:

    Nemski, I think you nailed it with “Theocracists”. I think adding the word “National” to the mix would help.

  24. Heh heh DG. They’re building a bridge to the 17th Century.

  25. The Party That Freed The Slaves From Their Democrat Owners

  26. Sorry, but it doesn’t matter what you call a party, it is what they do and stand for.

    The Dems are for taxes on working families, taxes on investment, larger more ineffective government, huge deficits and weak foreign policy.

    The party of race car driver Ted Kennedy, cigar smoker Bill Clinton, family advocate John Edwards and Financial whiz William Jefferson.

    The last thing we need are unprincipled liberals giving any advice on anything.

    Mike Protack

  27. xstryker says:

    The party of race car driver Ted Kennedy, cigar smoker Bill Clinton, family advocate John Edwards and Financial whiz William Jefferson.

    The Mike Protack chatbot provides hours (OK minutes) of entertainment with five recorded responses that can be used a wide variety of unrelated situations!

  28. Art Downs says:

    Modern republicans are not classical conservatives, rather they are neoconservatives.erry: Modern republicans are not classical conservatives, rather they are neoconservatives.-Perry

    That statement indicates a gross ignorance of contemporary politics. The gratuitous use of the ‘neocon’ term shows about the same level of intellect as the use of the ‘m-f’ vulagarity as a universal insult.

    A neconservative is a reformed Liberal who saw the light. Some retained some cultural and even economic liberal views but switched on the basis of a strong issue.

    This phenomenon was first noted in the early 1940s when many became disgusted with the excesses of Stalinism (especially after the Molotov-VonRibbentrop Pact) and abandonded The Party.

    Conservative Democrats did not have to make any great switch when they obliged FDR to give the bum’s rush to Wallace.

    The term did not come into general use until the Reagan Adminstration when people such as Jean Kirkpatrick came in from the cold. The term was used in a negative sense by long-term conservatives who feared that the newcomers would take over the Party.

    David Horowitz was an example of s strong shift. He was more of a ‘Red Diaper Baby’ than Daviud Axelrod but there came a time when he could not ignore the ugly truth about some of his vicious associates (such as Huey Newton).

  29. Perry says:

    The roots of neoconservatism, which actually have ties to the Zionist movement, do not describe most of the diehards who deserve the current moniker. These are for sure card carrying Republicans. The party really does deserve to be renamed to be more consistent with current ideological reality.

    Calling themselves the GOP is definitely another misnomer, as they are now unrelated to their roots.

    The Neoconservative Party, or Christian Neoconservative Party — Either, yes!

  30. Von Cracker says:

    Dead Man’s Party.

    Leave your body and mind at the door…

    But really call them what they are regionally, socially, and fiscally….Dixiecrats.

  31. Once again we see that Perry is among those who defines neocon as “effing Jews and effing Jew-lovers”.

  32. RwR, fiction writer. Perry said no such thing, and what you wrote was quite slanderous.

  33. callerRick says:

    “Conservative” does not describe a political party. It is a philosophy. Edmund Burke was a conservative. In more modern times, Russell Kirk was an important contributor. Rarely are politicians anything more than on the periphery, although Reagan was a conservative.

    I think Perry is fixated on Strauss and his gang of heretics.

  34. MJ says:

    Nemski@14 – well, they already have Sen. Crapo from Idaho.

  35. MJ says:

    Repub David – Shouldn’t that be Guardians of the American Yay?

  36. jason330 says:

    Reagan was a conservative.

    Cuz…it is “conservative” to run up record levels of national debt I suppose.

  37. nemski says:

    Reagan was a conservative.

    Cuz… it is “conservative” to grow the federal gov’t to all time highs I suppose.

  38. xstryker says:

    The Party That Freed The Slaves From Their Democrat Owners

    And Then Won Over Dixiecrats By Becoming As Racist As Possible.

  39. RSmitty(I-R) says:

    Dead Man’s Party
    May Oingo Boingo defecate on you for tarnishing their song.

  40. Joanne Christian says:

    Let me think this through…..Ummm…Lincoln…Last Frontier…Lost Frontier…yeh..the Lost Frontier Party.

    And Smitty, you can too change from RSmitty to ISmitty, because MeJoanne :)…..

  41. RSmitty(I-R) says:

    Dang. At first I thought you were giving me a hidden clue, but now I get it, it’s all about the pronouns!

  42. Joanne Christian says:

    Geez Smitty, the way you sign in now I’m thinking you represent Indian River!

  43. RSmitty(I/R) says:

    Indian River, eh? A pox on you!!!

  44. nemski says:


  45. Dana says:

    Simple: The Common Sense Party. We have it, and y’all don’t. 🙂

  46. Dana says:

    By the way, despite Perry’s suggestion of Neoconservative Party, that really doesn’t work well. The neocons are mostly social moderates.

  47. RSmitty(I/R) says:

    The neocons are mostly social moderates.

    PUKE! Dost thou pedestal thyself much?
    “NEOcon” term came about from the Gingrich takeover of the party and specifically referred to the style he thrust upon the party. Yes, it was 15+ years ago, but that is the label. Wear it well, Dana. It’s yours.

    Of course, if you would like to go ahead and disavow that people like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ike Eisenhower, etc. were ever part of the party, be my guest.

  48. Given my past dealings with Perry, I stand by my assertion about his definition of neocon. Indeed, it is a definition shared by way too many liberals.

  49. farsider says:

    This is just too simple:

    Conservative: The Right
    Liberal: The Wrong

    There that was easy.