A couple of questions for the SD 19 Dems

Filed in National by on July 1, 2009

1) Eddy Parker of Bridgeville?

2) Wasn’t there supposed to be a meeting on Tuesday, July 7th?

3) Animal exhibitions conflict?

Political leaders say the race may be complicated further by the Delaware State Fair, set to begin July 23, just up the road in Harrington. If the election is held during that time, the candidates will have to compete with animal exhibitions, carnivals and fair food for voters’ attention

h/t anon


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    Not animal exhibitionism… that’s something entirely different.

  2. The state fair drawls a large crowd and would be a prime campaign spot if the candidates had known in time to get a spot.

    It would be harder to hold events that would normally draw a crowd during state fair time. Deep fried oreos can’t compete.

  3. anon says:

    Do you mean candidates can’t compete with deep fried oreos?

  4. Mark H says:

    or the funnel cake either

  5. I agree with Brian. The candidates have a big chance of increasing their profile during the fair. Maybe they can sell deep-fried oreos as a fundraiser.

  6. Wow, I’m really surprised they picked Parker over Mervine.

  7. MJ says:

    UI – I agree. Lynn Rodgers was a no go (folks are still pisssed that he along with the other 2 D’s abruptly left county council). Scott Wilkins is a great guy, hard worker, but I don’t think he had the name recognition.

    Parker knows people in the community (former school board member), but is really, really, really, going to have to work hard to retain the seat. Schwartzkopf may get involved to organize the GOTV effort.

  8. I guess my hypothetical yesterday on Mervine wasn’t so hypothetical afterall. I saw that it was only a one-vote difference, so that had to be a bit tense in the aftermath. Since I am at the opposite side of the state, what is the general attitude coming out of that selection?

  9. Early nominee for line of the day. From Brian Shields:

    “The state fair drawls a large crowd…”

    Yes it does.

  10. Maria Evans says:

    ~Lynn Rodgers was a no go (folks are still pisssed that he along with the other 2 D’s abruptly left county council)~

    Why be “pissed”? First, Roger’s wife had a life threatening fall from a horse and she’s still recovering, second, can you name some stellar stand he took on County Council to preserve anything other than the Delaware Way?

  11. MJ says:

    Let me check with some folks who were at the meeting to gauge reaction. Also, I could see Bodenweiser running as an Independent or Libertarian. Not that he’s that great of a candidate – he’s got that big of an ego.

  12. MJ says:

    Maria, if he would have made his decision to not seek re-election earlier than he did, Joan Deaver would have been able to raise a bit more money. As it was, people sat out waiting to see what he was going to do (even though he did campaign for the republican in the general election).

  13. Since ‘bulo has proven time and time again that he has not a clue when it comes to Sussex County, especially western Sussex, take this speculation for what it’s worth.

    1. Maybe Eddy Parker won the nomination b/c he actually took the time to contact the committee people and ask for their votes. People like to be asked, especially committee people.

    2. Maybe D’s in western Sussex have simply gotten tired of being dictated to by the likes of Thurman Adams for over 30 years, and they were determined to show their independence. Especially if they viewed Polly Mervine’s high profile announcement as if she expected a coronation.

    Those are ‘bulo’s highly-uninformed guesses for this AM. Feel free to fire at will and destroy them.

  14. Bodenwiser won’t change his stand on teh gheys, and would very likely not get Libertarian support. SCCOR has pretty much nailed that door shut.

    I have received no contact from him even asking. He’s looking at running for Booth’s seat should he win. SCCOR will be behind him 100% in the GOP, and he won’t think of switching.

  15. Maria Evans says:

    ~Maria, if he would have made his decision to not seek re-election earlier than he did, Joan Deaver would have been able to raise a bit more money. As it was, people sat out waiting to see what he was going to do (even though he did campaign for the republican in the general election).~

    Joan announced her run for Rogers’ seat before (about a month before) Rogers made any decision. She didn’t wait for squat.

    Joan announced her run on June 9th, Rogers announced he wouldn’t run on July 22nd.

  16. MJ says:

    Granted, Maria, but some of the old school dems waited to jump on board until after Lynn and the other members of the troika announced their plans. Perhaps if we would have known earlier we could have run candidates in all 3 races instead of just 2 of them.

  17. MJ says:

    I hope Bodenweiser runs – I’m going to have fun with him and SCCOR (or is it the Klan?).

  18. Keep fantasizing MJ. Eric is supporting Booth and as Brian said hoping very hard that he wins. He lives in the 37th. Everyone thought that Booth could have the GOP nod if he really wanted it.

    As for the fair, the state parties have booths and I am sure the candidates will use them. I am sure the pressure will be for Deluca and Gilligan to set the date for the 1st. If they set it before the fair, that will be interesting. I would say advantage to the guy who already has organization.

  19. Lee Ann, Public Servant says:

    That’s my district. I agree with ‘Bulo. They are generally a contrarian bunch, they bristle at being taken for granted or dictated to, they don’t like airs of entitlement, and they probably liked being asked directly. I don’t even know the guy. I know that when I ran in 2004 to be a Democratic National Convention delegate from Sussex County, I got votes because I personally and humbly asked for them and because I aligned with another earnest contender with strong Bridgeville ties (Blaine Breeding). And that’s the beginning and end of my electoral career in Sussex County.

  20. Dave M. says:

    Strong confirmation that Joe Booth got the nod from the Chair for the GOP. Actually think he’s a pretty decent guy. Although a Dem myself, I get a little scared when one party holds all the power; that’s when the really bad stuff happens. Plus, I’m a little cynical about another D replacing Thurm unless such D has in the past shown concern for the Delaware Way that Thurm represented.

  21. anonone says:

    Although a Dem myself, I get a little scared…

    The problem with Dems in a nutshell.

  22. MJ says:

    Bodenweiser will run in the 37th if Booth wins and he’ll crack under the limelight and pressure. I’m going to have fun going after him and the other klansmen in SCCOR.

  23. anon says:

    I have it on good authority that Bodenweiser has the GOP nod for the 37th should Booth win.