Conservative Porn

Filed in National by on July 2, 2009

Runner’s World provides some porn for our conservative readers. For the rest of you, stay away it might burn your eyes. BTW, the treatment of the US flag violates US Flag Code.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Liberals, Media Assail Women in Politics « DELAWARE REPUBLICAN | July 3, 2009
  1. jason330 says:


    (The soccer shorts pic was a clunker though.)

  2. Why was she pictured with Trig, though? She doesn’t run with him does she? If she does, they should show the equipment she uses.

  3. PBaumbach says:

    Did the RNC pick up the tab for that running outfit?

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    I couldn’t care less about the flag thing… but could you imagine the next Bill O’Reilly show if Obama was pictured folding the flag incorrectly. Holy fuck!

  5. nemski says:

    Agreed DG . . . I included the Flag Code link because the radical right is so good at being . . . what’s that word again . . . it’s at the tip of my tongue . . . oh yeah . . . HYPOCRITICAL.

  6. She is absolutely beautiful. I don’t know about porn though. This sophisticated, decent, and artistic.

    I am glad that she favors fitness for women. That should be something to celebrate.

    As for the flag code, it does not violate it. It is quite a stretch to say that flag was being used a drape. You would have to change the definition of drape. The flag was not on the ground or being treated in a disrespectful way. I am glad that you all rediscovered the importance of flag respect. It is the first time I have seen you all even refer to it with reverence. Wonders never cease.

    The flag code is an interesting bit of arcane prose. Even the military does not go through it with the troops. It is not binding law so you are not going to get case law on its interpretation. It is a 19th century creation which took until 1942 to be enacted federally with no enforcement powers. It forbids the use of the flag in commercial advertisement which was the main thrust, regulates when and how the flag can be flown. It speaks of displays, who can wear the flag, storage,disposal, and even folding the flag. The only recent update was in 2007 regarding the flying of the flag half staffed for fallen soldiers.

    I think that it would be good to have a discussion about updating it for modern sensibilities instead of 1897 when it was passed by PA. We could all benefit from it.

    I do love how you are so quick to straw dog. You can’t site one person making a big deal about anything other than burning the flag to desecrate it. There is no condemnation of anyone conservative or liberal in any story. There is no flag code movement sweeping conservationism, yet you dream up some charge of hypocrisy. You guys are getting to the point of throwing feathers and dirt. You threw everything that you had and now you have nothing. That sound you hear is me laughing at you.

  7. nemski says:

    The best part of this post is that GOPDave wasted his time here.

  8. Geezer says:

    “That sound you hear is me laughing at you.”

    Funny, sounds more like God laughing at you.

  9. cassandra_m says:

    Delusional David trying to practice law here is hysterical. This flag was used for commercial purposes, and leaning up against it modeling running wear isn’t usually kosher — or at least this is what we would be hearing if, say, Michelle Obama was posed this way.

    Nothing to see here folks except the usual hypocrisy.

  10. anon says:

    I run in gym shorts and old t-shirts and sweatshirts. Usually my running clothes are stuff that was retired from my regular wardrobe. Actually I find it more comfortable that way. The only thing I spend money on are good running shoes. So I get a kick out of this fitted Nike running gear.