David Anderson is crazy and I love it

Filed in National by on July 2, 2009

David Anderson on Roe v. Wade:

The gates of hell were opened that day in 1973 and our values seem to be sucked down to the pit. Child abuse soared, families collapsed, murder soared, rape climbed, schools became war zones, and America suffered humiliation in Viet Nam and a disgraced Presidency. The once great manufacturing giant loses jobs everyday. The social safety net of social security misses the very citizens who could save it. We have become confused on even the definition of marriage or even what is -is.

“Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!”
“Forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes!”
“The dead rising from the grave!”
“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!”


David, thank you for sharing your insanity with us. You make blogging fun.

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About the Author ()

X Stryker is also the proprietor of the currently-dormant poll analysis blog Election Inspection.

Comments (44)

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  1. anonone says:

    Burris is going to regret handing his blog over to this now-unleashed nut case.

  2. xstryker says:

    Noting the great similarity of magical thinking in all types of human societies and eras of recorded history, some cognitive scientists suggest that these ways of thinking are intrinsic to humanity. Many articles in neuroscience have shown that the human brain excels at pattern matching, but that humans do not have a good filter for distinguishing between perceived patterns and actual patterns. Thus, people often are led to see “relationships” between actions that don’t actually exist, creating a magical belief.

    There is much current scientific research in cognitive science that supports this view. For example, people tend to seek confirmation of their hypotheses, rather than seeking refutation as in the scientific method. This is another example of confirmation bias. People are also reluctant to change their beliefs, even when presented with evidence, and often prefer to believe contradictory things rather than change pre-existing beliefs. This phenomenon is known as cognitive dissonance.


  3. Excellent! That was some crazy rant from David A.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    So a Supreme Court decision in 1973 is responsible for all evil in the world. Before that, things were peachy.

    I mean, really, delve into Anderson’s statement. Abortion was responsible for Watergate. It forced Nixon to be evil. Before 1973, Nixon was a saint.

    Before 1973, Vietnam was just going swimingly for America. We were on the verge of winning that war!!! Damn that infernal Supreme Court.

    Before 1973, children were never abused.

    Before 1973, a job was never lost.

    Before 1973, marriages never ended in divorce.

    Before 1973, men never cheated on their wives, and vice versa.

    You really have to respect this level of insanity, for you know one really has to work at it to achieve such delusion.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Oh yes, and before 1973, abortions never occurred.


  6. Tis, Tis. It is the mentality of Roe that gave us Watergate and the abandonment of free Viet Nam.

    It is absolutely true that the statistics took a bad turn in 1962 with the removal of prayer and went to pieces after 1973. Crime up. Marriages down. The respect for children dropped and child abuse went up. Of course Nixon would have never been brought down by a third rate burglary. It was the mentality of Roe that gave birth to Watergate. The cover up was of the mind set that the law was what the President wanted it to be. Roe is the law is what the courts wanted it to be. Rules don’t matter. We are above the law.

    If you can’t see that, it is denial.

    The mentality that gave us Roe v. Wade said that we could choose to abandon our own Constitutional precedence and find out the emanations of the penumbras of the 14th amendment a right to determine who is human. We determined who had rights not some god.

    January 22, 1973 is the day the United States Supreme Court initiated an American Catastrophe of judicial proportions. Blackmun and company decided to crucify 1/3 of a generation on the cross of choice.

    My friends, January 22, 1973 was not merely a day in which the death sentence was farmed out to professional hit men disguised as doctors. It was the day we choose a new god. In 1962 we tossed the true and living GOD out of the public square. Acknowledging Him used to be considered essential to good education, that day it became psychologically damaging and oppressive. To fill the void, we had to find a new god. That god was our judgment. We could choose whatever we want. We controlled our lives not some higher being somewhere out there.

  7. xstryker says:

    That’s like saying the abolishment of slavery led to Lincoln’s assassination, Andrew Johnson’s impeachment, the election of the disgracefully drunken Ulysses S. Grant, and the electoral shenanigans that produced Rutherford B. Hayes. Actually, no, because that is sort of technically true, in a roundabout way. Man, I literally couldn’t come up with something as crazy as what Anderson said if I tried.

  8. xstryker says:

    It is absolutely true that the statistics took a bad turn in 1962 with the removal of prayer and went to pieces after 1973. Crime up. Marriages down. The respect for children dropped and child abuse went up. Of course Nixon would have never been brought down by a third rate burglary. It was the mentality of Roe that gave birth to Watergate. Rules don’t matter. We are above the law.

    If you can’t see that, it is denial.

    Magical thinking at its finest.

    Members of the general public rarely have a deep understanding of statistics. For instance, statistically, it is unavoidable that there will be one day in a year when the most car accidents happen in a certain place. There will also be a day in the year when the least accidents happen. People, however, may focus on the day the most accidents happen and conclude it must be ‘jinxed’. Probability, or chance, is also generally poorly understood. It can be calculated that if you take just 23 people, the chance that two have their birthday on the same day is 50%. Yet this seems counter-intuitive to most people.

  9. Progressive Mom says:

    “It is the mentality of Roe that gave us Watergate and the abandonment of free Viet Nam. ”

    um, ok: what gave us Teapot Dome and a non-unified Korea? Conversely, what godly Supreme Court decision gave us the Louisiana Purchase and the success in WWII?

    …Speaking of which, what ungodly decision by the U.S. gave us WWII?

    If God is working through the political process, why didn’t He forever bless the Empire of Constantine?

  10. The only lunacy is that we rejected GOD and crucified tens of millions of children on the shrine of our own greatness.

    We rejected the GOD of the Founders and thought we could make ourselves a god. It gave us moral chaos and a government out of control.

  11. anonone says:

    He is in Fred Phelps territory.

  12. xstryker says:

    He’s also stuck on repeat.

    No matter how many times I joke about these guys copy & pasting their arguments to save time, I didn’t actually believe it until now.

  13. xstryker says:

    David, any more “greatest hits” to share with us?

  14. If you understood WW2 then you would have the answer to your question. The Nazi mentality was birthed out of Darwinism, Frederick Nietzsche and higher criticism. They rejected GOD and brought the entire world into war.

    As for Constantine, he died. What is your point there? Even he was corrupt, but the Empire flourished under his enlightenment. Oddly enough the best part still exists today in Vatican City. It is an empire of the heart and a kingdom that reaches beyond the confines of this world.

  15. Yes xstryker, when you guys get boring again. I like to fire you up and challenge your presuppositions. It is fun to hear your heads exploding. You can hardly take the truth in small doses.

  16. “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.” from George Washington’s first Inaugural address.

    What a radical! I wonder did he do alright.

  17. nemski says:


  18. xstryker says:

    You can hardly take the truth in small doses.

    I’m not sure what that means, but personally, I thoroughly enjoy your nonsense. It’s like Michelle Bachman – every time she opens her mouth, you gotta hold the f*** on to your hat, because you’re about to ride the crazy train express to nutsylvania. Your wacky statements are so delusional that you entertain rather than irritate.

  19. I love Michelle Bachman. She is a lot like the founders. You good folks would do well to adopt the wisdom of Washington, Adams, Rush, Anes, and Henry.

    I am glad that you were entertained. I hoped that you would be. It is the beginning of enlightenment.

  20. Von Cracker says:

    If you really want to give David a Scanners moment, make him read Freakonomics. Specifically, the chapter on abortion availability and crime rates.

  21. liberalgeek says:

    If you really want to give David a Scanners moment,make him read Freakonomics.

    I fear that would require a Clockwork Orange moment.

  22. mikeb302000 says:

    Thanks for that clip from the Ghostbusters. What an incredibly funny and appropriate connection with the rhetoric of these conservative nuts.

    It made my day.

  23. Wow, war never happened before Darwin!

  24. Delaware Dem says:

    Michelle Bachmann is too crazy for even the crazy in the GOP, but Anderson thinks she is just like the Founders.

    That’s is all you need to know, right there.

  25. Geezer says:

    Thank God for free speech. The more David engages in it, the more he shows exactly what he is.

  26. cassandra m says:

    I like to fire you up and challenge your presuppositions

    That’s unearned self-regard, right there. The best you’ve been able to do here Delusional David (much like your pal Mr. Shallow Bench) is provide lots of point and laugh opportunities. Too bad you’ll never come to grips with the fact that this kind of unhinged rhetoric means you’ll never reach an independent voter again.

  27. Typical liberal hatchet job on someone’s beliefs.

    Can the left wing extremists here tell me the positive effects of abortion?

    Possibly Ms. Dumb Asafencepost can tell us?

    In New York City the abortion rate is 50% and here in Delaware it is 25%. How is that a good thing?

    Mike Protack

  28. Geezer says:

    “Can the left wing extremists here tell me the positive effects of abortion?”

    It leaves women free to choose how their bodies will be used. I don’t expect you to understand.

  29. anon says:

    In New York City the abortion rate is 50% and here in Delaware it is 25%.

    Killing abstinence-only sex ed ought to start helping with that pretty soon.

  30. MJ says:

    David is a black Fred Phelps, with all of the delusional thinking. David, when are you going to start picketing funerals of our brave men & women who have died in combat because “G-D hates homos!”?

    I’m not sure if his parents never spanked him (or spanked him too much), but something happened to him a long time ago that totally fucked up his brain. And his love of Frau Bachman – it now makes sense. We actually have pod people living amongst us.

  31. “It leaves women free to choose how their bodies will be used.”

    But you are killing another human being (murder) in the process.

  32. MJ says:

    Jason (and David, and Pornstache, et al) – keep your rosaries off my ovaries!

  33. Kilroy says:

    Mike Protack
    “In New York City the abortion rate is 50% and here in Delaware it is 25%. How is that a good thing?”

    Fewer extreme Liberals ???????

  34. Geezer says:

    “But you are killing another human being (murder) in the process.”

    First off, murder is a legal term. For instance, I could kill you and offer the explanation “he was just a dumb handjob” and get off with manslaughter.

    Second off, whether you want to acknowledge this or not, human rights do not begin at conception, and neither you nor anyone else would be willing to live in a country in which that was not so. You know neither the ethics nor the biology on this topic — frankly, almost none of you theocrats do.

    So kindly go back to doing what you do best — typing with one hand.

  35. cassandra m says:

    And here’s Mr. Shallow Bench — witless as ever. Too bad no one reads your drivel on your own blog — at least way fewer people would know for certain how completely unprepared you are to engage with people (much less know how income taxes work).

    Keep working at it though! You’re bound to prove the room full of monkeys theory soon. Keep hope alive!

  36. Truth Teller says:

    The biggest screw up caused by Roe was the Presidency of BUSH JR.
    And did we all forget that the Great Repuk President Nixon was for abortion of babies of mixed couples .

  37. Phantom says:

    First you are crazy and should seek help in dealing with reality.

    Now, don’t you think that possibly as technology and human comprehension evolved that there is more reporting and understanding of many of the practices you cite as growing so radically after a certain event. Did you happen to at all consider that history and anthropolgy have conclusively proven that crime, abortion, etc. happened prior to an event and were condoned b/c they fell under a specific culture. Did you ever wonder why Europe left the church culture, which by your definition leads to peace, prosperity and perfection, but in REALITY led to corruption, crime, sex, drugs, abortions, etc. but they were justified as okay b/c the church condoned those actions. An event has consequences but only to a limited extent. If you want to believe your consipiracy theory that abortion was the downfall of man that is fine but it just displays your inability to actually gauge consequences from an action. Just like the nutjob Michelle Bachman.

  38. God says:

    Yo, Anderson… remember that earthquake on Tuesday? That was a warning shot. I saw that Burris let you take over the blog. Spout your crazy all you want, but stop dragging my name into it.

    Sincerely, the Big Guy

    P.S. Tell Protack to shave his upper lip, or I’m crashing another Airbus.

  39. Susan Regis Collins says:

    #39 Proving, once again, that God does have a sense of humor. 🙂 😉 😉 😉

  40. MJ says:

    G-D – Pornstache isn’t certified to fly an Airbus. I think Dash-8’s are all he can handle.

  41. Mike and Jason, thanks. You understand the truth. These poor guys can’t see it right in front of them.

    I posted this here partially for the entertainment value of both sides. I enjoyed seeing them go nuts. The blog was getting boring. They enjoy falling all over themselves trying to avoid defending their point while fawning superiority.

    They were also trying to grapple with a serious issue. What is the problem with abortion? The answer is that it destroys the best of humanity.

    When people have to face the result of the mentality of Roe, they either change or deny. When GOD is not in charge, then we write our own rules in everything. The result is we get nothing right. If you can’t even have standards which protect the most helpless, everything else is fair game.

  42. anon says:

    Anderson is a homophobe and believes women should be kept pregnant and in the kitchen, women have no rights regarding their own bodies. MJ…loved your post.

  43. Rich Boucher says:

    “Typical liberal hatchet job on someone’s beliefs.

    Can the left wing extremists here tell me the positive effects of abortion?”

    ^ typical dipshittery from Mike Dick-ta.

    You will not be able to comprehend this, Mr. Protack, due to the location of your head (see Fig. 1a, entitled, “your ASS”), but you might ask a woman who has become pregnant as a result of RAPE what positives there might be to abortion.