Since Everyone Agrees It’s All About The Sex

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 2, 2009

My husband just dumped a bunch of condoms in my 15 year old son’s drawer and told him, “Don’t be stupid, but if you are…”

(h/t Dominique)

*Still working on Sex Republican Style.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. David Anderson is crazy and I love it | July 2, 2009
  1. anonone says:

    Why would he say “don’t be stupid”?

  2. nemski says:

    For your glossary Pandora.

    Republican Sex: Getting head from someone other than your wife.

  3. arthur says:

    Quality parenting.

  4. pandora says:

    A1, it’s our equivalent of just say no!

    So true, Nemski. We are on the same wavelength.

    Have kids, Arthur? BTW, the “religious” girls down here are the worst! 😉

  5. Dave M. says:

    That’s exactly the kind of parenting needed to keep the kids out of trouble. The “Just Say No” theory has been around for a few thousand years, and according to the rather extensive recorded history, this theory doesn’t work. My daughter is going on the pill as soon as medically safe. I figure with the pill, and my shotgun and very scary ‘heart-to-heart’ talks with young suitors who wish to date my daughter, we’ll avoid serious trouble.

    Who says guns aren’t good for anything?

  6. It is about sex with no consequences for liberals. It is about the dignity of the human spirit for the rest of us.

    It is the fruit of a leftist social engineering scheme. The result has been devastating. 47 million beating hearts were snuffed out over the last 36 years some in indescribable cruelty. Human pesticide is being marketed without even a prescription (don’t even bother me with having to look someone in the eye) and called emergency contraceptive.

    Scientists are being given tax money to experiment on the youngest of humans to find cures for the rest of us. This high tech cannibalism does not end there. They are starting to clone and genetically engineer human beings and their is a ruling which could allow those humans to be patentable property.

    The gates of hell were opened that day in 1973 and our values seem to be sucked down to the pit. Child abuse soared, families collapsed, murder soared, rape climbed, schools became war zones, and America suffered humiliation in Viet Nam and a disgraced Presidency. The once great manufacturing giant loses jobs everyday. The social safety net of social security misses the very citizens who could save it. We have become confused on even the definition of marriage or even what is -is.

    We have denied GOD and He has denied us. The blood of the innocent is hindering His blessings. It is time to get back to basics. Then we will better be able to grapple with the problems that face us in health care, energy, and debt.

  7. Joanne Christian says:

    Ah Dave M., since you are so resigned to commit your daughter to BCPs early on, get a prescription for Anabuse while you’re there.

  8. anonone says:

    David longs for the days of slavery in this country when his ancestor were kidnapped, whipped, bought and sold, and held in chains. Those were the days, I suppose, when GOD was not denied and the blood of the slaves bore the fruit of HIS bountiful blessings.

    David is a lying, totalitarian, theocrat who is far more suited for living under GOD’s laws in Iran than under a secular republic America.

  9. MJ says:

    David, my partner thinks you’re a fucktard! I just think you’re an ass.

    So Roe v Wade caused Nixon to break the law, our failure to “win over their minds” in Viet Nam, caused priests and nuns to abuse their charges, and school bullying? Man, what the fuck are you smoking and drinking these days? Is there something in the water that flows into your home in Kent County that screws with your mind? This is just as bad as Mark Sanford’s wife blaming “gay marriage” for the collapse of her marriage and her husband doing a Wilbur Mills and screwing another Argentine Firecracker.