Around the Horn Friday.

Filed in National by on July 3, 2009

Finally, the General Assembly is finished. A budget is balanced. A crisis averted, for now. But with the close down of the General Assembly came the close down of Down With Absolutes, the the departure of RSmitty and Dave Burris from Delaware Politics. Matthews will continue on Twitter, and shockingly, offer a comment once and a while on our pages. David Anderson has decided to keep DP going, which means we will be dealing with a more conservative DP. I just typed the abbreviations “DP” twice, and am now laughing hysterically now, for it occurs to me that the abbreviations stands for something else that will undoubtedly horrorify our innocent Mr. Anderson.

Here are your thoughts on both events this week:

Smitty’s Out.

Burris’ Out.

Kavips also seems to take a mysterious powder.

Anderson declares the DP is under new management and welcomes new contributors to the new DP. A new guest writer, Bruce Rogers, Esq., offers his first post.

Elbert offers his thoughts on the GOP side.

John Tobin crunches the numbers.

Joe Booth wins the nod for the GOP in the 19th. Meanwhile, Eddie Parker gets the Democratic nod over Thurman Adams’ daughter

RD gives us an update.

Steve compares the Markell Administration to the Soprano’s.

MJ talks about the Stonewall Democrats’ fundraiser.

Common Sense Political Thought (hey, I thought they were going to change their name) comes out in opposition to Mike Castle, the RINO, after his vote for the Cap and Trade bill. This Republican primary (if it happens) of Castle v. O’Whackjob will be fun.

New DP contributer Timothy Pancoast offers his thoughts after Castle’s Kent Co. listening session.

Brian Shields speaks at the Tea Party event in Georgetown this week.

Shirley offers Chainsaw’s thoughts on gay marriage:

Me: How do you feel about gay marriage?

Him (after a moment of thought): Sure, let ‘em get married. I don’t give a flying (expletive deleted).

Resolute Determination was most shrill in their opposition and panic that a fee or a tax was being raised or that bills were being introduced at the last minute. Their solution is of course, more and more tax cuts, which has worked so well the past eight years.

Not to be out done, Delaware Politics was just as panicked with respect to HB 274 and raising revenue.

Even Libertarians are upset.

Lt. Governor Matt Denn blogs his thoughts on SB 121.

Charlie Copeland offers his thoughts on Oberle’s 6% Solution.

Tommywonk updates us on the status of the energy bills on the last day of the GA.

New DP contributer Timothy Pancoast offers his thoughts on his first time visit to Legislative Hall. It is eye opening.

Burris objects to how the News Journal is covering the budget negotiations.

Tommywonk tells us how well Delaware did in dealing with our budget crisis when compared to other states.

In non-budget news, Anderson unsurprisingly oppose SB 169, which would have restricted protests within 100 feet of abortion clinics. Given recent acts of violence on the part of some pro-life protestors, this restriction is not unreasonable, and 100 feet is not all that much. You can still shout “YOU ARE GOING TO HELL” and the woman will still be able to hear you.

Mike Mahaffie reflects on the change coming to the Delaware State Police.


Well, everyone, whether you are a liberal, conservative, progressive, theocrat, green, libertarian, socialist, or whatever: have a wonderful Fourth of July with your friends and family, celebrating the freedom we ALL have enjoyed all of our lives: the freedom to be a liberal, conservative, progressive, theocrat, green, libertarian, socialist or whatever.

Enjoy the holiday.

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  1. anon says:

    It’s Eddy.

  2. anonone says:

    Thanks for this DD.

    As one who feels less than stellar about the so-called “freedom” in this country, I’ll share with you the words of the late Phil Ochs’ The Power and The Glory and a link to him singing it:

    “Come and take a walk with me thru this green and growing land
    Walk thru the meadows and the mountains and the sand
    Walk thru the valleys and the rivers and the plains
    Walk thru the sun and walk thru the rain

    Here is a land full of power and glory
    Beauty that words cannot recall
    Oh her power shall rest on the strength of her freedom
    Her glory shall rest on us all (on us all)

    From Colorado, Kansas, and the Carolinas too
    Virginia and Alaska, from the old to the new
    Texas and Ohio and the California shore
    Tell me, who could ask for more?

    Yet she’s only as rich as the poorest of her poor
    Only as free as the padlocked prison door
    Only as strong as our love for this land
    Only as tall as we stand

    But our land is still troubled by men who have to hate
    They twist away our freedom & they twist away our fate
    Fear is their weapon and treason is their cry
    We can stop them if we try”

    Watch it:

  3. meatball says:

    Working the holiday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday….all nights…..all twelve hour shifts…. pray for me David A.

  4. I am working too, just not as much as you, Meatball. Fri Night, Sat Afternoon, Sun Night, Monday all day.

    It should be slow because the weather is good. Monday might be a bit hairy as everyone drives home. Hopefully I can sneak a peek at the Laurel fireworks. If y’all see me, stop by to say hi.

  5. Great as usual. I will have to get Tim to see your right ups. As for DP being more conservative, maybe we will be as proud to be conservative as you are liberal. LOL Have a great Independence Day.

    I shall pray for you, Meatball. You make America the competitive country that it is. I have done my share of night shift. I can understand.

  6. Tim Pancoast says:

    Hi, nice site and thanks for the shout out on my writing. Nice work keeping up with everything going on in the Delaware Blog-o-sphere.