Deep Palin Thoughts

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009

#1 Sarah Palin gave interviews yesterday while fishing. Is she planning on spending the rest of her term on vacation?

#2 Yesterday Palin said this:

I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw them out.

Isn’t there a lot more wrong with this than just the part about the “department of law.” Yes, it’s surprising that someone who ran for Vice President doesn’t even know the structure of government. But isn’t it also surprising that she thinks there is some department in government that automatically throws out charges? Was she awake for the Clinton years?

#3 Is she someone who gets ahead by quitting? She quit 4 different colleges, she quit the Oil & Gas board, didn’t she resign as mayor to take a job on the board?

#4 Are there some people who will forgive anything a politician does? There’s a group of people out there who think Palin quitting her job before her term is a brilliant idea that we liberals are just too stupid to grasp. There were also people who thought it was great the Sanford was so in love after his bizarre interviews.

Update: Gallup polled Palin’s popularity:

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s resignation — announced last Friday — fueled speculation that she may be setting up a run for president in 2012. A new USA Today/Gallup poll conducted Monday night finds a core of 19% of U.S. voters who say they are “very likely” to vote for her should she run, and an additional 24% who are somewhat likely to do so, giving her a decent reservoir of potential support to build upon. However, nearly as many voters (41%) currently say they would be not at all likely to vote for her.

Wow! I see the biggest number is “no,” but 43% would still consider it? I realize some of this is name recognition but Romney and Huckabee must be quaking in their boots right now.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. John Young says:

    The Eagles got it right a long time ago…..presuming Wasilla is a city:

    …City girls just seem to find out early
    How to open doors with just a smile…. (from Lyin’ Eyes)

    this is how she has operated and gained progressive political access her whole life, period.


  2. #3 is the campaign commercial she’ll never be able to explain. It writes itself, and it’s brutally-efficient.

  3. John, agree. Palin is someone who has gotten by on her looks. It pains me to say this. I hate it when there is perception that good-looking women can’t be smart and accomplished, but Palin is not smart (I guess we could argue that she’s accomplished – she was a VP candidate, after all). It’s certainly painful to see how dumb she really is. The worst thing – I don’t even think she realizes how dumb she sounds and that she should be embarrassed.

    ‘Bulo – exactly. It’s amazing that some people think she still has some kind of future in politics. She comes across as lazy. I know she’ll probably go radio/TV show on Fox but will they be able to trust her to follow through?

  4. anoni says:

    Sarah vs Ruth Anne

    accomplishments in office


  5. anonone says:

    Maybe fishing is how is how she learned that “only dead fish go with the flow.”

  6. anon says:

    What the hell kind of fishing is this?

    “On the bay, Sarah Palin showed how they spent time each summer hauling up pre-placed nets, emptying them of captured salmon, and tossing them back into the water.”

  7. anon says:

    Oh … she is tossing the nets back into the water.

  8. Yes, I don’t understand why Palin gave interviews while fishing.

    As far as Minner goes, she at least completed two terms as governor which is more than we can say for Sarah Palin.

  9. anoni says:

    yeah, that is the best we can say about Minner, she served two terms.

  10. Too bad liberals, she is happy and you are not.

    You dismiss her so much but you live to talk about her and live through her.

    I guess it is better than talking about the stimulus bill which did not work, record unemployment and record deficits.

    Go Gov Palin.

    Mike Protack

  11. John Young says:

    isn’t that go FMR. Gov (because I quit) Palin, Mike?

    Face facts man.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    It’s more like, Too bad, Protack — she’s cashing in and you’re not!

  13. callerRick says:

    She is a conservative, in a conservative country….which is why the left is so preoccupied and obsessed with her.

    I would think you people would want her to run!

    “If you’re not drawing flak, you’re not over the target.”

    She is and she is.