Deep thought

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009

Rich people support this economy.

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hiding in the open

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  1. anoni says:

    How do you figure?

    “The Rich” derive a larger proportion of their income from capital gains and they have taken a beating, loosing asset value and revenue/return.

    Not just the Madoff/Biden victims, everyone who has saved and invested has taken a thumping.

  2. pandora says:

    Ever feel that people just don’t get you, DV?

  3. anon says:

    The deeper thought behind that is: “Money belongs a priori to the rich.”

  4. sillypoorperson says:

    I’m grateful for my job at walmart. without them I’d be on welfare, medicaid and foodstamps

  5. meatball says:

    If you work at walmart, you probably are on food stamps and medicaid.

  6. Susan Regis Collins says:

    Small business is what keep the wheels of any economy going.

  7. Ben says:

    I read the statement as “Rich people support (as in, voice their support for) this economy (as in, the lousy state of the current economy).”

    In other words, rich people are happy that the economy is bad.

  8. anoni says:

    A bartender once told me:

    ” If you want to redistribute wealth, you’ll have to do it every friday afternoon, because by noon on sunday it will be back where it belongs.”

  9. John Galt says:

    I agree.

  10. anon says:

    There is the equally cynical saying that: “Recession is a time when money returns to its rightful owner.”

    Which implies that any prosperity enjoyed by the masses is illegitimate.

  11. John Galt says:

    This is a no brainer. Of course. Why else would the loopholes be there for the elites to exploit. Goldman Sachs’ Tax bill last year was $14m. Fancy a guess at their profits? The rape is OK but what they do is so important, almost enough to be worshipped! Long live our oligarchic overloads! Napoleon is always right! I love Big Brother!

    As long as I don’t mention it will you pay me enough to buy a big flat screen to watch American Idol and pay-per-view porn… please corporate masters? I tell you what, if it does work out we’ll have the government bail you out. Not can I have an extra week’s holiday…

  12. Dorian Gray says:

    Who is John Galt? I like this guy.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    John Galt is the main character in Atlas Shrugged. I had no idea that it was a real person… 🙂

  14. Dorian Gray says:

    Wasn’t that woman the main character. What’s her name… Dagny something or other. Galt was MIA through the whole thing.


  15. cassandra m says:

    Dagny Taggart was the woman character– but Galt did show up at the end to deliver a soul-numbing lecture on something or another. Very anti-climatic.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    I see. I must have had better things to do with the month I should have spent reading it.

  17. Dorian Gray says:

    Yeah, yeah… Taggart. I knew somebody be along to help out! Thank Cass.

    The Galt speech was a synopsis of Rand’s political and economic philosophy. I always wondered why she never mentioned how great it was that Galt had the opportunity to go to college and get that degree in a double major. Just like every other rich white kid… it was ficition after all.

  18. Dorian Gray says:

    LG – It’s always better to read it carefully. Then you can ridicule it harshly with no feelings of guilt!

  19. cassandra m says:

    I hate to admit that I’ve actually read that book multiple times. When I was young and selfish I thought it was the cat’s meow. Fortunately I’ve gotten more mature….

  20. Dorian Gray says:

    You too! HA! Yeah, I was even a registered Republican, if you can believe that. But I grew up, travelled, actually met diverse people and learned about the world… read more… now I’m liberal, registered Indy… of no party or clique, as Sully would say.

  21. anon says:

    ” If you want to redistribute wealth, you’ll have to do it every friday afternoon, because by noon on sunday it will be back where it belongs.”

    Figured out what’s wrong with this statement: By definition, that’s not wealth – it’s just living expenses.

    “Wealth” is what you have left even after paying your bar bill.

  22. Dorian Gray says:

    anon – You seem to be sorting this out exactly right. Run with it.

  23. For those who have the wrong idea on taxes and the economy.

    Mike Protack

  24. arthur says:

    rich people support donsquishy

  25. Dorian Gray says:

    For those who have an IQ < 12.

  26. anoni says:

    Anon, you have it backwards…

    Wealth is defered consumption.

    Your bar tab is not a living expense, it is a luxury. If you put that $50 in the bank each week instead of consuming it, you would build wealth.

    the point is that the vast majority, when presented with a windfall will consume it , not save it.

  27. dorian gray says:

    Retirement savings is not wealth & only an elite few are positioned to exploit windfalls. Actual almost no one even gets the chance.

  28. anoni says:

    Dorian, since you are convinced you can’t win, you won’t. Have another beer and remember to tip your bartender.

  29. Art Downs says:

    We have an example of arbitrary wealth distribution with far too many big lottery winners. How many go into bankruptcy in a few years after hitting the big one?

    Perhaps the mindset of people who spend a lot of their money on tickets each week is indicative of a poverty of spirit and and ignorance of the laws of probability and chance.

  30. anon says:

    Your bar tab is not a living expense, it is a luxury. If you put that $50 in the bank each week instead of consuming it, you would build wealth.

    If you were paid $100 extra, you could have a few beers and also save $50. That is how the wealthy accumulate wealth, not by skipping cocktail hour.

  31. anoni says:

    you “could” save it, but you wouldn’t.

  32. callerRick says:

    Anyone can get rich, if that’s your goal. But, as Nixon once said, “….the American dream doesn’t come to those who fall asleep.”

  33. Dorian Gray says:

    Nixon quote… awesome.

    anoni – this whole thread is so superficial. “American Dream” “Work Hard and you too can owe a Cadillac”…

    How credulous! I play a different game…

  34. pandora says:

    There is a big difference between being rich and having wealth.

  35. Dorian Gray says:

    See, somebody gets it… While everyone is soothed into naive numbness with $1ook salaries, flat screen TVs and two luxury cars in the drive Goldman Sachs, Big Pharma Lobby, etc. buy off all our pols (Ds, Rs, Is) and anally rape us.

    While you dickheads argue about abortion and gay rights and Sarah Palin and Fox News the 1% of elite old white dude who own 2/3rds of everything are laughing in your face.

    The American Dream is a shiny object to distract you (yours truly included).

  36. anoni says:

    “There is a big difference between being rich and having wealth”

    pandora, what is the difference?

  37. pandora says:

    Leon Spinks and Ed McMahon were rich. The duPonts are wealthy.

    Or… Rich can be fleeting, wealth endures.

  38. arthur says:

    Rich is a personal fulfillment descriptor. wealth, as pandora states, is lasting.

  39. anoni says:

    so wealthy means your money is locked in a trust fund so you can’t piss it away!

    Micheal Jackson proves even huge fortunes can be pissed away.

    I think what you are saying is “Rich” is a lifestyle.

    I recomend reading Millionaires Nextdoor for a clearer understanding of who in America is “Rich” and who is building wealth.

  40. pandora says:

    You’re being deliberately obstinate, anoni.

    Today’s rich may be tomorrow’s wealthy.

    Today’s wealthy will be tomorrow’s wealthy.

    (As with all things there are exceptions)

  41. Perry says:

    callerRick: “Anyone can get rich, if that’s your goal.”

    To the typical GOPer, does it matter how one does it?

    If getting rich means a disregard for the healthcare issue, for the cost of education, for the ideal of equal opportunity for all, for competing fair and square without corrupting government officials and other tricks, for the dangers of promoting the military-industrial complex, then we must question the path to riches. Or, are these paths the American Way, according to the GOP basic credo?

  42. anoni says:

    nice strawman perry!

  43. anoni says:


    If I have missunderstood your use of the words rich and wealthy, then please explain further.

  44. arthur says:

    what is your definition of rich?

  45. Dorian Gray says:

    P – Today and tomorrow’s rich will hardly ever be tomorrow’s wealthy.

    anoni – What don’t you understand. Rich people have high paying jobs and buy million dollar homes and drive big luxury cars.

    Wealthy people don’t work and buy political influence to ensure the status quo.

    All due respect, this is not complicated.

  46. anoni says:

    DG, thank you for sharing YOUR definition of the two words. while neither matches Webster’s it is usufule to knowwhat you mean when you use them as my moonbat dictionary is on backorder at Amazon.

  47. pandora says:

    True, DG – but I did say may! 🙂

    Anoni, are you pretending not to understand? I’ve been pretty clear (as has DG).

  48. anoni says:

    P, I don’t think I missed the mark on how you are using the two terms.

    (remember, I can’t hear what the voices say, only what you type 😉 )

    DG, what do you call someone with a high paying job but no million dollar house or luxury car?

    what game do you play? (your comment #33)

  49. Dorian Gray says:

    I call them rich as well. I just used those other descriptors to make it clearer.

    As far as what game I play… I guess I play the same game but I realize it is a game. And like the casinos, it’s rigged. I try to have a better understanding of that everyday. Although I am “rich”, I should not be lulled to sleep by the wealthy.

    I have attained what most would call the “American Dream” but I do my best to always remember that is a lie, a myth. It’s the bullshit story the wealthy elites spin to convince dipshits like Joe the Plumber that taxes are bad and Obama is a commie. But it cuts both ways.

    Moneyed corporate interests and lobbyists own us. Some are placated by nice salaries, the chance to travel abroad, etc.. to keep their mouths shut. Some are soothed by other things. Why do you think W told us to shop after 11 Sept.? Why do Dems in Congress want the working poor to own homes… so the banks own our asses.

    Unfortunately I can’t opt out all together so I try my best to make small protests. I try to tell anyone who’ll listen that Dems are no better that Repubs. On social issues liberals are clearly favorable… but again, in the end they are just wedge issues utilized to fill campaign coffers. And I make sure I never ever forget it.

    When fucking morons say stupid shit like… if you work hard you too can be wealthy and live the American Dream… I want to puke. What a bunch of mindless sheep.

  50. anoni says:

    Thanks for sharing, now I have a fuller picture of “Dorian Grey”

  51. Dorian Gray says:

    My pleasure.

    “Picture” of Dorian Gray – nice one! 🙂