I Wonder if This Guy Manages a Pool in His Off Hours?

Filed in National by on July 9, 2009

Why do I keep hoping that the Republicans eventually “get it”?  I think it must be a weakness in my personality.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Jesus. My God. The Huffington Post take was pure genius:

    [T]he bright and shiny lights have once again dazzled Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade (the Brown-Haired Guy) into pure befuddlement, and this subsequently caused a series of idiot words to pour forth from his cakehole. And no one thought to stop him or force his head into a bucket of water because this is exactly how Roger Ailes drew it up on the whiteboard! I suppose it must be said: Maybe Morning Joe’s Starbucks sponsorship should be accepted as a reward for having some sort of social conscience.

    Jesus, this Brown-Haired Guy. He is like a murder of idiot crows, stuffed into an anthropomorphic flesh bag, that somehow successfully filled out a W-4 form and wandered onto a soundstage where he was adopted as a pet. From time to time, he produces words, and today, as his colleagues attempted to discuss a study that suggested that couples who enjoy long marriages showed a reduced tendency to develop Alzheimer’s disease, he came up with these insane, vaguely racial ramblings:

    BROWN HAIRED GUY: We keep marrying other species and other ethnics–

    GRETCHEN CARLSON: Are you sure you are not suffering from some of the causes of dementia right now?

    BROWN HAIRED GUY: The problem is the Swedes have pure genes. They marry other Swedes, that’s the rule. Finns marry other Finns; they have a pure society. In America we marry everybody. We will marry Italians and Irish.

    DAVE BRIGGS: This study does not apply?

    BROWN HAIRED GUY: Does not apply to us.



    Other species. Last time I checked the human race was one species. So perhaps Kilmeade is aware of instances where humans are marrying dogs and cats and dolphins, which are most definitely other species.

    What is it about conservatives and race? Seriously, I am beginning to think that the color of someone’s skin is all they see.

  2. Yes, the interspecies marriage comment was my favorite part. I did think Gretchen Carlson was trying to get him to shut up but Kilmeade kept on going. Kilmeade was just so totally clueless.

  3. callerRick says:

    “I keep hoping that the Republicans eventually “get it”

    So do I;

    A new poll by Gallup explodes the fashionable myth that the United States has become a more liberal country in the wake of the Obama revolution. By a 2 to 1 margin, Americans say their political views in recent years have become more conservative rather than more liberal – 39 per cent to 18 per cent.

    Gallup’s figures are striking. The poll shows a clear shift to the Right on many key domestic issues since 2004, including rising opposition to big government as well as bans on gun ownership, growing support for pro-life policies, and increasing scepticism over the idea of government taking responsibility for health care. On foreign and security issues, the Gallup poll revealed a significant rise in public support for maintaining or increasing US defence spending, which rose from 52 per cent in 2008 to 65 per cent in 2009. Even support for the decision to go to war against Iraq has spiked from 39 per cent to 43 per cent over the past year.

    These latest findings chime with an earlier Gallup survey from last month which showed that 40 per cent of Americans now call themselves conservative, up from 37 per cent in 2007 and 2008. This is the highest level of support for conservatism since 2004. In contrast, just 21 per cent of Americans declare themselves as liberals, and 35 per cent as moderates.……Guardian UK, July 8.

    ‘Moderate’ Republicans, like kiss-ass McCain, are the reason we have a neo-Marxist in the White House.

    When the conservatives regain control of the Republican party, they’ll win. I believe we’ll see this in the ’10 Congressional elections….and if a conservative runs in ’12, BO will be a one-and-done, like Booby Carter.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahahaha. First, your comment is off topic. But continue to delude yourself into thinking that a “true conservative” will win. I will love seeing you completely devastated and suicidal.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    What am I saying? When a true conservatives loses to Obama in 2012, you will say that that true conservative was not a true conservative but instead a liberal.

  6. Geezer says:

    Let’s see, 21 (liberal) plus 35 (moderate) equals 56.

    Yes, a true conservative can win with 44 percent of the vote…

  7. Progressive Mom says:

    So, Caller Rick, is your point that true conservatives do advocate this genetic purity / different species argument , and can’t wait to take power to prove it?

  8. callerRick says:

    I’m saying that conservative Republicans win. McCain wasn’t. Nothing BO does works….he’s a sure one-and-done. Watch and learn.

  9. Interestingly enough, info about the guy from that pool has leaked out. Guess who he supported for president last year (ANSWER: Barack Obama)