Thursday Morning Quick Hits

Filed in National by on July 9, 2009

The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 5, the union that represent most of New Castle County police officers, has agreed to a contract for 2010 that avoids layoffs.

Governor Markell will proclaim July to be Vitiligo Awareness Month. I dunno. I know that this is an extremely rare disease, and it’s most public sufferer, Michael Jackson, just died, so that awareness of the disease is high. So the Governor and the disease sufferers alike are striking while the iron is hot. It just strikes me as a little odd.

Yeah, you know that the Sussex County Democratic Party is a little divided when Committee members debated for a half-hour whether to allow staff of state party chairman John Daniello into the meeting last night.

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  1. MJ says:

    You know we don’t like them northerners to come down this-a-ways and tell us what we should be doin’. 🙂

  2. anon says:

    Anyone here about layoffs at the News Journal?

  3. ‘Bulo had heard rumors of N-J cutbacks at a meeting on Monday night.

    Cuts like these turn failure into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Kinda like cutting bus routes, then saying that you have to cut more bus routes b/c fewer people are riding the bus.

    When you cut the jobs of people whose content the readership values, you invariably cut the readership. Perhaps that’s the idea.

  4. anon says:

    layoffs started yesterday and are continuing today….

  5. Divided but still in first.

    Mike Protack

  6. John Manifold says:

    A terrible day for many hard-working folks at The News-Journal. 30 laid off thus far this week.