Sarah Palin’s Speecher

Filed in National by on July 11, 2009



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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. jason330 says:

    Words…sentences putting together guy.

    LOL. It is too close to reality. I was not sure it was a gag until the blind hockey camp.

  2. Tom S says:

    Sounds like the White House has ordered their press to investigate the New Haven firefighter, so Palin will be out of the spotlight for a while.

  3. anoni says:


    When it comes to the First Amendment, Team Obama believes in Global Chilling.

    Cass Sunstein, a Harvard Law professor who has been appointed to a shadowy post that will grant him powers that are merely mind-boggling, explicitly supports using the courts to impose a “chilling effect” on speech that might hurt someone’s feelings. He thinks that the bloggers have been rampaging out of control and that new laws need to be written to corral them.

    Advance copies of Sunstein’s new book, “On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done,” have gone out to reviewers ahead of its September publication date, but considering the prominence with which Sunstein is about to be endowed, his worrying views are fair game now. Sunstein is President Obama’s choice to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. It’s the bland titles that should scare you the most.

    “Although obscure,” reported the Wall Street Journal, “the post wields outsize power. It oversees regulations throughout the government, from the Environmental Protection Agency to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Obama aides have said the job will be crucial as the new administration overhauls financial-services regulations, attempts to pass universal health care and tries to forge a new approach to controlling emissions of greenhouse gases.”

    Sunstein was appointed, no doubt, off the success of “Nudge,” his previous book, which suggests that government ought to gently force people to be better human beings…..

    Dont Worry, they will go after the right wing bloggers before they shut you down.

  4. jason330 says:

    Earth to anoni,

    The Washignton Times and the New York Post are not real newspapers.

  5. anoni says:

    the next time you get the urge to start harrasing Castle’s or Carper’s staff, this may be Law. Resulting from the tragic situation in Missouri, where a 13 year old girl committed suicide over things being written about her on a social network, “cyberbullying” will be added to federal statutes defined in U.S. Rep. Loretta Sanchez’ HR 1966 as

    (a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.

    (b) As used in this section–

    `(1) the term `communication’ means the electronic transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received; and

    `(2) the term `electronic means’ means any equipment dependent on electrical power to access an information service, including email, instant messaging, blogs, websites, telephones, and text messages.’.

  6. jason330 says:


    Get your shit together. Then hit “submit.”

  7. anoni says:

    other than needing a gap between the first and second sentence it looks clear to me.

    whatsamata too many big words?

  8. anoni says:

    Here’s the link:

    Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act (Introduced in House)

    HR 1966 IH