“Gun Grabber” Mike Castle Coming for Your Glock

Filed in Delaware by on July 12, 2009

C’mon wingnut NRA freakshow. Pour millions into a primary. Pretty please…

In all seriousness, this is a great tactical move by Castle as he tries to distance himself from the moronic shrieking mob on the right. Delaware is to the left on gun control and taking this up as a banner issue is hot button enough to allow him to register as a “maverick” among people who don’t pay attention – but not as “hot buttom” as his war on fetus Americans.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (7)

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  1. mikeb302000 says:

    Yes indeed that should seperate him from some of his more conservative brethren. But I wasn’t very happy with the way he kept saying “at a gun show.” It almost sounds like he doesn’t realize that the so-called gun show loophole also includes private unlicensed sales in someone’s living room or out of the trunk of their car.

    Nevertheless, I’m delighted to hear these comments from one of your Republican representatives.

  2. jason330 says:

    Excellent point. Using wingnut logic just saying “gun” means that he is hellbent on taking every gun off the street.

  3. Miscreant says:

    He can have all the Glocks, but if that dickhead goes for my Sig, there may be a showdown at high noon.

  4. Art Downs says:

    How much gun legislation was taken up by the Delaware Legislature in the last session?

    Any guesses?

    One measure would have obliged the state to reimburse any citizen for legal expenses when the State Police improperly accessed certain records or fumbled in authorizing a pistol permit. There were a number of horror stories about such incidents including one denial because the applicant was female and ‘too old’.

    The measure passed and was signed into law by Governor Markell.

    Ever read the 20th Amendment to the Delaware Constitution? It is of rather recent origin and is rather clear.

    Just what is the ‘gun show loopole’ How many who rant about it have ever been to such an event?

  5. Phil says:

    How come no one talks about the criminal loophole? You know, when a felon steals a gun, or someone just sells it plain illegally? Instead of adding legislation to the books, we should start enforcing what is already there.

  6. Art Downs says:

    I suspect that most criminals obtain firearms in the same venues where illicit pharmaceuticals are being sold.

    I have seen a few gun shows in my life and have never seen anyone wearing gang colors or behaving in a way that would trigger the sort of ‘profiling’ that would be so offensive to the ACLU.

    All this chatter about ‘gun show loopholes’ is indicative of ignorance, hysteria, or a sinister agenda.

    How many would-be ‘gun grabbers’ would be willing to engage in a free and open debate on the topic?

    I have yet to see an example.

  7. There should be no laws which restrict the gun rights of law abiding citizens.

    Mike Protack