Dear Dover

Filed in National by on July 13, 2009

Dear Dover,


I wanted to share with you a few thoughts because I think you have forgotten about me.  Yes, yes you have.  Listen to me.  Shut up for a second and listen.  Don’t flip ahead in your mind and discount these next several sentences.  Don’t jump to conclusions.  Don’t assume this is just some typical flippant post from me, the coolest blogger in Delaware.  It is not.  It is for real.  And you need a little tap on the shoulder and a cold cocked right hook across your smug little jaw that wakes you up into the present and reminds you of who you work for.  

There are a few of you who this doesn’t apply to and you know who you are.  You can go about your business and act like you don’t read me or know who I am or even care what I say.  As for the rest of  you; do you wake up and realize what you do for a living?  I mean to ask, do you have any idea of the power you wield?  The sheer power you muster?  Do you have any idea of the decisions you make and the impact they have?  Do you really?  Do you stop to think about how this, what you do every day effects me?  Affects my neighbor and literally 750,000 other people in this state? 

Does that sink in?  Does that register?  Every day your ignorant asses sit in your cozy seats with your awesome benefits and pretty damn decent pay check and make decisions that affect my wallet.  My health.  My children.  My water.  My food.  My commute.  Everything about my life and the rest of the inhabitants of this state down to the horseshoe crabs being over fished for greed. 

Every day you do this.  You affect me.  My wife, my children, my dad, my sister, her 2 children, her neighbor, her neighbors neighbor.  My uncle, my cousin, my old classmates.  Does this sink in at all?  While you worry about being re-elected and who should take over some ahole place that literally held the state hostage to his own bigoted idealogy and self interests you are affecting me and 750 other thousand people.   The poor person out of work, sick and penniless.  The retired person too poor to pay for heat in the winter and has to decide between heat or food.  Remember how great competition was supposed to be for us? 

Sure, you have to get re-elected.  What else can you do?   It’s so pathetic down there in Dover that a blatant law breaker and ethics violator can switch parties and get re-elected.  And none of you have the stones to say no.  Party first, people second.  You are disgusting and I don’t know who you work for but it isn’t the majority.  I realize of course that most of you possess no other skills that make you a commodity in the real world and have to bow to the people that donate to keep you on payroll.  I realize you have to feed your family.  I really do.  I have been there.  I know what it is like to be out of work and to be at risk of losing my job.  You know what though?  My job only affected a half dozen or so people.  Your job affects me in every way.   The sphere you operate in may be small, but the sphere you affect is obviously beyond your pious, shallow and limited scope of humility and concern for the betterment of this state and country. 

So again let me repeat what you affect/effect for EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING IN THE STATE OF DELAWARE:

  • Their paycheck
  • Their air
  • Their food
  • Their grass
  • Their Trees
  • Their children
  • Their education
  • Their employment
  • Their roads
  • The alcohol consumption
  • Their civil rights


Every breath I take and breath in particulate matter from the polluting factories and energy plants in this state is ON YOU.  Every day you parse words it affects me and my infant son and the thousands of other children that have to deal with something that could easily be remedied if you cared; really cared about the people.  But you don’t.  You care about you first.  Your seat.  Your chair.  Your own personal career advancement and security. 


That list above goes on and on and on.  The impact you have is staggering.  Do. You.  Care?  Do you really?  Based on how you vote and the minority that seems to have you by the short hairs speaks otherwise.  You don’t have what it takes.  You don’t have the spine you thought you did.  You are weak and ineffective.  You don’t care about us.  If you did you wouldn’t be so willing to compromise the will of the majority to maintain your power, your seat, your chair and achieve the status quo of keeping everyone happy in your little click.  God forbid you upset a donor and their business.  Dios Mio!  Whatever will I do if Joe Smith doesn’t like this. 


I’m saddened that your myopic view of what is best for you is best for everyone.  Your actions speak other wise.  While this little power grab goes on we are the people that suffer.  All 750,000 of us.  Stop it. 





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hiding in the open

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Hef-Can we post this by the 10 Commandents and Constitution in State Buildings? Just change your census numbers OK?