Racism Run Amok

Filed in National by on July 13, 2009

What beats in the rotting heart of the blog Free Republic:

‘A typical street whore.’ ‘A bunch of ghetto thugs.’ ‘Ghetto street trash.’ ‘Wonder when she will get her first abortion.’

These are a small selection of some of the racially-charged comments posted to the conservative ‘Free Republic’ blog Thursday, aimed at U.S. President Barack Obama’s 11-year-old daughter Malia after she was photographed wearing a t-shirt with a peace sign on the front.

The thread was accompanied by a photo of Michelle Obama speaking to Malia that featured the caption, ‘To entertain her daughter, Michelle Obama loves to make monkey sounds.’

Talk about family values.  Bet these commenters consider themselves god-fearing christians as well.  Oh, and not one more word about how mean people are to the Palin family.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (24)

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  1. They are disgusting. It’s hard to believe how up in arms they were about David Letterman’s joke.

  2. pandora says:

    The real problem is that these people feel very comfortable (too comfortable?) spouting this filth and that Free Republic doesn’t feel the need to moderate. They’ve obviously found a safe haven at FR – which says a lot.

  3. Yes, pandora, that is the real problem. This is just more of the same filth we saw when Obama was a candidate and Sarah Palin turned her campaign stops into rallies where people felt comfortable making threats and racist stereotypes.

  4. I condemn unequivocally any disparagement of the President’s children.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    Thanks David. When I say some Republicans or conservatives (one or the other populate Free Republic) are racists, these kind of quotes are why.

  6. anoni says:

    The source:
    Chriss Parry

    Chris Parry, it appears, has advocated on his Daily Kos blog any number of egregious offenses, among them: posting hate speech on sites like Free Republic and blaming it on conservatives. Parry posted under the name “hollywoodoz” on Daily Kos, where his signature was “Fool me once, I’ll punch you in the fucking head.” Parry outed himself as hollywoodoz here, where he discloses the company he helped start. In essence: Parry, the journalist, found his story right where he’d been circling it for a very long time, and reported it as news

    Here is his ‘manifesto’ (hate filled creed on republicans and our military):


    a sample of his filth:

    “If God were a Republican, he’d be in the military, giving the order to shoot first, ask questions later. And if he did end up killing an unarmed Iraqi, for example, he’d empty thirty bullets into him, then reload, then another thirty. Then he’d hang a sign around the corpse warning other unarmed Iraqis that it could happen to them. Then he’d be arrested, investigated, acquitted, and turned into a trainer of other soldiers, while the guy who ratted on him would be dubbed `weak’ and transferred to latrine cleaning duty for the next three years.”

    Chris Parry actually advocated attacking “negros” and blaming the republicans for it. See this post at the Daily Kos by “hollywoodoz”, who is in reality, as proven below Chris Parry of the Vancouver Sun. See it here: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/9/9/10324/92702

  7. cassandra_m says:

    More of the usual deflection from anoni.

    There doesn’t appear to be anything left at either of those links to support the fact that you don’t want to talk abut the subject of this post. Either the mods moderated the content, OR the community did. Which is sort of the point here. Liberals try not to give this kind of crap a platform. Free Republic and pretty much every wingnut site on the planet largely exist to make sure this racist crap is memorialized forever. repubs are proud of this kind of thing, I think,

  8. John Young says:

    I also condemn unequivocally any disparagement of the President’s children.

    I also condemn unequivocally any censorship that removes viewpoints, regardless of their hatred, from the discourse. It contributes to the under-information of those that can and do make rational conclusions about those holding differing views. Sometimes striking language is appropriate, to me, but never if it changes the essence what is being said.

  9. Von Cracker says:

    anoni and its conspiracy theories! lol….

    nice blame the messenger response….typical

  10. Delaware Dem says:

    Anoni…those links from Daily Kos are four years old. In internet and blog years, it is the ancient past. I said “Fuck Ohio” in December 2004, but today consider it to be a fine state.

  11. pandora says:

    You know, anoni, when I discipline my kids I never let them get away with blaming someone else. You know, the “But Mom, he/she did it too.”

    What is really disturbing about these comments on FR and elsewhere is their frequency. I haven’t heard so many racial slurs since the 60s. Also, while there’s always been white supremacy groups they’ve always been on the fringe. Their teaming up with conservatives – and in some cases being welcomed with open arms – greatly concerns me… and validates them.

    And yes, they do have freedom of speech, but not freedom from criticism. Really wish people would stop confusing the two.

  12. anoni says:

    hmm four years ago… that must mean it’s Bush’s fault

    that explain everything!

  13. pandora says:

    Pathetic, anoni. It’s the fault of who is to blame. If my kid does something wrong he doesn’t get a pass because one of his friends did the same thing. And if he did something wrong 4 years ago he doesn’t get off on some statute of limitations.

    Gee, sounds like I may actually live all these “family values” and “accountability rules” you Rs go on and on about, but demonstrate very little of.

  14. Didn’t these people get the memo — only the Palin kids can be abused in such a manner. The children of the Barack, the Word Made Flesh, and the Virgin Michelle are completely off limits.

    And for what it is worth, I find the comments in question disgusting — but i wonder how many of the comments were plants from Chris Parry and his ilk.

  15. pandora says:

    Love that selective accountability, RWR. Also, could you please show me similar comments from a prominent liberal blog that compare to these? (Think TPM, Balloon Juice, Crooks and Liars, etc.)

    I’ll await your examples. BTW, your memory is short. I seem to remember Chelsea Clinton being called the WH dog and a McCain joke asking why she was so ugly. Not only is your accountability selective, but so is your outrage. FYI: Consistency counts. And yes, I can show you many comments where I said kids were off the table, including Palin’s. Can you do the same (across party lines)?

  16. Miscreant says:

    “This is just more of the same filth we saw when Obama was a candidate and Sarah Palin turned her campaign stops into rallies where people felt comfortable making threats and racist stereotypes.”

    Like this?


    I also condemn any crude and derogatory comments about any family member of the President of the United States (all of them).

  17. Phil says:

    Why even bother with this stuff? Both sides commit racism from time to time. Everyone knows it’s terrible. Even some prominent liberals make off-handed or direct racist remarks. Just look at some of Biden’s quotes from the primary campaign.

  18. pandora says:

    I bother because I think it’s important to call out, the good and the bad – like I did here. (Please notice the date, and supply your liberal “shout out” below.)

    I guess I shouldn’t hold my breath.

  19. Who is being selective?

    I’m simply saying — either all minor children of politicians are off-limits until they do something personally to merit comment, or the children of Chairman Hope’N’Change are fair game.

    Decide, liberals — and start policing your own.

  20. MJ says:

    We have our own version down here in LSD – Bill Colley. He was bemoaning the fact that when he went to Walmart in Georgetown yesterday, there were bilingual signs and he referred to Hispanics as “those people.” But the kicker was the caller who complained about being scared to walk around Dover Mall and Salisbury Mall because of the “hip hoppers.” I just wondered why he didn’t come out and call them colored or something else.

  21. Isn’t there a recession and two wars going on?

    Let’s leave the kids alone and get moving on things which matter.

    Mike Protack

  22. xstryker says:

    Isn’t there a recession and two wars going on?

    Ignoring racism will not make it go away.

  23. Phil says:

    Here is your pat on the back pandora. ::::pat::::

    Hip hoppers could mean white kids too. The “thug” lifestyle reaches out to all races.

  24. John Young says:

    Most importantly cassandra_m: Foamy f’ing rules! http://www.illwillpress.com/

    Warning: graphic language: http://www.illwillpress.com/ZC22.html