The Stupidity of Michael Steele — Silly Stereotypes Edition

Filed in National by on July 15, 2009


Because everyone knows that black people will jump on the GOP bus of there is fried chicken and potato salad.

Can this man — representing the highest leadership of the GOP — get any more foolish?

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    They have fried chicken??? That’s it, I’m becoming ConservativeGeek. I’ll be defacing this site tonight…

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    Here is a great response for Ta-Nehisi Coates

    “And I certainly wouldn’t make that joke were a member of a party where prominent members think ‘Barack the Magic Negro’ is funny. Or in a party where prominent members belong to country clubs that exclude blacks. Or in a party where Jeff Sessions is charged with protecting white men against the scourge Puerto-Rican domination. Context, Brother Mike. Context.”

  3. anon says:

    I’ll be defacing this site tonight…


  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Oh and TNC adds some hilarious Dave Chappelle clips!! True genius…

    “If you don’t like chicken and watermelon, there something wrong with you!”

  5. The leader of the Republican National Party has as good of a grasp of history as the Mike Protack, the leader of the Delaware Republican Party.

    First point: The United States was one of the last countries to end slavery. The Republican Party was not in the forefront of ending slavery world-wide.

    Second point: The Republican Party did not change the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments. (Note, you can change the Bill of Rights by amending one the the amendments.)

    : nemski slams head against desk :

  6. liberalgeek says:

    OMG! Chappelle knows about grape juice! It truly is the beginning of the end.

  7. Phil says:

    I would show up for free fried chicken….

    If they added beer, it would be a lock.

  8. farsider says:

    Y’all should love this guy – he will destroy the republican party if he stays in through the next election cycle.