Dear Tiger Woods

Filed in National by on July 17, 2009

Dear Tiger,

Stop throwing your clubs.  You look like an asshole.  A billion dollar baby that millions of kids are watching.  I can already see the next generation of young golfers lobbing their clubs left and right, we don’t need you fueling the fire.   Be a better role model please.

Grow up,


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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    you should have signed it “a fellow role model”

  2. Joanne Christian says:

    OH great a McEnroe in the making.

  3. I’m just worried about DV giving someone else advice on how to behave.

  4. Dave M. says:

    and it is a known fact that DV’s club is much larger than Tiger’s.

  5. sillypoorperson says:

    I wish I could afford to play golf on public courses that use my tax money

  6. von cracker says:

    meh – i’ve been watching his round and still have no idea what the hell you’re talking about….conditions are horrible.

    And I wish someday that my child can too die in a war of choice, dumbpoorfuck! Which, of course, is financed on the taxpayers dime…

    But seriously, check THIS out.

    No wonder they can keep their arguments straight, or at least make any real sense in the first place. They’re paid to make you want to buy a big turd sandwich and eat it too!

    Wonder how much Protack and Burris are being paid to maintain their little portion of the bullshit armada? lol!1!1!1!

  7. sillypoorperson says:

    I think what DCB is referring to is ESPN showed TW throwing his club on their highlights from the Brittish open opening round

  8. TigerFan says:


    He is out there playing the game and alot of fans love him because he has such a passion for the game. If you dont like to watch him throw his clubs then dont watch. It’s your job as a father to teach your kids right from wrong, if you are really that worried about him being a role model for your children.

    I think there are larger problems in the world today…Find something else to bitch about.

  9. sillypoorandlazyperson says:

    I remember when I was young and could ball under I95 all year round. I used to immitate Dr. J big time. Fro and all dat. Whatever I saw him do on the court I did too!

    Without a role model around us po’folk look up to athletz. I’m so glad Tiger throws his clubs like a big baby. Now, tons of kids black, white and whatever will all be throwing their clubs on public courses spoiling the game for the uptighty almighty whitey…

    Just like tiger.

    I can’t afford golf, so I say, “throw your clubs tiger! Teach em youngin, teech em well”