Working the Refs

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009

Researched asked two sets of soccer judges to watch the same game clips. One group watched the footage on mute and the other with the sound. The refs who heard the sound called 15.5% fewer fouls against the home team. So yeah, screaming like a maniac really does help. – Wired Magazine

Republicans get it, Democrats don’t That’s why throughout the next 8 years of his presidency, President Obama will be playing every game as the “away” team.

The other side is a bunch of shrieking psychos and the “Refs” (the media) are deathly afraid of being accused of liberal bias so it is a steady diet of wingnut ranting 24/7/365.

Yes. It is that simple.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. So true. It’s a sad fact that in our society, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. That’s why the Republicans invented the hissy fit. Democrats haven’t quite perfected it yet.

  2. Suzanne says:

    hmm..maybe some of the commenters could teach them

    (ducks and runs away)…

  3. Perry says:

    The late Lee Atwater started the idea of yelling anything to further the Republican political agenda, outright lies, personal attacks, you name it, anything goes.

    Karl Rove picked up the mantra, and continues as we speak. The same lie repeated often enough becomes perceived as truth.

    Sarah Palin used the same strategy in the campaign, and the Republican base loved it and loved her for it.

    ‘Tis an amazing phenomenon, one that I would never want the Dems to exploit.

    Instead, the Dems need to push back quickly and continuously, which Obama et al were quite adept at during the campaign. Lately, they’ve lost their way in an attempt to promote bipartisanship.

    With the Repub base being what it is, there is not such a thing as bipartisanship, and Obama needs to understand that.

  4. jason330 says:

    Excellent comment Perry. You nailed it. There is something in the heart of any decent person that recoils at the thought of following the Republicans down the path of slash and burn, party-first, anti-American lunacy.

  5. Republicans invented the hissy fit??? There must be an alternative reality floating around. I have seen the crazy left my entire life. They were crazy during Nixon’s time even rioting and blowing up buildings. They were wacky while Carter was in. They were off the deep end during the Nuclear freeze and Act UP movements. They were off the walls during the first Gulf War. It took them 5 years to admit that Dukakis was a loser. They made fantasy movies about W’s assassination. Let’s just say our culture encourages conflict between the extremes. There is plenty of it on all sides. It is an American entertainment.

    Perry is right in that we are a divided people who usually talk past each other. We see the world differently. The reason there is no bipartisanship is that there is no common ground on these issues. The populations on either side demand loyalty from their representatives not consensus with the other side.

  6. Perry — you must have missed the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. That’s the only way to explain your silly claims above.

  7. jason330 says:

    David, I guess if thinking all of that nonsense helps you get through the night without going postal, then it is a good thing.

  8. callerRick says:

    “That’s why throughout the next 8 years of his presidency…”

    Don’t bet on it….try 3 1/2 years.

  9. jason330 says:

    Keep praying. McCain might turn the corner if you only pray harder.