Archive for July, 2009

Parker Should Blame Himself

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 9 Comments

Parker on the reason he dropped out: “I think any Democrat who gets placed on the ticket expects full support from people who are important to the Democratic Party, whether that be elected officials or families of elected officials or former officials,” Parker said today. “As we went through this process, it became apparent that […]

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Parker Blames Dems (Updated)

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 15 Comments

Several commenters, including UI and ‘Bulo, speculated that if Parker’s withdrawal was not due to some procedural disqualification (like not living in the district), then the prospects for a split party in the 19th SD and in Sussex County are huge. Well, it looks like the latter rather than the former: [Eddy Parker] said today […]

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QOTD: Health Insurance Nightmares

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 3 Comments

Read this story of lost insurance and then answer the following: What would you do? I would try moving to England.

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Chaos Theory?

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 13 Comments

There’s a certain deliberate chaos to the Obama Administration.  Whether we’re discussing the stimulus, health care or cap and trade, there’s a method – and the method appears to be create diversions while quietly staying on track behind the scenes.  Now, I’m not claiming this will work, but I also don’t think that statements like […]

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Best Line Of The Day!

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 3 Comments

Alberto Gonzales gets a job at Texas Tech, and TPM commenter RS dreams a little dream… Please tell me there’s at least one Texas Tech political science student with the guts to answer “I do not recall” to every test question. Maybe even “I do not recall remembering.” I do so love clever people.

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Deep thought

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 51 Comments

Rich people support this economy.

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Deep Palin Thoughts

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 13 Comments

#1 Sarah Palin gave interviews yesterday while fishing. Is she planning on spending the rest of her term on vacation? #2 Yesterday Palin said this: I think on a national level, your department of law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we’ve been charged with and automatically throw […]

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The Amazon River ….

Filed in National by on July 8, 2009 8 Comments

is 11 million years old, but the Earth is only 6,000 years old. So how do our idiotic theocratic conservatives reconcile this? I suppose the Amazon River was just floating through deep space for 10,994,000 years until God picked it up and put it on the Earth, right? Makes sense.

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GOP Base Still Supports The Quitta From Wasilla

Filed in National by on July 7, 2009 4 Comments

According to a USA Today poll, two-thirds of Republicans want Palin to become “a major political force in the future”. For you math-impaired, two-thirds of 21% of the electorate that calls themselves Republicans is only 14% of the electorate. That’s right 14% of the American electorate is down-right crazy.

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Breaking: Eddy Parker Unable to Run

Filed in Delaware by on July 7, 2009 19 Comments

Brian Shields tweeted that Parker (the Dem candidate for Adams’ seat) is unable to run.  No details yet. UPDATE by Delaware Dem: Geek and I posted at the same time. Here is my post. Eddy Parker, chosen by 1 vote over the late Thurman Adams’ daughter last week at a Democratic “Meet the Candidates” meeting, […]

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Let’s Take a Look at the Ledger

Filed in Delaware by on July 7, 2009 26 Comments

I got an email from Dave Burris this morning with the press release from the Caesar Rodney Institute telling me about their newest tool.  Delaware Spends is an online tool (with cool web 2.0 features) that will help make it easier to see where money is going.  Essentially is is an online checkbook ledger with […]

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Analysis Shows Bankruptcy Tied To Wage Garnishment

Filed in National by on July 7, 2009 5 Comments

The Associated Press has done an analysis of bankruptcies and discovered that five states have significantly lower rates (-40%) of bankruptcy: Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Florida. All of the states have laws that limit wage garnishment to collect debt. States that allow debt collectors to seize consumers’ wages have sharply higher bankruptcy […]

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Congratulations Senator Franken!

Filed in National by on July 7, 2009 6 Comments

Sworn in by VP Biden: [youtube][/youtube] Love all the applause at the end.

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