Archive for July, 2009

Calls for Book Banning and Book Burning in Wisconsin

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 9 Comments
Calls for Book Banning and Book Burning in Wisconsin

Another fight started by more folks who want the government to control the media available to you. This is Wisconsin, not the Swot Valley, mind you:

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Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 10 Comments
Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

Let’s do some math. Take Paul Stanley a Republican State Senator from Tennessee and add some good ol’ Christian values and what do you get? A southern Christian Republican politician boffing a 22-year-old intern and taking snapshots for his scrapbooking workshop. Oh, by the way, Stanley’s first wife — yes, he’s been married more than […]

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Frightening on so many levels

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 60 Comments
Frightening on so many levels

I’m speechless.  They just make up memo’s so they can/could break the law. “The president has ample constitutional and statutory authority to deploy the military against international or foreign terrorists operating within the United States,” the memorandum said. The memorandum — written by the lawyers John C. Yoo and Robert J. Delahunty — was directed […]

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Mike Castle Taking Credit for Another ARRA Project Here (Updated w/ DL Graphinator)

Filed in Delaware by on July 25, 2009 9 Comments
Mike Castle Taking Credit for Another ARRA Project Here  (Updated w/ DL Graphinator)

While looking for links to the DNREC info on the denial of the permit, this is what I found (complete with supersized stunt check) : This was for an announcement by Gov. Markell of Wasterwater project funding by the Recovery bill. I don’t think that this incident of Mike Castle showing up to help take […]

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Filed in Delaware by on July 25, 2009 14 Comments

Am I allowed to call a cop an asshole on my property?

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QOSM (Question of Sunday Morning)

Filed in National by on July 25, 2009 6 Comments

Should the Army be allowed to arrest US citizens? Ist the Army allowed to arrest US citizens?

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Around the Horn — July 24, 2009

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 21 Comments
Around the Horn — July 24, 2009

Sorry this post is late today. I simply got destroyed at work today, putting out a fire everywhere I turned, as result of a business trip to Dallas, Texas earlier in the week.

The big story of the week was MIKE CASTLE vs. THE BIRTHERS, otherwise known as the Base of the Republican Party.

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Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 19 Comments

Some links to carry you into the weekend.

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Deep thought

Filed in International by on July 24, 2009 17 Comments
Deep thought

Remember when they measured O’s performance against the Dow?  Well, for the first time in 10 years it was up 12 days in a row….guess he is doing an awesome job!!!!  I knew it!

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DNREC Denies Delaware River Dredging Permit

Filed in Delaware by on July 24, 2009 1 Comment

Don’t know when this was released, but the Press Release announcing the denial of the river dredging permit showed up in my email this afternoon. A key bit from the letter to Col. Tickner:

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Republican Evangelist Convicted on 10 Sex-Abuse Counts

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 27 Comments

When are Christians going to stop being persecuted in this country? If you are a rich white male Christian in this country you might as well just hang it up. The cards are stacked against you. “I’m just another one of the prophets that went to jail for the Gospel,” Alamo called to reporters afterward […]

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The Guide To Republican Excuse-Making

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 14 Comments

Whenever a Republican gets caught doing something wrong, he or she and their apologists are always ready with an excuse. Here’s a handy-dandy guide to Republican excuse making.

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The Spice Girls

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 2 Comments

They were awesome.

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