Archive for July, 2009

Comment Rescue Paul Clark – If Not Crooked Than What? Stupid? Crazy? All of the Above?

Filed in Delaware by on July 24, 2009 3 Comments

I have to cop to not being as up on all of this Paul Clark stuff as I should be. Nancy is up on it though and it seems that there is still plenty to investigate regarding […]

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Working the Refs

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 9 Comments

Researched asked two sets of soccer judges to watch the same game clips. One group watched the footage on mute and the other with the sound. The refs who heard the sound […]

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Things That Are Normal in The Paul Clark Home

Filed in Delaware by on July 24, 2009 17 Comments

– Positioning the ottoman over dog pee is the same as cleaning it up. […more…]

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Birthers Causing A Problem…For CNN?

Filed in National by on July 24, 2009 31 Comments

CNN’s Lou Dobbs is a crazy birther. Jon Stewart ridicules him, while CNN repeatedly debunks the birth certificate nonsense.

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All of this has happened before, and it will happen again.

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 22 Comments

When a Democrat or liberal does it, it is pure evil and unforgivable. When a conservative or a Republican does it, it is protected free speech and those criticizing it are tyrannical despots intent to demonizing dissent.

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Donviti PSA #1

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 1 Comment

I don’t recall

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They Just Can’t Help Themselves

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 38 Comments
They Just Can’t Help Themselves

Tea party activist and neurosurgeon Dr. David McKalip thinks a picture of Obama depicted as a witch doctor is “funny stuff.” He thought it was so great he sent it to his fellow tea partiers.

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Castle Booing Overshadowed Beckham Boo filled Return to Galaxy

Filed in International by on July 23, 2009 1 Comment

The BBC reports that Beckham was not forced to recite an oath of loyalty to the flag of the United States of America. David Beckham insists he is staying with the LA Galaxy despite a hostile response from some fans to his return. The England midfielder was booed by sections of the crowd at his […]

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Blue Dogs Raking It In and Sticking It To The Poor

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 10 Comments

The Blue Dog Democrats coalition has raised more money than any other PAC in 2009. Somehow, coincidentally, the Blue Dogs are the ones holding up healthcare reform. I’m sure there’s no relationship.

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Deep Quality of Life Thought:

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 6 Comments
Deep Quality of Life Thought:

Trees work. If anyone has been in Dover lately and seen the mature pin oaks that were planted 20 years ago, it is obvious that trees can have a huge impact on quality of life. (Photo stolen without permission from Mike Mahaffie’s flicker file.)

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‘Non-Partisan’ Health Care Research Group Owned By…Health Insurance Company

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 23 Comments

The Washington Post blows the whistle (and a hearty Tip of the Sombrero to Americablog for picking it up): The political battle over health-care reform is waged largely with numbers, and few number-crunchers have shaped the debate as much as the Lewin Group, a consulting firm whose research has been widely cited by opponents of […]

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Drinking Liberally – Sussex Edition

Filed in Delaware by on July 23, 2009 17 Comments

It’s finally arrived.  Drinking Liberally comes to Sussex County – and I’m hoping (given all the comments in the past regarding location) there will be a big turn-out! When:  Thursday, July 30th Where: The Purple Parrot, 247 Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth Beach, DE.  We will meet on the patio. Time: 7:00 p.m. And just for fun… […]

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Bill Tells Women Seeking An Abortion To Get A Permission Note From The Baby’s Father

Filed in National by on July 23, 2009 42 Comments

I really wish I were kidding. State Rep. John Adams (R-OH) has re-introduced radical legislation that would prevent a woman from having an abortion until she gets written consent from the biological father. As proposed, the bill triggers criminal penalties against women for “providing a false biological father.” Adams says the “first-degree misdemeanor” would be […]

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